Through the Bible with Les Feldick

Oct - Nov - Dec 2000

Dear Friends, Again, this little newsletter is an opportunity for Iris and I to share with you some of our blessings. Our seminars in Ohio, Pennsylvania and North Carolina were thrilling to say the least. Everyone asks if we get tired. How can we? Until about the second day after we get home, then it hits like jetlag. It was so good to see folks we had met before, and a host of new ones. We thank the Lord for every one of you - your hugs, your prayers and, yes, your financial help. It is humbling. We are also greatly encouraged by the number of kids who watch our daily program.


Our Cruise to Alaska was an incredible experience. The breathtaking views and wonderful fellowship were so memorable (see our Alaska cruise group picture at right). We are planning an Alaskan Inside Passage Cruise for August 10th, 2001. Please call for a brochure and plan to join us in seeing some of God’s splendor and creation.


Secretary's Note: Please indicate on your envelope or on your letter or check the call letters of the station you watch Les on; or if you watch via satellite, is it Sky Angel, World Harvest (LeSea), or INSP? - and the day and time you watch (example: "I watch KPXM TV Channel 47 Monday at 6:30am"). Thank you. Have a glorious Autumn. See you in the air, if not before -Kim.

What In The World

We certainly do not ascribe to sensationalizing prophecy to get the world’s attention. But, recent events (late August and early September) certainly give us cause for thinking the trumpet call that will cause the believer to be ‘caught up’ is probably nearer than most would like to believe. Ted Turner and the United Nations just hosted a gathering of 2,000 religious leaders from every belief system in the world, except the Dalai Lama and Evangelicals. Their Agenda was the formatting of a one-world religion that would discourage hate and murder of human beings (except Christians?).

Almost concurrently, Mr. Arafat, speaking to the 16-member committee of the Organization of the Islamic Conference asked the International Community (read Western Europe) to pressure Israel into permitting the Palestinian State with East Jerusalem as its Capital.

At the same time, Israel’s new foreign Minister Schomo Ben-Ami, is visiting European capitals to urge them to go slow in agreeing to a Palestinian State at this time. Why Europe? The E.U. is the largest donor to Arafat’s Palestinian Authority. Everything is falling into place. The fuse in the Middle East is burning ever closer to a horrendous war, but I feel before that happens the rider of the White Horse (of Revelation 6:2) will come supernaturally on the world stage and bring about the 7-year treaty of Daniel 9. But, our Blessed Hope of Titus 2:13, is timed by II Thess. 2:3. That day (the 7-year treaty) cannot come except there be a departure first. Do you see how close we are getting'? Are you looking for His appearing? It is the easiest crown to earn. II Timothy 4:8.

Questions & Answers

We continue to get questions concerning tithing and keeping Saturday Sabbath. It must be the end time deception that we are warned to avoid. When I show clearly from the letters of Paul that we are not under the law but under Grace, I get a response like, "But the Saturday Sabbath goes back to Genesis 2 when God rested."

Abraham gave titles of all in Genesis 14. He began circumcision in Genesis 17. Now, all three of these were incorporated into the Mosaic Law. Consequently, all 3 were set aside when God opened the windows of Grace and set us free from the Law. So, the early church moved the day of rest and worship to the resurrection day. Not the day of the Sun as some foolish arguments try to put it.

When the Church, which is His Body, is complete, God takes it out of the way by calling it up to meet Him in the air, and with the advent of the 7-year Tribulation the law will once again be in effect. Matthew 24:14, Revelation 12:17. Compare Romans 6:14b.

Relevant Scriptures:

SABBATH: Romans 14:5 - One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind. I Corinthians 16:1 & 2 - Now concerning the collection for the Saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye. Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come. Colossians 2:16 - Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an Holy day, or of the New moon or of the Sabbath days. Acts 20:7 - And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow, and continued his speech until midnight.

TITHING: II Corinthians 8:12 - For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. II Corinthians 9:7 - Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

Paul never uses the words Sabbath (except in Colossians 2:16, above) or Tithe in any of his Epistles.

Letters From Our Friends

--Your ministry is truly a blessing. My 75 year old father-in-law watches you daily and copies the messages from your Web site. Last count he had well over ten notebooks full. His interest has turned from family genealogy to God's Word - only God could do this. We were never able to discuss Spiritual things until I told him about your program and how much I thought he would like it -boy did he like it! This quiet slow-spoken farmer relates to you and God is using this to challenge his thinking about His Word. IN

--Your ministry sure is growing. What a glorious work bringing the Word alive for so many. I thank the Lord for the day the Bible was brought to life for me, and pray for you and yours always. IN

--I feel so blessed by God to have found your program! In the beginning I thought it was an accident, but then I realized after watching only a few shows, that God wanted me to understand ACTS the book that I have skipped over for so long just because I didn't understand it! I have only been watching your program for about six weeks and I feel as though I have learned more in that short time than in my entire Christian life! -- OK

--We have been Christians for over 20 years, but have not had the maturity and understanding that we have had since watching you these past 3 years. It is disappointing when now we hear teaching that is not keeping Paul's ministry at the front, and mixing the message to the Jews in with it all. This work is surely Gold, Silver, and Precious Stones. We love the timeline, the circles, the "flipside," the attention you give to grammar and punctuation to keep a verse clear, comparing Scripture with Scripture, "What does the book say?" And I can't tell you how much it has touched my heart when I heard your analogy of our lives to the river with the doors along the bank. When we open the door and read the other side- WOW! -


The newsletters that are sent to reader's by regular mail always contain the upcoming seminar schedule, the TV and radio schedule, the class schedule, and the ministry's contact information. But on this web site, all of this information is kept current on their own pages at these four links. To avoid confusion, the older information that is less up to date has been removed from the newsletters that are placed on-line.

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