Okay, it’s good to see
everybody in this afternoon. We’ve got folks all the way from California to Timbuktu here today. I won’t have time to point everybody out, but we’re
just so thankful that you’ve all found your way in this afternoon. We always
appreciate the fact that you fill up the studio for us. For those of you out in
television, we just like to invite you to sit down with your Bible and a notepad
and study with us, compare Scripture with Scripture. We’re finding according to
our mail that that’s what a lot of folks are doing and learning to enjoy their
Bible! Don’t go by what Les Feldick says. Go by what the Book says. Get a good study Bible if you
don’t already have one that will give you some helps and footnotes or
references and so forth. If you learn how to study, you can spend a whole
evening, and it just goes like a snap of the finger. We’re finding that at lot
of, especially older men, I’ve said this before that we’re so thrilled that so
much of our audience is the older men that never had an interest before. They are
just being thrilled with what they have missed for so long. Well, we’re going to respond to
some of the requests of our audience. Over and over the question was asked,
“Why did you skip the Minor Prophets?” Well, at the time we were going through
the Old Testament hitting the highlights, so far as dispensationalism was
concerned. I was kind of in a hurry, I guess, to get into the New Testament.
So, I just skipped over the twelve Minor Prophets. So, we’re going to start a
look at them. Now don’t get all worried that I’ll be in the Old Testament for
months on end. We’re not going to overdo it, hopefully. But they’re not
“minor” because they’re unimportant. They’re minor only because of their
length. They’re only a chapter or two. Hosea, I think, is something like 12.
But all twelve of these little Minor Prophets are loaded with prophetic
utterances. Now, it’s kind of interesting
to note as introduction how they are arranged. They are not necessarily in chronological
order. Jonah was written the furthest back, and it’s about the third or fourth
up in the list, I guess. But Jonah was written first of these twelve Minor
Prophets, about 800 BC. Now, I know everybody isn’t as
hung up on history as I am, but I still maintain if you’re really going to
enjoy this Book, you have to get a historical perspective on the whole thing. That’s
why I’m going to be having the timeline on the board in a little bit. That will
hopefully help you see it a little easier. But anyway, of these twelve Minor
Prophets, nine of them were written before Israel was taken captive into Syria and Babylon. That means that three of them were left to be written after the Jews returned
from their captivity. Fortunately, they put them in the right chronological
order. Those little three books are: Haggai and Zechariah and Malachi. Now,
they are all written after they’ve come back from Babylon, and they end at 400
BC. If you know anything about the
Old Testament chronology between Malachi and Matthew, or the appearance of the
angel to announce the birth of Christ, how long is it? Four hundred years. We
call them the four hundred years of silence, because not a prophet appeared in Israel. There was not a single miraculous sign from God. Now, I’m always making the
point that the supernatural was almost ordinary in the life of Israel. Starting with the appearance of God to the man Abram and coming on up through the
birth and everything of the twelve sons, God was constantly intervening. Then,
of course, the most glorious and miraculous event of all the Old Testament was
the opening of the Red Sea, and then the appearance of the “cloud” and the “pillar
of fire.” Now, when you stop and think
about that, how would you like to have been living at a time when you could
stand on the banks of this Red Sea, which in all practical purposes is an
ocean, and see it suddenly open up, and it’s dry ground?! They were human!
They were just as normal as we are. Now, wouldn’t you think that that would
make such an impact on those people that they would never forget it? But they
did. Now, you see, the Apostle
Paul’s a little different. He never got over his early life. All the way
through his ministry, it plagued him how he had persecuted those early Jewish
believers. He never got over it. I think that’s one reason God chose him to
be the Apostle to the Gentiles, because he had so much horrible past to live
down that he never slowed down. For twenty-five years the man under abject,
adverse circumstances kept plodding on. But Israel? They could have
the supernatural and the miraculous take place and seemingly in forty-eight
hours they could forget all about it. That’s what is so hard to comprehend in
these Old Testament events. We’ll be looking at it more in detail when I get
my timeline back up here. Now, for sake of a little
further introduction, we’ve got the four Major Prophets that we’ve already
pretty much covered. First there are Isaiah and Jeremiah. Now, those were two
of the Major Prophets that preached in Israel. They were both pretty much in Judah before Nebuchadnezzar came in and took the Jews captive. Then we have the other two
Major Prophets which are Daniel and Ezekiel. They were written during the
captivity while they were out there under Babylonian and Persian rule. So,
their two little books are not so much admonition and warning like the rest of
prophecy, but they were more or less laying out the prophetical timeline, not
only for Israel but for the rest of the world. That’s why when I teach
prophecy I go right back to the Book of Daniel. Daniel is a fundamental
foundational book of prophecy concerning not only Israel but the whole Gentile
world. All right, now when we get into
Hosea, who, like I said earlier, is not the chronological first of the Minor
Prophets, but I guess it’s because he’s the longest. Another point I guess I
should make is that in the Old Testament scrolls that the Rabbis’ used, these
twelve Minor Prophets were considered one book. It was one book with twelve
parts. One commentary I read said it was almost like it was a symbolism that Israel is one nation but it’s made up of what? Twelve tribes. So, maybe there is a
connection here. All right, let’s get into the Book of Hosea. We’re going to
drop in at verse 1 where it says: Hosea 1:1a “The word of the LORD
that came unto Hosea,…” Now, you’ve got to stop right away, don’t you?
I feel sorry for these poor guys out in the truck. They’ve got to go back and
forth with me. I hope you realize that. And sometimes I get a little put out
that they stay too long on the Scriptures or too long on me, but we’re all
human, and we’ve got to expect those things. But anyway, when it says that “The
word of the LORD that came unto Hosea,” what does that make
this? Well, it’s the Word of God! A human instrument wrote it, but never
forget that it’s God’s Word. Okay, now let’s read and stay with it. Hosea 1:1 “The word of the LORD
that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz,
and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash,
King of Israel.” All right, now what does that tell you? That all you
have to do is go back through history and find out at what time these kings
reigned, and you’ll know when Hosea lived. Well, that was about 775 years
before Christ. About 75 years before Isaiah appeared. Now again, I’ve got my
timeline? Yes! Just like a magician. Presto. Here it is! (The chalkboard
was flipped over to the timeline while Les was reading and the Scripture was on
the screen.) All right, Abraham, 2000 BC. Five hundred years later,
approximately, we have Moses bringing the Children of Israel out of Egypt. They gathered around Mount Sinai, and they received the Law. All right, then in a
matter of about 500 years, these are all in round numbers remember, we have the
appearance of the kings of Israel. Saul. But the one we want to remember the
most is David, about 1,000 years before Christ. And then Solomon-- Now, what was unique about
Solomon? I mean, it’s so unique that I just can’t make up my mind about the
guy. What was it? Oh, he started out as a servant of God, didn’t he? He was
a servant of God. How did he end up? Steeped in the idolatry of his 900
women. Now, I cannot reconcile all that so far as his eternity is concerned.
