Dear Friends,
We just returned from Florida, where we shared the word almost every day for two weeks. It was encouraging to see so many younger people in attendance and we were thrilled to meet several families personally who watch the program daily as part of their home-schooling. By the time you get this letter, we will have spent a few days at home and then gone on to Chippewa Falls Wisconsin to participate in teaching at a weekend retreat there.Many of you have asked about how the cattle coped with the ice storm that we had in January. Since they had not started calving yet and it was not too cold, about 29 degrees with very little wind, it did not seem to bother them much at all. However, we were without phone and electricity for eight days which meant the office was shut down and the girls got way behind. Everything is looking up now and Greg is busy with the ranch from morning to evening with new baby calves arriving daily. We continue to praise the Lord for your prayers and faithful financial support.
The following is a catchy tune that folks have been singing at the Oceola Retreat for several years now. Bob Juneau wrote it for Les and we thought it would be fun to share a couple of verses with you.
He’s out on his tractor for most of the day cutting and baling the hay;
Still finding time to take our calls, our letters he reads every day;
Will there be critters in heaven one day, I don’t think it’s possible;
For cows to get saved, though I know of a few that can probably recite the gospel.
What does the book say -What is it saying to me;
What does the book say - This is the key......It’s settled for me.
Les with his two favorite things, The Word and his cattle.
As most of you know, I am Les’s daughter and I was the office
manager until September 20th of 2004, when I was thrown
from a horse into a fence and broke my neck. I am now quadriplegic
and I have had several callers ask me if I get angry with
God. I can honestly say that I have had a wide gamut of emotions,
but anger with God has not been one of them. How could I be
angry with God? It is not God who brings about the bad things that
this world has to offer. Satan is the prince of this world and always
is the one who is to blame. Yet I realize that God allows things to
happen (as we see in the book of Job) and we also know that God
has a reason for everything that happens in the life of one of his
children. I have to feel that for some reason that I do not understand,
God knew I could bring more glory to him by being in a
wheelchair than by being normal. Of course I feel like I am not
doing near the work for God that I was doing before, but once
again, Isaiah 55:8 and 9 comes to mind, that His thoughts and
ways are higher than ours. We cannot understand the mind of
God, nor do I think we should even attempt to. As His children, we
should be able to have the peace that passes understanding and
rest on the knowledge that this life is but an eyewink compared to
eternity. In honesty, yes, some days I get kind of down in the
dumps, but when I stop and think about all the good things to be
thankful for and most especially that I have a God who made my
salvation sure and that I have the hope of the rapture; that is usually
enough to help me get my priorities straightened out. I have
so much to be thankful for and I’m so happy that I can help, even
though in a limited capacity, with the ministry. I enjoy answering
the phone and staying involved in God’s work. I appreciate everyone’s
prayers and ask that you continue to keep me and my family
in them.
First we would like to thank everyone for their patience with us
during and after the January ice storm that put the office out
of commission for an entire week. Lingering problems with
the telephone may also have been a hindrance to some of you in
trying to call in orders or questions, and we apologize for any problems
this may have caused. We realize it is also sometimes an exercise
in patience in trying to reach Les with a Bible question or comment,
occasionally taking several tries. Les and Iris have been traveling
and they work very hard when they come back home to return
phone calls as well as catch up on their mail. I think most of you
would be amazed to know how many hours of Les and Iris’s day are
spent at these tasks.
Question: We have had numerous people continue to ask
about the Sabbath, so we are doing a reprint in response to
the question, “Does God require us to keep the Sabbath?”
Answer: In the beginning, after 6 days of creating and bringing
Adam on the scene, God rested the 7th day.There is nothing in
scripture to indicate that Adam, or anyone else, kept the Sabbath. It
was never mentioned until God gave it to Israel as part of the
Covenant of Law. Then, it was to be a day of rest for man and beast
alike.It was a sign between God and Israel (Exodus 31:12-17).
Since we are under Grace and not Law, the Sabbath Day has no
place in our experience. It, with all the other ordinances and laws,
was crucified with Christ. (Colossians 2:14)Never was the Sabbath
changed to Sunday. The first day is never called the Sabbath. It was
merely the day, in view of the resurrection, that the early church
came together. (I Corinthians 16:2 and Acts 20:7)Romans 14:5
and 6 make it plain that no one day is to be above any other. But,
our Lord is our all-in-all, seven days a week, not just one.
(Colossians 2:16 & 17)
Cable viewers look for “Through the Bible with Les Feldick” on your ion (formerly PAX) station Monday through Friday. Check your local listing for the channel at the following times: 7:30 a.m. Eastern and Central and 6:30 a.m. Mountain and Pacific.
Direct TV subscribers will find Les on ion channel 255 Monday through Friday at the following times: 7:30 a.m. Eastern, 6:30 a.m. Central, 5:30 a.m. Mountain, and 4:30 a.m. Pacific.
The current program will air on Direct TV WHT channel 321 Sundays at 12:30 am Eastern and Saturday at 11:30 pm Central, 10:30 Mountain, and 9:30 Pacific time.
redemption: The process of buying back something lost. Paying the price. We are redeemed by His blood.
justification: God declaring us just as if we had never sinned when we believe the gospel.
election: God’s foreknowing that we would become a believer. I Peter 1: 1&2
faith: Taking God at his word. Believing what he has said.
love: Seeking another’s highest good.
grace: Unmerited favor. Everything that needed to be done was done on our behalf.
sin: The inherited nature from Adam.
sins: The acts. Transgressing, missing the mark.
propitiation: The sacrifice plus the place of sacrifice. So everything in the tabernacle was a picture of Christ.
* Local Class Notes: *
There will no longer be a McAlester class.
For those of you who are conducting Home Bible Studies, don’t forget the refreshments. It will make a real difference!
Here’s an easy three point recipe that Iris has used many times for class. It’s always popular and goes great with coffee. YUM YUM
1 - 12 oz. package of chocolate chips (melted in micowave.)
1 - Large package of Chow Mien Noodles.
1 - cup of Spanish peanuts.
Mix noodles and peanuts into melted chocolate. Drop by teaspoons onto wax paper and refrigerate until solid. Remove from paper and serve. Extras can be stored in airtight container.