I’m not even going to try. But, I mean, it’s hard to swallow that such a godly
man over a period of less than 40 years could go so far down the tube, as we
say. But he did. All right, when Solomon died,
what has already happened to the whole Nation of Israel, Judah and the Ten
Tribes, which we call Israel? What has already happened? They’ve already gone
into idolatry. As the leadership goes, so goes the rank and file. All right,
so now what we find is that when Solomon dies and the next pair of kings comes
in, one in Judah and one up in Samaria, they are already doing evil. They’re
being wicked because of their embracing idolatry. All right, the prophets write
from this point in time, about 900 BC, all the way up until we get to those 400
years of silence. So, they’re going to write from about 900 and then Jonah at
800 and then come some of the Minor Prophets and Isaiah and Jeremiah. They’re
going to write up until the time of the captivities, which really culminated
when Nebuchadnezzar came and destroyed the Temple and took the Nation of Israel,
for the most part, into exile in 606 BC. Now, we’ve got 600 for round number’s
sake. Then from 600 BC until about
454 BC, we’ve got the children of Israel out there in what’s present day Iraq and Iran and what have you. They come back, and then, like I’ve already explained, we have the
three prophets that write concerning the future, the coming of their Messiah. Then,
we’ve got the 400 years of silence and then the ministry of Christ, the
crucifixion, and His ascension. Then, as I pointed out when we were teaching
the little Jewish epistles remember, all of the Old Testament, the Four
Gospels, the early Acts, jump over Paul’s epistles, they’re all looking forward
to what? The Second Coming. Not a word about the Church. Not a word about a
Rapture. That’s why people can’t understand the Rapture. It’s not in any
part of Scripture except Paul’s epistles. You cannot find even a hint of it. You’ve got to stretch the
imagination to even find anything that pertains to the Body of Christ. All
right, so Sharon, when she was putting it up, she said, “Les, I’ve got to get
the Rapture in here someplace!” I said, “Well, okay, put it in here then, so
far as we are concerned, shortly before the final seven years kick in.” We
don’t know how much time will elapse between the Rapture and the appearance of
the anti-Christ. I just know that it’s got to be before. Because, as I’ve been
explaining to people lately, listen, how in the world can the Lord Jesus Christ,
who is the Head of the Body to whom we are connected, how can He join us in the
horrors of that final seven years? Well, He can’t, and He won’t. So, in order to finish what
He’s prophesied concerning Israel, what’s He going to have to do? He’s got to
get us out of the way. That’s why I adamantly stand on my pre-Tribulation
Rapture, because you can’t see the Body of Christ in those final seven years, because
that’s prophecy. That’s God dealing with Israel and not with us. So, don’t ever back down when
people scoff at the fact and say, “You mean you think you’re going to all of a
sudden be snatched out of here?” Absolutely!! When they doubt that that’s
possible, I always remind them, what did the Lord Himself say? “With God
nothing is impossible!” As I shared with someone on the phone the
other day, look up at the stars on a clear night. If God can control those
billions upon billions upon billions upon billions of stars individually, then
I have no problem that He’s going to get every one of us off the planet when
the time comes. With Him nothing is impossible! So always remember that. All right, other than that, had
Paul not come on the scene, had prophecy kept going, then Israel, of course, would have been ready for the final seven years, the Second Coming, and Christ
returning and setting up His Kingdom. But, we’re dealing back here now in
these Minor Prophets with this period of time between the death of Solomon and
the end of the Old Testament or 400 BC. All right, now remember, Hosea is
writing about 775 years before Christ. He’s about 75 years ahead of Isaiah. So,
the book is going to be filled with warning! Warning! Now, if you remember when we
taught Isaiah - how long ago was that already? A year or two. My, time goes
so fast. As I taught Isaiah I made the point that there were three distinct
times in Israel’s future that would involve a horrible chastisement from God
but then the blessing. Then time would go and there would come another
horrible chastisement. Then we jumped all the way up to the Tribulation - the
chastisement, the wrath, and the vengeance of God - but it would be followed
with the Second Coming and the glory of the Kingdom. We’ll see that that was all the
prophecy back there in Isaiah and Jeremiah, as well as these nine Minor
Prophets that were written to Israel before the captivities begin. They’re all
dealing with the chastisement that’s coming followed by the blessing. Another
chastisement followed by the blessing. A third chastisement followed then by
the eternal Kingdom. Okay, Hosea is written in a lot
of symbolism. I’m going to right off the bat set your minds straight. Even
though a lot of this language almost comes from the immoral side of the coin,
remember, we’re not talking about human sexuality. When he speaks of whoredom,
when he speaks of this gross immorality, it’s not physical sexuality he’s
talking about. It’s their going in to strange gods. That’s the adultery that
we’re dealing with here in the Old Testament. How that Israel forsook the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and went “whole hog” as we farmers put it, for
all the gods of paganism. It’s just incomprehensible. And this was God’s
controversy. Now, before I go any further,
let’s go back and see what Israel had engrained in them long before these days
came upon them. Go back with me to Exodus chapter 20 and those of you that
know your Bible, what do we have in Exodus 20? The Ten Commandments. Now, you
know I’m so Pauline and I’m always stressing we’re not under Law, we’re under
Grace, that I suppose some people think I don’t even know what the Ten
Commandments are! Well, yes I do! Oh, yes I do. And what’s the first one?
Well, this is the first one that they had to trample underfoot to go into
idolatry. What is it? Exodus 20 verse 2: Exodus 20:2-3 “I am the LORD thy God,
who hath brought thee out of the land of Egypt, and out of the house of
bondage. 3. Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” Now, is that
complicated language? No. That’s so plain a five-year-old can understand it.
Thou shalt have no other gods. Period. All right, then He enlarges on it in verse
4. Exodus 20:4-5 “Thou shalt not make unto
thee any graven (or manmade) image, or any likeness
of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that
is in the water under the earth. 5. Thou shalt not
bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God,
(Now, here is where I feel that a lot of Israel’s problems came down the pike
generations later.) visiting the
iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto (that are going to come
from) the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;” Now,
we always like, naturally, to lift God up as a God of love and mercy and grace,
but He’s also what? He’s a God of wrath. He’s a God of judgment. Israel experienced it over and over, and they just seemingly couldn’t learn. All right,
now then, jump up with me a minute to Deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4. This is
literally the cry of Israel. Now, I know as soon as you see it you’re going to
recognize it. This was literally the benchmark of Judaism. Got it? Deuteronomy 6:4 “Hear, O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD:” Now, I’ve got to stop a minute. Do you see
why the Jewish people have a hang-up with our teaching of the Triune God? They
just can’t quite equate that with this Scripture. They say, “If God is one
God, how do you New Testament believers say there are three?” Well, we’ve got to come right
back and say, well, granted, but the Three are One. That’s the whole concept of
the Trinity, that yes, they’re three persons, but they operate as one. So, I
can still agree with this verse. Absolutely! All right, so look at it again. “Hear,
O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD:” Now, look at the commandment.
Deuteronomy 6:5 “And thou shalt love the
LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy
might.” Now come back with me to Hosea. This is what I’m trying to
get you and my listening audience to do, to think like these Jews were
thinking. I’m going to consider all ten tribes…all twelve tribes of Israel as Jews. I know some people would like to say, well, no, that was just the Southern
Kingdom. No. Scripture, when you really get down to it, considers everybody
of the Twelve Tribes of Jacob as Jews. Now Israel, of course, in the
Old Testament prophecies is the Ten Tribes to the North and Judah is the Two Tribes to the South. You put the Twelve together and they become Israelites. They
become the House of Israel. They become Jews. So, never let that throw you a
curve. All right, now come back to
this concept that Israel had it drummed into them that there was only one God.
It was the God who’d performed the miracle of the Red Sea. But as I was
putting all this together in my own mind, I happened to think, and I want you
to think with me, how long was it from the crossing of the Red Sea with that
fabulous power of God exercised right in front of their eyes until they were
asking Aaron for an idol? How long? A matter of days. Weeks at the most! Here
they’re already forgetting everything that the God of Abraham had accomplished
for them. They’re telling Aaron, build us a god. And then the most amazing
thing was Aaron’s response. My land, you would have thought
that Aaron would have just hit the proverbial ceiling and said, “People, what’s
the matter with you? How can you even think such a thing?” But, does he?
No. He says, bring me your gold. Then it almost becomes a comedy after that
stupid idol is made and Moses comes and approaches him with it. What was
Aaron’s response? Well, I threw the gold into the fire and out came this calf.
Isn’t it absurd? But, you see,
that’s the human race. We’re no different today. My, when I look at the
world’s reaction to our Middle East phenomenon right now. How they sympathize
with the murderers rather than Israel. Have you noticed that? Absurd to the
extreme. I was just sharing with the studio audience before we began. I just
read in one of my news magazines the other day that one of the higher
government officials in one of the Scandinavian countries; it was either Norway or Sweden. I don’t remember which one it was. But this is how ridiculous people are
getting. He said, “Well, we’re just trying to be nice to the Muslim people so
that when they finally take over someday, they’ll be nice to us.” What a
ridiculous, absurd view. But see, the human race has always been ignorant of
the things of God. All right, Israel was no different. God left them with
their free will, of course. All right, come back to our text in the minute or
two we have left. Here in chapter 1 again verse 1. Hosea 1:1 “The word of the LORD
that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz,
and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash,
king of Israel.” So, we’ve got the whole Twelve Tribes involved. The
Ten under one King, the Two under another one. Hosea 1:2a “The beginning of the
word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a
wife of whoredoms…” I know most people immediately think that God told
him to go to some house of prostitution and find one of the girls and marry
her. No, that’s not what it’s talking about. What He’s really telling Hosea,
who is living in Judah is – Go up to the Ten Tribes of Israel, because
whoredom was their spiritual state already. They were steeped in idolatry!
Hosea probably couldn’t have found a believing Jewish girl up in Israel. They were all steeped in idolatry. So, that’s the admonition. Not to go to a
house of ill repute, but go up to Israel and find a woman or a girl that you
can take to wife. All right, so let’s set that to
rest that all through the Book of Hosea the adultery that we’re talking about
is spiritual adultery. Never forget that. And how God hates it! Can you
blame Him? Here He is - the One God of Creation. He’s the God of miracles.
He’s the God of power. He’s the God of love, the God of mercy, and the God who
provides, coming back especially now to the Nation of Israel. Then they run to
pagan idols of wood and gold and silver and stone that have nothing of what the
true God has! It’s just unbelievable. Okay, it’s good to have you
back. I guess you all got served your coffee and everything. For those of you
joining us on television, again, we thank you for being with us. We thank you
for your kind letters. My, mail time just seems to be getting better every
day. We just praise and thank the Lord for it. We thank you for your financial
help. In fact, as we noted in our newsletter, you’ve all been so good that we
were able to take on a few more stations. We’re not going to hoard the money. When
it’s available, we’re going to use it for God’s glory. You know, I always
appreciate the fact that when people come by to visit us, they suddenly realize
we don’t live any different than our neighbors up and down the road. Don’t
expect a mansion when you come to visit Les and Iris Feldick, because we’re not
into that. We’re just as common and ordinary in our lifestyle as anybody
else. We appreciate everything that you do for us, so that we in turn can
serve the Lord in what He has given us to do. All right, we’re in the Minor
Prophets. We’re starting with Hosea. For a little recap, in case we’ve got
somebody that missed our last program, Hosea writes in the same vein as Isaiah
and Jeremiah. It’s all a warning to the Nation of Israel to either come out of
their idolatry and their unbelief or God’s wrath is going to fall. As we were
just discussing at break time, that’s the way God has dealt with Israel over and over. Then after the chastisement comes the blessing. I guess it was Dick that said,
“Well, now I can’t quite figure that out.” I said, “Well, what do you do with
a kid that’s disobedient? You whip his little rear end and hope that it’ll
straighten him out.” Well, that was the way it was with Israel. She had to have a good whipping once in a while. It would have its results, and then it
wouldn’t be long and down they’d go. In fact, in the Book of Judges
that’s just what it is. It’s a roller coaster. They’ll go up to a time of
tremendous blessing and they’re obedient. Then down they go and in would come
the hard times. The enemies would overrun them, and they’d cry out. In would
come a righteous judge, and up they’d come. That’s Israel’s history. Well,
Hosea is living at a time, as we pointed out, only about 200 years after King
Solomon. The Northern Ten Tribes have already gone as far into idolatry as a
nation of people could go. Consequently then, with Hosea living in Judah,
which is still close to the Temple, so they’re not as prone to idolatry as the
Northern Kingdom. Hosea is instructed to go up to idolatrous Israel and take a wife. That’s what I pointed out then in our last half hour - he did not
go to a house of ill repute like a lot of people think the language implies. No,
he went up to idolatrous Israel to take a wife, because God is going to show,
symbolically, the future of Israel. All right, so back in Hosea
chapter 1 we’ll repeat verse 2. Hosea 1:2 “The beginning of the
word of the LORD by Hosea. And the LORD said to Hosea, Go, take unto thee a
wife of whoredoms (the idolatrous Northern Kingdom) and children
of whoredoms: for the land hath committed great whoredom, departing from the
LORD.” Now, lest you think that I am barking out of left field, let’s
go up to the New Testament a minute. I wasn’t going to do this, but
I think maybe we should. Go up to Colossians; all the way up to Paul’s little
letter to the Colossians chapter 3 verse 5. Remember from our last program we
were stressing that the very first of the Ten Commandments was “Thou
shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not bow down to them.” So, idolatry and unbelief, I
guess, are the two biggest controversies that God has with the human race. Not
just with Israel but with everyone. All right, now look what Paul writes to the
Gentiles at Colossi. In Colossians chapter 3 verse 5 and I’m making the point
why God hates idolatry. Paul, of course, is writing to you and me as
believers, and he says: Colossians 3:5 “Mortify (or put
to death) therefore your members which are upon the earth; (That
is, the members of this physical body – the appetites of it – put it to death.
And what are they?) fornication, (That, of course, is sexual
immorality.) uncleanness, inordinate (or unnatural) affection,
evil concupiscence, (In other words, just constantly thinking and
talking on the wrong side of the coin. And here it comes--) and covetousness,
which is (What?) idolatry.” Have you ever thought of
it that way? Have you ever thought of it
that coveting is idolatry? Why? When you covet, what do you show? What you
want. When you covet something, you want it. Well, why do you want it?
Because it’s almost a god to you! So, it just snowballs. All right, let’s
back up a little ways to Ephesians chapter 5 verse 5. Ephesians 5:5 “For this ye know, that
no whoremonger, (or an immoral person) nor unclean person, nor
(What?) covetous man, (See the categories, how they all stick
together?) who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Have you ever caught that before? So, why do
suppose the Apostle said that the sin that really got him to consider his
sinfulness was which one? Which one did he mention? Coveting! It’s the worst
of all. I’ve made mention of it down
through the years. You stop and think. Can you break any other of the nine
commandments without coveting first? You can’t do it. Coveting is the root
cause. That’s why God hates it so. It’s the thing that leads to idolatry.
Okay, read this verse again. “…nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has
any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” They’re not
going to be there. Now, we’ve made the point before, Paul doesn’t speak of
people going to the Lake of Fire. He just uses the other approach that they’re
not going to be in Glory. Well, if they’re not in Glory, then the Lake of Fire is their destination. All right, let’s come back to
Hosea, if I’ve established that God hated idolatry! Now, I guess I’d never
really thought of it before until I was making preparation for this the last
several months, I guess, off and on. When Israel was in Egypt, when the whole Nation of Israel had finally found their way down to Egypt because of Joseph and the food that was available, what were they surrounded with already in Egypt? Idolatry! I know when I taught Exodus and
we came to the plagues, I made the point that every plague that God brought on Egypt was one of Egypt’s gods. That’s what made it such an object lesson for the Egyptians. In
other words, when He turned the Nile River into blood, what was the Nile River in the religious life of Egypt? It was a god. They worshipped it! The flies?
They worshipped them! The frogs? They worshipped them! Practically
anything that lived and moved the Egyptians had already made into a god. Well,
that’s what Israel had been surrounded with. So you see, when they got down
around Mt. Sinai, as we mentioned in the last program, and Moses was up in the
mountain, they didn’t know what had happened to him. They’d forgotten all
about the miracle of the Red Sea. So, they come to Aaron, who was the
secondary leader, and say what? Make us a god like we had in Egypt. Oh, it…it’s insidious! Just because we’re living in a
culture that has nothing to do with gods of silver and gold and stone and so
forth, doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that can be an idol. Everything
around us can become an idol. That’s our whole materialistic situation today.
It really boils down to an idolatry that takes all the thoughts of God away
from their mind. And my, we’re seeing it all around us, aren’t we? Okay, back
to Hosea. So, he goes up to Israel, verse 3. Hosea 1:3-4 “So he went and took
Gomer the daughter of Diblaim; who conceived, and bare him a son. 4. And the
LORD said unto him, Call his name Jezreel; for yet a little while, and I will
avenge the blood of Jezreel upon the House of Jehu, and will cause to cease the
kingdom of the house of Israel.” Now, you’ve got to know your
Old Testament. Who ruled and reigned in Jezreel? Ahab and…Jezebel! Jezebel
– the most wicked woman that ever lived! She had such control over the Jewish
people of Israel that they had gone just as deep into it as she had gone. So,
what’s the warning? You’re going to be punished just as severely as she was.
Now, I’m not going to repeat on television what the end of Jezebel was. Well,
it wasn’t pretty. If you don’t know what it was, go look it up when you get
home tonight. You probably won’t sleep. But anyway, God is warning them: As
Ahab and Jehu and Jezebel – that’s what’s coming for you if you do not turn
around. Hosea 1:5 “And it shall come to
pass (God says) at that day, that I will break the bow of Israel in the valley of Jezreel.” Now today we call it the Valley of Esdraelon or even the Valley of Megiddo. It’s that beautiful valley about, oh, just a few miles north and west
of Galilee. It stretches all the way over to Mount Carmel, which is just a
little ways from the city of Haifa, which is in the news lately. But it’s a beautiful valley!
My, we stand on the high cliffs of Nazareth and look out over the Valley of Megiddo, and it is just unbelievable the beauty of that valley, especially now
that it’s been brought back into production. Okay. So, that was the whole
symbolic purpose of the birth of this first son. That he will be a picture of
the horrors of Ahab and Jezebel who inhabited Jezreel. Okay, now verse 6. Hosea 1:6 “And she conceived again,
(She’s going to have a second child.) and bare a daughter. And God said
unto him, (That is unto Hosea.) Call her name Lo-ruhamah:
(The name means - I’ll not have pity.) for I will no more have mercy upon
the house of Israel; but I will utterly take them away.” Now, before
we get judgmental against our merciful God, turn back with me to II Kings
chapter 17. Now, this Scripture makes it explicitly clear why God has to take
such stringent disciplinary action against the Ten Tribes of Israel. II Kings
17 and, oh, my goodness, I’d like to read it all. But I’m always afraid if I
read too much Scripture somebody might grumble and lose attention and so
forth. I’m just going to hit some of the highlights. Let’s drop down to verse
7. II Kings 17:7-9a “For so it was that the
children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, (the same
God) who had brought them up out of the land of Egypt, from under the
hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and had feared other gods, 8. And
walked in the statutes of the heathen, (That would be the Canaanites
after they went in under Joshua.) whom the LORD cast out from before the
children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which they had made. 9. And the
children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right against the
LORD their God, and they built them high places in all their cities,…” Now, I’ve got to stop, because
I’m afraid a lot of times people don’t stop and think. Why do you suppose
idolaters always built their places of worship on the highest elevation
possible? Have you ever thought about that? To get closer to God – wherever
He’s at! So they’d always go to a high place to worship their dead idols.
Yet they were recognizing that there was someone higher. All right, come back
again to the text. II Kings 17:9b-10 “…and they built them
high places in all their cities, from the tower of the watchmen to the fenced
city. 10. And they set them up images and groves in every high hill, and under
every green tree:” Does that tell you something? The land was covered
with idols and places of worship of those idols. What a travesty! God’s chosen
people! And the Temple is still down there in Jerusalem! Many of them
probably went down and worshipped at the Temple. Now, what does that do? That
makes it even worse! Now they’re mixing idolatry with the worship of the true
God. That’s worse than a faithful husband, after years of a loving marriage,
going and having an affair. It’s devastating. This is what broke the heart of
God. I think it wouldn’t have been
nearly as bad had they lost the Temple, forgot the priesthood, and then with no
alternative going into idolatry. That would have been one thing. But they
mixed them. Now, I’m just having a thought. What am I thinking? What are we
doing today? What are denominations and churches doing today? Same thing! You know, I’ve always used the
illustration, and I’m going to use it over and over. I used it not too long
ago in the very vestibule of a home where I was going to spend the evening. I
just had the right opening, and I shared this with them. I want every one of
my listeners to have it on the tip of your tongue, because this makes it so
plain. There is no room for argument. You’ve heard me do it, but I’m going to
do it again. In the last verse of Genesis
chapter 1, God looked at creation and what did He see? A perfect creation.
Not a flaw. There was not one speck in all of creation that He could look at
and say, “Wait a minute, I’d better…I’d better change that a little bit.” No.
It was perfect. So, what does He do in chapter 2 verses 1 and 2? Sat down!
He rested. Well, why not? There wasn’t anything else to do. Everything was
perfect. All right, now we jump all the
way up to Hebrews chapter 1. I’ll let you look at it. Oh, I wish people could
just get through their spiritual thinking that this is where it’s at. Hebrews
chapter 1 - might as well look at verse 2, because then verse 3 will be
completely explained. Hebrews 1:2a “(The God of
verse 1) Hath in these last days…” Now, I always have to stop
and remind people. Remember that Christ’s first advent was the beginning of the
last days according to the Old Testament prophecies. All right, so the God of
the Old Testament prophecies-- Hebrews 1:2-3a “Hath in these last days
spoken unto us by his Son, whom he, (God, the Triune God) hath
appointed heir of all things, by whom also he (the Son) made the
worlds; 3. Who (God the Son) being the brightness of his glory,
(He was God! He was the Creator with all the power of the Godhead. All right,
so He was--) and the express image of his person, (that is of the
Godhead) and upholding all things by the word of his power,…” Now, do we establish who Jesus
Christ was? I hope it does! The God of Creation. The God of Glory. All
right, now then, when this great God of Creation, with all the power of the
Godhead-- Hebrews 1:3b “…when he had by himself purged
our sins,…” Now, stop a minute. Where was that accomplished? At the
cross! That’s why when people jump on me as being too Pauline, how can you be
too Pauline when all you know is the preaching of the cross? I’ll never back
down. They can scorn all they want. I will never back down. It’s the
preaching of the cross that Paul is constantly emphasizing. All right, here it
is again. Hebrews 1:3c “…when he had by himself
(the work of the cross) purged our sins (What did He do?) sat
down…” Why? For the same reason he sat down in Genesis chapter 2.
The work of the cross was so perfect. It was so flawless that there was
nothing that could be corrected. There was nothing that could be added to it.
It was complete. It was all sufficient. So, He could sit down and rest. It’s
finished. And immediately, as soon as it
was revealed I feel primarily through the Apostle Paul, what’s the first thing
mankind starts doing? Mixing other stuff with it! Mixing it, mixing it! Most
of my people across the country now realize the word is - blenderize.
They put it all in the blender, and they turn it up on high, and they parcel it
out. Then they wonder why we get sick to our stomach. Now, is that a finished
work? No. It’s adulterated. It’s been adulterated
by--whatever. I don’t have to name them. All I do is create enemies if I do
that. So, I’ll let you do it. But, oh, Beloved, it was so complete. Now what
God asks us to do with that finished work of the cross is believe it! Believe
it! Believe in your heart that Jesus died for your sins, was buried,
and rose again! Then repentance will follow.
Absolutely! My, we hear it every day, where ungodly men – and I’m just thrilled
that we get so many letters from the men. Ungodly men say that when they
believed this their whole life was changed. Well, a changed life is a what?
It’s a u-turn. And what’s the u-turn? Repentance. But, can you make a u-turn
in the flesh? No way. You cannot repent in the flesh. It takes the power of
the Holy Spirit to make that u-turn. But, oh, once you make that u-turn,
everything changes. Everything is different. All right, so here we have it
that twice God did something so perfect that nothing dared be added to it. All right, now I guess I just
about forgot why I came back here. But I came back to--go ahead and turn to
Galatians chapter 1. Remember, I’m dealing with the fact that Israel was mixing idolatry with the worship of the true God of Abraham. They hadn’t
forgotten the Temple. They hadn’t forgotten the work of the priests, but
rather than traipse down to Jerusalem, they thought it was better to embrace an
idol. All right, now today we’re
dealing with the same thing. That’s why I’m here in Galatians chapter 1 verse
6. I don’t see how anybody--and I know I’ve got a lot of pastors and preachers
listening to me. I’m addressing them just as well as anybody else. Beloved,
look at what the Book says, not what Les Feldick says. What does the Scripture
say? As I said here not too many programs back, so far as I’m concerned,
Paul’s epistles could just as well be written in red, because every word he writes came from where? The
ascended Lord Jesus Christ. Never forget that. This isn’t Paul speaking his
own mind. This is Paul speaking the very words of Christ. Galatians 1:6-7a “I marvel (I’m
amazed) that ye are so soon removed from him who called you into the
grace of Christ (Out of their paganism, they’d turned their back on all
that. They had made some headway in this life of forgiveness and grace. But
then what? They succumbed) unto another gospel: 7. Which
is not another;…” These false teachers didn’t come in with something
totally different. They just said, well, that’s okay. You rest on what you
believe, but you’ve got to be circumcised. You have to keep the law. You have
to eat right. You have to do this right. That’s what you have to do. And
they fell for it. All right, now read on. Galatians 1:7 “Which is not another; but
there be some that trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.”
What’s the other word for pervert? Adulterate! Where are you, Angelo? We were
just talking about it yesterday. Adulterate means you bring in things that
don’t belong. All right, and so he says: Galatians 1:8 “But though we, or an
angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have
preached unto you, let him be accursed.” Why? Because they’re
adulterating that perfect work of the cross! And God won’t have it. Oh, they can have glowing
experiences. They can probably even have glowing testimonies. But if they
have mixed something with that finished work of the cross, I think they’re
wasting their breath. I think God’s going to be a lot more particular than
most people think. And it’s scary. Because if He has done a job so
perfectly and has made it known and we walk it underfoot, then what? Okay, it is good to see all ready
to go again. We are on program number three this afternoon in book 70. So,
we’ve been here a long time. My, we just can’t believe we’ve been doing this
for sixteen years in October. Unbelievable! How we appreciate all you folks
across the country out there in TV-land. Again, we want to thank you for your
kind letters about how the Word is impacting. Okay, we’ve got a lot of ground
to cover, so we’ll dispense with any other comments and get right back into
Hosea. Hosea, for those of you here in the studio audience, we’re in chapter
1. Let’s jump back in at verse 7. Hosea 1:7a “But I will have mercy…”
Now you see, whenever God expresses His wrath and His vengeance and His
judgment, He also shows the other side, which is His mercy. Here we have it
again. That even though He’s going to have to bring chastisement upon the
Nation and He will utterly take them away, yet He says: Hosea 1:7 “But I will have mercy
upon the house of Judah, (that’s the Southern two tribes, remember,
where Hosea is ministering.) and will save them by the LORD their God,
and will not save them by bow, nor by sword, nor by battle, by horses, nor by
horsemen.” But rather by His own intrinsic Sovereign power. Now, let’s be reminded that the
Southern Kingdom lasted about a hundred years longer than the Northern Kingdom.
Israel, the Ten Tribes, will be overrun by the Syrians about a hundred years
before Judah goes under the hand of the Babylonians. Now I don’t think, if I’m
remembering correctly, I did not really finish our verses back there in II
Kings. I’m going to bring you back here again, if I may, so that you see why
God’s patience ran out with the Ten Tribes that we are now calling Israel. For some reason or another I
digressed. I guess that’s when I jumped up to the New Testament, wasn’t it?
All right, come back with me to II Kings. I want you to see why God’s hand of
chastisement came upon these Ten Tribes of the North. All right, we were in
verse 7 of II Kings 17. II Kings 17:7-8 “For so it was that the
children of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them
up out of the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh king of Egypt, and
had feared other gods, 8. And walked in the statutes (or the religious
rituals and systems) of the heathen, whom the LORD cast out from before
the children of Israel, and of the kings of Israel, which they had made.” Now, I made comment in the last
program that as the leadership goes, so goes the Nation. It’s the same way
today. If you have a corrupt leadership, the nation is going to go right down
with it. All right, now verse 9. Here we get to the crux of the problem. II Kings 17:9a “And the children of Israel did secretly those things that were not right…” We covered that in the last
lesson - verse 10. II Kings 17:10-12a “And they set them up
images and groves in every high hill, and under every green tree: 11. And there
they burnt incense in all the high places, as did the heathen whom the LORD
carried away before them; and wrought wicked things to provoke the LORD to
anger: 12. For they served idols,…” I think that’s where I jumped up to
the New Testament. All right, now let’s jump in to verse 13. II Kings 17:13a “Yet the LORD testified
against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets,…” Now, I had a
thought as I was studying this. Where’s the priesthood? Well, they’re not
much better than the rank and file. So, who does God have to use to preach to Israel, common ordinary men, the Prophets. Have you ever thought of that before - that
none of the Prophets were priests? I never had. They were totally separate
from the priesthood. Now, the priests were
religious. They carried out all the Temple worship, but in heart and mind they
were just as idolatrous as the people. But here we have that little remnant of
Prophets that God raises up to warn the people that if they do not change, if
they don’t repent of their idolatry, this is what’s coming. All right, go back
into verse 13. II Kings 17:13 “Yet the LORD testified
against Israel, and against Judah, by all the prophets, and by all the seers,
saying, Turn ye (Now that’s repentance.) from your evil ways, and
keep my commandments and my statutes, according to all the law which I
commanded your fathers, and which I sent to you by my servants (not the
priests) the prophets.” Amazing, isn’t it? II Kings 17:14-15a “Notwithstanding they
would not hear, but hardened their necks, like to the neck of their fathers,
that did not believe in the LORD their God. 15. And they rejected his statutes,
and his covenant that he made with their fathers, and his testimonies…” Now
verse 16, I’m doing this for sake of time now. II Kings 17:16 “And they left all the
commandments of the LORD their God, and made them molten images, (In
other words, they melted down the metals.) even two calves, and made a
grove, and worshipped all the host of heaven, and served Baal.” Do you see what they are
doing? It wasn’t even the idols that they made out of whatever it was, but
they worshipped the moon, they worshipped the sun, they worshipped the
mountain, and they’d worship a tree. Anything to fulfill their idolatrous
desires! It’s just beyond me, and I imagine it is for most of you. But this
was Israel! Now, we’re not talking about the Babylonians! We’re not talking
about the Syrians. We’re talking about Israel, the chosen people. Isn’t it
unbelievable? And yet, you know, as I told
somebody at break time or before we started this afternoon, in my own mind’s
eye, even though I have no scriptural basis to do so, who do I have to compare
with Israel? The United States of America - because we have been so blessed
spiritually. The whole purpose of our founding fathers to come over here was
to get away from the heavy hand, not of politics, but the heavy hand of what?
Religion! On that basis our forefathers established this nation on the Word
of God. Whether they were all born again believers or not is to me moot. They
rested on the Word of God. I always like to rehearse what
I read years ago. When they were trying to pound out our Constitution, being
representative of everybody in the country, some of the big states like Pennsylvania and Virginia were kind of heavy handed over the smaller states like Rhode Island and maybe some of the New England states. So, what was the fear of the small
states? Well, they wouldn’t have a voice in government. That was one of the
most crucial things that our founding fathers had to hammer out. But as this writer put it, and
I have to depend on what people say, that when they got at loggerheads, the big
states like Virginia and Pennsylvania would not just overrun the small states,
they would dismiss. They would go to prayer rooms and those men were not
ashamed to get down on their knees and pray and ask for wisdom. They’d come
back to the convention hall and they would pick up where they left off. That
was how our Constitution was finally hammered out. Now, what are we seeing today?
They don’t even want the name of God on our currency. They don’t want it even
spoken in the Pledge of Allegiance. They’re making so much noise that
government people are starting to listen to them. And it’s frightening that
we’re going down the same road. We’ve been so blessed, and we’re turning our
back on it. So, as we go through all these teachings in the next several
programs in these Minor Prophets, do like I do. Just make the parallel, even
though scripturally I can’t say that, but just on the basis of common sense and
what we know of our own national history, my, aren’t we in the same kind of a
situation? All right, back to II Kings -
why did God finally permit the Syrians to come in and overrun them and take
them out? All right, verse 17, now this was getting pretty low. We covered
this when we studied Isaiah. II Kings 17:17a “And they caused their
sons and their daughters (their little infants) to pass through
the fire,…” In other words, they offered them to the “fire god,
Moloch.” You remember I pointed out when we were in Isaiah that they named the
valley The Valley of Drums, because they were beating the drums to drown out
the cries of their little ones. Horrible! Horrible! Now, these weren’t
pagans. These were Israelites. II Kings 17:17-18 “And they caused their
sons and their daughters to pass through the fire, and used divination
(satanic power) and enchantments, and sold themselves to do evil in the
sight of the LORD, to provoke him to anger. 18. Therefore, the
LORD was very angry with Israel, and removed them out of his sight: there was
none left but the tribe of Judah only.” And of course Benjamin was with
them. So, the Ten Tribes to the North, now, are who we’re dealing with. But, Judah also is heading down that same road. They’re going to go out, like I said earlier,
75 or 100 years later. II Kings 17:19-20 “Also Judah kept not the commandments of the LORD their God, (Even Judah with the Temple in their
midst) but walked in the statutes of Israel which they made. 20. And the
LORD rejected all the seed of Israel, and afflicted them, and
delivered them into the hand of spoilers, (That is invaders.) until
he had cast them out of his sight.” Isn’t that sad? No longer God’s
People. No longer His chosen. He cast them out. Now, verse 21: II Kings 17:21-22 “For he rent (or
He tore) Israel from the house of David; and they made
Jeroboam the son of Nebat king: and Jeroboam drove (or led) Israel from following the LORD, and made them sin a great sin. 22.
For the children of Israel walked in all the sins of Jeroboam which he did; (There
again, like I said, as the leadership goes so goes the masses.) they
departed not from them;” God took it with mercy and compassion and
pleading and they would not and finally the day came. II Kings 17:22b-23 …and they departed not
from them (their sins), 23. Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.” Now remember, Israel here is the Ten Northern Kingdoms – the Ten Tribes of the North. So, “Israel was carried away out of their own land to Assyria.” So, Sennacherib was, if I’m not
mistaken, the king that came in and took the Ten Tribes. Now, I always have to
make a point. You know that there’s been teaching over the years as false as a
$3.00 bill saying that the Ten Tribes that were supposedly lost became the
people of Western Europe and Scandinavia. Well, number one, the Ten Tribes
were never lost. By the time that Ezra and Nehemiah come back from the
captivities, all the Tribes are represented. So, what happened? Well, I
haven’t got time on the program like I’d like to, but if you will do this on
your own. You go back and research the civil wars between Judah and Israel. They had civil war just like you are seeing in Iraq today. The Southern Kingdom
actually set up an array of military against the Ten. Well, numbers alone will
tell you, what’s it going to be? How many troops can two tribes provide
compared to ten? Well, the number of the first civil war was something like
300,000 from Judah, but the Ten Tribes of Israel had 1,300,000. Naturally,
they just wiped them out. Well, when you go about ten
years later, if I remember correctly, they have another civil war and the
numbers are about even. They both have about the same. Then you go thirty
years later and they have another civil war. Now, Judah has one million some
hundred thousand and Israel’s army was like a little flock of kid goats. Well,
what in the world had happened? Well, they’d been migrating. Common sense will
tell you that. The Temple was down in Judah. They’d probably had more
prosperity down there. So, the people of the Ten Tribes to the North were
migrating down into Judah, so that by the time Sennacherib comes in and takes Israel captive, hey, it was probably only ten percent of the whole. So, don’t ever buy
into that teaching that the Ten Tribes to the North were lost. No, they were
never lost. They were assimilated. Now, I’ve got a verse of
Scripture to show that, all the way up in the New Testament. Let’s jump up to
Acts a minute. Keep your hand in Hosea. We’ll come right back. But just to
prove my point that the Ten Tribes of the Northern Kingdom were never lost,
come all the way up to Acts chapter 2. We have Peter on the day of Pentecost.
Acts chapter 2 verse 36, just to make my point that the Ten Tribes were never
lost. If I had time, I could show you that even in Ezra and Nehemiah it’s
referenced that all Israel came back from the captivity. All the tribes
were represented. But look what Peter says, verse 36. Acts 2:36a “Therefore let ALL the
house of Israel know assuredly,…” Well, who’s the whole house of Israel? Well, all the Tribes. Not just Judah and Benjamin, not just the Ten Tribes of the
north, the whole house of Israel is all of them. Now, I’ve got some more
verses we’re going to look at here in just a minute, but I’m running ahead of
myself. Come back to Hosea verse 8. We’re still dealing with Hosea and the
wife that he took out of idolatry from the North. Hosea 1:8-9 “Now when she had weaned
Lo-ruhamah, she conceived, and bare a son. (Now remember, she had a son
and then a daughter, and now she has another son.) 9. Then said God, Call
his name Lo-ammi: (which meant not my people) for ye are not my
people, and I will not be your God.” Now, you see all the symbolism
here? The first child was the result
of Hosea, a prophet in Judah, taking a wife out of idolatrous Israel. The first child came and it was an indication of the blessings that would one day come upon
the Nation of Israel. Then she has the daughter, and it was named Lo-ruhamah,
which meant there was no pity. In other words, God’s wrath would come because
of their unbelief and their idolatry. Now we come down to their third child,
and his name indicates that they are not God’s people. They have refused to
repent of their idolatry, and He turns His back upon them. But always remember, what was
the promise made way back to King David through the prophet Nathan? That even
though Israel would sin…let’s go back and look at it. I’ve got to do things
from Scripture. I can’t help it. II Samuel chapter 7 verse 14 - now listen, the
Word of God never lies. It may seem like God has forgotten what He said, but
He hasn’t. It’s still a valid promise. All right, you all got it? God says: II Samuel 7:14 “I will be his father,
and he shall be my son. (Speaking now of the Nation of Israel in a
little different form of grammar.) If he commit iniquity, I will chasten
him (I will discipline him) with the rod of men, and with the
stripes of the children of men:” What does that refer to? Invading
armies. I will chasten them with
invading armies. They’ll overrun you. They’ll take away your crops. They’ll
put you into subjection. They’ll tax you to death. Now, I want people to know
that’s what the Koran teaches, too, you know. That if the Muslims take over a
country, anybody that doesn’t succumb to the Muslim, or doesn’t convert, if
they’re not put to death, they can choose a state, which they call the dhimmi
(the d-h-i-m-m-i). What’s a dhimmi in Muslim government? It is a man with no
rights who can be taxed to death. They can come into his home and take
everything he’s got. He’s got no defense, because he’s a dhimmi. And that’s
what people want? I don’t. But that’s what the Koran teaches. It’s either
convert or you become a dhimmi. Well, now Israel was under that same thing until they started going back to their homeland. That’s why I’m
aware of all this. I’m reading the book again that I recommended in my last
newsletter, From Time Immemorial by Joan Peters. Now, it’s not an easy
read. But I’ll tell you what. It’ll open your eyes as to what caused the Jews
to return to their homeland. All right, so here we are. God
says, “I will chasten him with invading armies, and with the stripes of
the children of men.” In other words, the subjection to enemy
government and rule. What’s the first word of the next verse? “But.”
The flipside! This is God. He’s a God of vengeance, but He’s a God of love and
mercy. II Samuel 7:15 “But my mercy shall not
depart away from him, (Even though God says, you’re not my people.
Even though God says, you’re out of sight. Yet, in the heart of God, His mercy
is still waiting to be exercised. So, He says, I will not turn my mercy from
you…) as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee.” All right, now then, if you’ll
come back to Hosea. I only have a few minutes left. Now verse 10, here’s the
promise coming back on the other side of the coin. Even though he will not be
their God in verse 9, verse 10 says: Hosea 1:10a “Yet the number of the
children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which cannot be measured
nor numbered; and it shall come to pass,…” Now, when I taught the Book
of Isaiah, you remember what I emphasized? What does that mean? It’s going to
happen. Israel is not going to disappear. Oh, we’ve got this guy over in Tehran who thinks they will. He thinks he’s going to drive every Jew into the sea.
Obliterate them with “nukes” or whatever. No, he’s not. Israel isn’t going to cease being a nation. Oh, God’s going to chastise them again, but they’re not
going to cease being a nation. We’ll look at that maybe in our next program.
Okay, so reading on now in verse 10. Hosea 1:10b “…and it shall come to
pass, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people,
there it shall be said unto them, Ye are the sons of the living God.”
Well, what is that? That’s a complete reversal. Do you see that? God will
never abandon the Children of Israel. Oh, even now most of them are over there
in unbelief. And they’re going through hard times. They’re going to go
through a lot more. But, God hasn’t abandoned them. He hasn’t given up on
them. Hosea 1:11 “Then shall the children
of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, (Now, you see
it? The two Kingdoms, all twelve Tribes now.) and appoint themselves one
head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be the day of
Jezreel. (or the day of their blessings)” Now, I think I’ve got time
enough. Let’s go back to Deuteronomy chapter 30. This is an explanation of
where we are in the news today. This is the answer for the world’s dilemma.
What about these Israelites, or Israeli’s, as they are called today? What
about them? Where did they come from? Well, not like these covenant
replacement people tell us. They’re not from some tribes in the Russian
Steppes. They’re not the Czars. They’re not from some place east of the
Caucasians. But rather, there are Jews that are in Israel today. They are
just as Jewish as these people in the Scripture. Here’s my point, Deuteronomy
30 verse 1. We’ve used it before. Deuteronomy 30:1 “And it shall come to
pass, (Again, it’s going to happen.) when all these things are
come upon thee, the blessing and the curse, (See the ups and downs of Israel’s history?) which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call them to mind
(Where?) among all the nations, (Every last nation
on earth will have Jews within its borders.) whither the LORD thy God
hath driven thee,” And, you know, by 1970 that was a total reality.
There was not a nation on the face of this planet that did not have a Jewish
community. Not a one! So, this was fulfilled. They have now been scattered
into every nation under heaven. But look at the promise in verse 2: Deuteronomy 30:2 “And shalt (What?)
return unto the LORD thy God, and shalt obey his voice according to all
that I command thee this day, thou and thy children, with all thine heart, and
with all thy soul;” Now, I just told somebody on the phone, several
times in the last week or two, in light of everything that’s going on in the
Middle East and how people hate the Jew and how they think that they’re
usurpers and they have no business being there. Listen, this prophecy was
written 3,500 years ago. And it’s being fulfilled right before our eyes. But
the world can’t see that. But this is what God said thirty five hundred years
ago - you’re going to be scattered unto every nation under heaven, and then you’re
going to come home. And there they are. They can’t tell me they don’t belong
there, because God said they would. He says they will return, and then the
day would come when they would serve God with all their heart and with all
their soul. Now again, we’re going to go
right back into where we left off. We were in Hosea in chapter 1 the last
verse. Jerry’s got chapter 2 verse 1 up on the board, but I want to go back to
chapter 1 verse 11 for just a little bit, because I didn’t quite finish my next
reference that I wanted to use at the end of the last program. Hosea 1:11 “Then shall the children
of Judah and the children of Israel be gathered together, and appoint
themselves one head, and they shall come up out of the land: for great shall be
the day of Jezreel.” Or the day of their joy and restoration, as, of
course, the Valley of Megiddo can be a beautiful, beautiful setting. All right, now the key word
here that I want to follow up on is, they shall come up and be gathered
together and they will be one head, or one nation. All right, come
back with me a few pages in your Old Testament to Ezekiel 36 and 37. Let’s
look at chapter 36 first, and then we’ll slip right into chapter 37. Again,
remember that this is all written about 575 BC. We’re seeing the fulfilling of
it right before our eyes. Ezekiel 36 and drop down to verse 24. God says: Ezekiel 36:24 “For I will take you from
among the heathen, (That is like we mentioned in the other program,
every nation on the planet has had communities of Jews.) and gather you
out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land.” Now, what I can’t comprehend is
how even the most biblically illiterate can forget the fact that Jesus was born
in Bethlehem. And goodness sakes, where was Bethlehem? In present day Israel. All the Old Testament events that take place, where in the world were they? In Africa? In Europe? In the Orient? No. It all took place in what’s present day Israel. How can people be so ignorant of that? I can’t comprehend it. The last 3,000 years Israel has been associated especially with that little neck of land between the Mediterranean and
the Jordan River. And then they have the slightest idea they have no business
being there? If anybody has been there from time immemorial, it’s the Jew.
All right and here it is. Even though God took them out and scattered them
into every nation under heaven, the same God is going to bring them back. And
He has! Miraculously! I have to share with people
over and over. Do you realize what a miracle it is that the Jews have even
survived as a defined people? My, with just a one tenth of one percent of the
world’s population, you’d think they would have been assimilated and simply
disappeared. But they didn’t! Here they are. They still practice the old
Jewish customs of Passover and Purim, as we looked at in the Book of Esther,
and Hanukkah. Well land, that isn’t a phenomenon of the last ten or fifteen
years. It goes back centuries. All right, skip over another
page to Ezekiel 37 and remember why I came back here. The verse in Hosea said
that God will bring them up out of the land and make them under one head. No
longer a split nation, they’re going to be one. All right, Ezekiel 37 and
let’s drop in at verse 11. This is after the “dry bones.”
You all know that one. How the dry bones begin to shake and rattle, and they
finally come together, and flesh comes upon them. Well, it’s a picture of the
Jew coming out of their captivities, or out of their dispersion rather, from
every nation under heaven. All right, now verse 11, and you’d be surprised
how few church people understand this. They think it’s anything but what it
really is. Ezekiel 37:11 “Then he said unto me,
Son of man, these bones (in this symbolism) are the whole house
of Israel: (Not just ten tribes, not just two, but all twelve) behold,
they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our
parts.” Because they’ve been out of their homeland for so long.
They’ve been without their capital city Jerusalem. And that’s another point.
For hundreds of years what has been the cry of the Jew? Next year – what? Jerusalem! Next year, Jerusalem! You remember back in the
Six-Day War when the Israeli soldiers finally captured the Temple Mount. I’ve got a picture at home someplace where those young Israeli troops were crying
like babies because they were at the Wailing Wall. Something that I imagine
their parents and grandparents had told them about, and there they were at the
Wailing Wall. Victorious! But, oh, look at verse 12. Ezekiel 37:12 “Therefore prophesy and
say unto them, Thus saith the LORD God; Behold, O my people, (Now
remember in Hosea – God said, you are not My people. But now they’ve come full
circle and again God can say--) I will open your graves, and cause you to
come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel.” Now, the best illustration of that is when the Soviet Union fell apart. What
were the Jews able to do? Go back to their homeland. By the thousands! Yes,
by the millions. I think back in 1990, 91, and 92, almost two million Jews
came from Russia down into Israel. How did it happen? God opened the door!
So, he says: Ezekiel 37:12b “…I will open your
graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, (That is, your
dwelling places among the Gentiles.) and bring you into the land of Israel.” It’s a God-thing, Beloved! It wasn’t their own initiative. God
did it. Verse 13: Ezekiel 37:13 “And ye shall know that I
am the LORD, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up
out of your graves.” Now, come down to verse 16. Ezekiel 37:16 “Moreover, (God
tells Ezekiel to write.) thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write
upon it, For Judah, (That is representative) and for the children
of Israel, his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For
Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, (which would stand) and for all the
house of Israel his companions:” That is the Ten Tribes in the
Northern Kingdom. So, now here we have one stick
representing the Southern Kingdom, Judah and Benjamin. The other stick is
going to represent the Ten Tribes to the North. Now look what He tells them. Ezekiel 37:17 “And join them one to
another into one stick; (Put them end to end. That’s all He’s telling
them. This is symbolism. This is an illustration. Put these two sticks end
to end.) and they shall become one in thine hand.” By a miracle
of God. Now verse 18: Ezekiel 37:18-19 “And when the children of
thy people shall speak unto thee, saying, Wilt thou not show us what thou
meanest by these? 19. Say unto them, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will
take the stick of Joseph, Which is in the hand of Ephraim, (Again a
reference to the Northern Kingdom) and the tribes of Israel his fellows, and
will put them with him, even with the stick of Judah, and make
them one stick, and they shall be one in mine hand.” In other words, fulfilling
Hosea’s prophecy that the two Kingdoms would one day come up and be one and
under one king, which, of course, will be a reference to the Messiah. All
right, now come down to verse 21, because repetition is the mother of
learning. And I don’t mind repeating. Ezekiel 37:21a “And say unto them, Thus
saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen,…” Now, watch that! Who will? God will! Did He? You’d
better believe it! Because nations where there used to be large communities of
Jews haven’t got a one. Not a one. Why? Because, through the heavy hand of
God dealing with Israel’s tormentors, the Jews found their way to Israel. God did it! You know, Iris and I are always
reminded of the first time we went to Israel. Now, this is a long time ago. Israel was just coming up out of the ashes of the Six-Day War. Burned out tanks and trucks
were everywhere. We were coming out of the dining room in one of the hotels in
Jerusalem. A nice, well-dressed businessman type approached us. He said,
“You’re Americans, aren’t you?” “Yeah.” He said, “What do you think of our
little country?” I said, “Well, it’s just fabulous what God has done!” He
says, “God didn’t have a thing to do with it.” I said, “What?” He said, “God
didn’t have a thing to do with it.” He said, “We did it.” Well, I wasn’t
going to argue there in a hotel lobby, but I sure would have liked to. No.
They didn’t do it. God did it. Of course, He uses human instruments. We know
that. But, oh, the miracle of Scripture,
here way back 600 BC God prompts Ezekiel to write that God will bring them out
of every nation under heaven back to their homeland. And it’s been done,
Beloved. That’s the proof of Scripture. That’s why we don’t have to back
down. There isn’t another book on earth, you’ve heard me say it on this
program, over and over – there is not another single book on earth that can
make those kinds of statements, but this one does, and it proves itself. All
right, one verse further, and then we’ll go back to Hosea, verse 21 again. Ezekiel 37:21b-23a “…Behold, I will take the
children of Israel from among the heathen, whither they be gone, and will
gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: (The
Arabs’ land? No. It’s not what the Book says.) and bring them into
their own land: 22. And I will make them one nation in the land upon the
mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be
no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two
kingdoms any more at all: 23. Neither shall they defile themselves anymore
with their idols,…” But God says: Ezekiel 37:23c “…so shall they be my
people, and I will be their God.” Now, let’s flip back to
Hosea a minute and make a little headway. We’ll get into chapter 2 now verse
1. Now we’re going to see a little bit of the other side of the coin, if I get
far enough. I may not make it. I don’t know. But anyway, we’re still going
to see God dealing with their idolatry. Remember, that’s the whole symbolic picture
of his marrying this woman who is referred to as a prostitute, but it was
simply that she had been partaking of the adulterous worship of idols. Hosea
brings her back down to Judah. Hosea 2:1-2a “Say ye unto your
brethren, (That is to the Nation as a whole.) Ammi;
(Which in the Hebrew meant my people.) and to your sisters, Ruhamah.
(You’ve had pity.) 2. Plead with your mother, (that is the
Nation) plead: for she is not my wife,…” Now remember, Jehovah
is speaking. Hosea 2:2b-3 “…neither am I her husband:
let her therefore put away her whoredoms (Her idolatry) out of
her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts; 3. Lest I strip her
naked, and set her as in the day that she was born, and make her as a
wilderness, and set her like a dry land, and slay her with thirst.”
What’s the picture of what God’s going to do with the Nation? They’re going to
be made destitute. They’re going to be an embarrassment. All right, verse 4: Hosea 2:4a “And I will not have
mercy upon her children; for they be the children of whoredoms.” Or
again idolatry. They continue to turn their back on the goodness of Jehovah
and worship these stupid idols. A verse comes to mind. We’ve used it a long
time ago. I haven’t used it now for quite a while. Go back a few pages to
Jeremiah chapter 44. I mean, this just says it all. This says it all. You know,
like I said in the last program, I can’t help but draw a parallel between America today and Israel in these times of unbelief. We’ve been so blessed. Yet as a nation we are
turning away from God more everyday. Maybe not into abject idolatry of wood
and stone, but it’s a rejection of the things of God, that’s all. I don’t have
to enumerate what they are. Look what our major denominations are doing with
the Word of God. Unbelievable! I had one lady write from Carolina, yesterday. She said, “Les, I’ve had it!” I’ve been telling her for years to get
out of it. She said, “I’ve had it.” I’m not going to say what denomination.
She said, “I’m out. I’m out. I’ve given up on them.” Well, praise the Lord a
few are getting the idea. But see, here was the setting in Israel. Jeremiah 44 and drop down to verse 15. You’ll recognize it. We’ve used it before. I’ll
probably use it again. Jeremiah 44:15a “Then all the men who
knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods,…” What kind
of men? A bunch of wimps! That right? A bunch of wimps. They knew better.
But they just said, well, okay Honey, go ahead and worship your idol. Your
idol has been pretty good to us, I guess. I can’t read it any other way.
They permitted it. And by their permitting it, they encouraged it. Jeremiah 44:15b-16 “…and all the women that
stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of
Egypt, in Pathros, (In other words, you’ve got all these foreigners
already involved.) answered Jeremiah, saying, 16. As for the word that
thou hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, (or Jehovah) we
will not hearken (or listen) unto thee.” Now, do you get
their attitude? Can’t you just see them? These women with scorn in their eyes
say - We’re going to listen to you? Are you kidding? Jeremiah 44:17a “But we will certainly do
whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the queen
of heaven,…” Now, who’s the queen of heaven? Don’t tell me an angel.
The queen of heaven was the female goddess of whatever culture they may have
been - Astarte, Venus, and Diana of the Ephesians. Those were all female
goddesses that were referred to as the queen of heaven. Jeremiah 44:17b “…and to pour out drink-offerings
unto her, as we have done, we, and our fathers, our kings, and our princes, in
the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: (Now, look at the
next ridiculous statement. It’s no different today.) for then
(While we were pouring out drink offerings to the queen of heaven, remember.) we
had plenty of victuals, (or food) and were well, and saw no
evil.” Jeremiah 44:18-19 “But since we left off to
burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings unto her,
we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine. (We’re
destitute. We’re in trouble.) 19. And when we burned incense to the
queen of heaven, and poured out drink-offerings unto her, did we make her cakes
to worship her, and pour out drink-offerings unto her, without our men?” Jeremiah 44:20-22a “Then Jeremiah said unto
all the people, to the men, and to the women, and to all the people that had
given him that answer, saying, 21.The incense that ye burned in the cities of
Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your
princes, and the people of the land, did not the LORD remember them, and came
it not into his mind (did not the LORD bring it to mind)? 22. So
that the LORD could no longer bear, because of the evil of your doings,…”
Ah, it’s pitiful. It’s pitiful, but the human race has always been such, I
guess. Back to Hosea chapter 2, let’s
make a little headway today, anyway. Let’s hit verse 4 again and then into 5.
God is speaking now through the prophet. Hosea 2:4-5 “And I will not have
mercy upon her children; (That is of idolatrous Israel.) for they be the children of whoredoms. (Now again, that’s not physical
sexuality, it is idolatry.) 5. For their mother hath played the harlot: she
that conceived them hath done shamefully: for she said, I will go after my
lovers, that give me my bread and my water, my wool and my flax, mine oil and
my drink.” Now, in the light of Jeremiah 44 I hope you are seeing it.
Who were Israel’s lovers? The idols! You see that? Catch the symbolism.
It’s their idols; their queen of heaven that they think is providing all their
needs. Verse 6: Hosea 2:6-7 “Therefore, (God
comes back) behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall,
that she shall not find her paths. 7. And she shall follow after her lovers,
(She will keep on worshiping her gods of heaven, queens of heaven, and the
idols and so forth.) but she shall not overtake them; and she shall seek
them, but shall not find them: then shall she say, I will go and return to my
first husband; (Who was Israel’s first husband? Jehovah. Jehovah, the
God of Abraham, see?) for then it was better with me than now.” Hosea 2:8 For (Jehovah
says) she did not know that I gave her corn, and wine, and oil, and
multiplied her silver and gold, which they prepared for (Whom?) Baal.”
The false god. My, isn’t it a wonder that God put up with them as much as He
did? Hosea 2:9-10a “Therefore I will return,
and take away my corn in the time thereof, and my wine in the season thereof,
and will recover my wool and my flax given to cover her nakedness.” In
other words, all of the commodities that were necessary for communal life, God
says, I’ll just take it away.) 10. And now will I discover her lewdness
in the sight of her lovers,…” Now again, where are they practicing
these things? Before the idols. They’re bowing down before them. When we were up in Northern Israel, they had just discovered the ancient worshipping place of Dan. You
remember Dan was the first tribe of Israel that went into idolatry. When we
were there several years ago, the Israeli antiquities had just discovered and
uncovered the ancient worship place of the tribe of Dan. And that’s all it
was, just a pagan place of worship. It’s so hard to comprehend that these
Jewish people who had been brought about miraculously, and as we said earlier
this afternoon, through the Red Sea, brought down to Sinai, brought into the
Promised Land, with all the evidence of the God of Abraham around them
constantly, yet they could go into such stark unbelief. I can’t comprehend
it. I don’t think you can either. All right, now I think I’m
going to have a couple of minutes left. So, we come down to the place where
God’s wrath is going to come to the full. Hosea 2:11-12 “I will also cause all
her mirth (or her happiness) to cease, her feast days,
(See, they’re still Temple worshipping.) her new moons, and her sabbaths,
and all her solemn feasts. (They were still religious. Isn’t that
incomprehensible?) 12. And I will destroy her vines and her fig trees,
whereof she hath said, These are my rewards that my lovers (or my
idols) have given me: and I will make them a forest,
and the beasts of the field shall eat them.” Now, God says. Hosea 2:13-14 “And I will visit upon
her the days of Baalim, (In other words, the worship of Baal) wherein
she burned incense to them (her idols), and she
decked herself with her earrings and her jewels, and she went after her lovers (her
idols), and forgot me, saith the LORD. 14. Therefore, behold, I will
allure her, (In other words, I will woo her, God says, I will entice
her.) and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.”
And now, here comes the heart of God’s mercy. Hosea 2:15-18a “And I will give her her
vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor (Which is a reference to
the valley, of course, that first was judgment upon Akin. But on the other
hand, it’s going to be a beautiful valley of production in the Kingdom.) for
a door of hope: and she shall sing there, as in the days of her youth, and as
in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt. 16. And it shall be at
that day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; (That is, my
husband - her spiritual.) and shalt call me no more Baali. 17. For I will
take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be
remembered by their name. 18. And in that day I will make a covenant for
them…” Okay, it is good to see
everybody in this afternoon. I’ll have to share with our television audience
that we’ve got folks here -- I hope I can remember them all -- from Minnesota, Mississippi, Iowa, Oklahoma, of course, and Michigan. Now, did I hit everybody?
Hopefully. Anyway, we’re glad to have folks stop in when they’re -- and
there’s Texas --but you haven’t been here that long. Anyway, for all of you out in
television, we’re glad that you’ve invited us into your home or wherever you
are. Again, we always have to thank every one of you for your prayer support
and for all that goes with it. Again, we love your letters. Sometimes they’re
a little too short. Sometimes they’re a little too long, but we love them
anyway. Okay, we’re going to pick right
up where we left off in our last program, which was over a month ago, I guess.
We’re in Hosea. We’re going to be looking at chapter 2 verse 14. Now again,
for just a little bit of recap, you want to remember that these are the minor
prophets. They’re not called minor because they’re of lesser importance, but
simply because they’re shorter in content. They’re not nearly as long as
Isaiah and Jeremiah and Ezekiel. A lot of it is repetition, so bear with me.
A lot of the things that we brought out in the Book of Isaiah are popping up
again in all these minor prophets, because you see, the whole scope of the Old
Testament, from Genesis chapter 12 on, is the Lord preparing the Nation of
Israel for the coming of their Messiah, Redeemer, King, and a Kingdom. In the
time that elapsed, of course, Israel is going to go so deep into unbelief that
they will actually become an idolatrous nation. That’s what we’re dealing with
primarily in these minor prophets - their idolatry. As we pointed out in the first
chapter of Hosea, if you just read it casually, you’d think that God is
actually talking in terms of the prostitution and the houses of ill repute. But
when He tells Hosea to go and marry a harlot, He’s not talking about physical
sexuality as we’re thinking of it. It’s all in the realm of the Spirit. So,
it’s this constant reference that all of this idolatry and all of this chasing
after idols are like a man chasing after the women of the street. Always keep
in mind that we’re talking about Israel and idolatry. That was God’s number
one controversy with the people of Israel. It is unbelievable that here you
have the covenant people brought out of Egypt miraculously through the Red Sea,
brought down to Sinai, given the Law and the Temple and the Priesthood, and
then miraculously brought into the Promised Land, and then within a few hundred
years they are just as steeped in idolatry as the other nations around them. Of course, that’s why to the
casual reader God seemed so harsh way up there in Moses’ time -- when God says
to Israel to have nothing to do with those people. Don’t intermarry with them.
Then later on when He told them to cleanse the land, He even said to kill all
the men, women, and children. Well, it wasn’t because God was so
heartless. God knew that if He didn’t take idolatrous people away from contact
with His people, it never goes the good way. It always goes the bad way. This is what I tell young
people when they start dating – “Don’t ever start dating someone, boy or
girl, with the idea that you’re going to win them to the Lord and you’re going
to make them better.” Usually it doesn’t work. It goes the other way.
The same thing with Israel after all of their warnings, here we find them now,
at the time of Hosea, which is only about 300 years after King David. We’re
talking about 700 BC and David was 1000 BC, Moses – 1500 BC. But in that
relatively short period of time, the Nation of Israel has gone totally into
idolatry, with just a scattered, few true believers; and they were hated by the
majority. I mean just like today, you
folks are finding out. You take the truth of these things into a liberal
church Sunday school and they just about ride you out on a rail. That’s the
way it’s always been. Okay, let’s jump in here now, Hosea chapter 2 verse 14.
Hosea 2:14 “Therefore, behold,
(This is God speaking to the Nation through the prophet. God said,) I
will allure her, (In other words, just like a suitor.) I will
allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto
her.” Now, I think this is a reflection on their wilderness experience
after they came out of Egypt, and how God providentially watched over them and
cared for them and supplied their every need. He’s going to try and do it
again to bring them back to Himself. All right, now verse 15 is a promise of
blessing, not of discipline, but blessing. Hosea 2:15a “And I will give her her
vineyards from thence, and the valley of Achor for a door of hope:…”
Now that’s a play on words. Because the first time you heard about Achor -- who
knows what it was associated with? Achan -- it was the first city after Jericho, after they came into the Promised Land. They were told to go up and destroy the
city of Ai, which evidently was a materially well-to-do city. God told them to
destroy all the material goods. He warned them – don’t even take a nickel’s
worth of anything. But you see, Achan, a good Jew,
thought he could get away with it. You remember what he did. He took some of
the spoil, buried it, and thought that at some future day he could come back
and capitalize on it. But, you see, God wouldn’t let it go. The whole nation
was chastised for that one sinful event. So, Achor was a place of curse, not blessing.
But now, when it comes to the time of God’s blessing, He uses the valley of Achor as a place of hope. All right, now reading on in verse 15: Hosea 2:15b “…and she shall sing
there, (Now then, we’re talking about the Nation of Israel.) as
in the days of her youth, and as in the day when she came up out of the land of Egypt.” You see where the correlation is? He’s comparing their present
time now, which is, let’s see, my goodness, we’re talking about 800-900 years
after the fact, that God is still using the coming out of Egypt and going
through the wilderness as an illustration of His protective blessing. Hosea 2:16 “And it shall be at that
day, saith the LORD, (I’ve got to emphasize this is God speaking
through the prophet.) that thou shalt call me Ishi;…” Which
translated means “my husband.” In other words, God would be a husband to Israel as His wife. There again, here’s where you come to that constant correlation in
Scripture. In the marriage relationship as a husband is to wife, so God is to
His people. Now, in this case, of course, it’s the ancient Nation of Israel. But, jump with me all the way
up to Ephesians. We have that same analogy between Christ and you and me as
members of the Body of Christ in Ephesians chapter 5. I do this just to show
that all of Scripture has that same kind of a thread from beginning to end. Israel was to be like a wife with God as her husband. All right, now look how Paul puts it
for us as believers today. Ephesians chapter 5 and we’ll jump in at verse 21.
You see, the analogy is the same whether it’s for us in the Body or what was
for Israel in a national relationship under the Old Testament economy. Ephesians 5:21 “Submitting yourselves
one to another in the fear of God.” I always have to repeat, Paul
always talks or writes to one class of people. Who is it? The believer.
Never the unbeliever. All right, so to the believers there at Ephesus, or to you and I today as believers, the instruction is to “submit yourselves
one to another in the fear (or the reverence) of God.” Now,
here comes the relationship. Ephesians 5:22 “Wives, submit yourselves
unto your own husbands, (But how?) as unto the Lord.” Here
comes the spiritual connection even to a physical relationship -- verse 23. Ephesians 5:23a “For the husband is the
head of the wife, (But again what’s the connection?) even as
Christ is the head of the church:…(or the Body)” That’s
the comparison -- that a husband should have the love and concern and
protection for his wife that Christ has for the Church. And it’s such a
practical lesson. All right, read it again. Ephesians 5:23a “For the husband is the
head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church:…”
My, what a beautiful illustration. A husband should have so much love for his
wife (now just watch my wife smile!) that he’d be willing to do what for her?
Die for her! That’s where Abraham failed.
Way back in the very beginning of the Nation, Abraham failed miserably.
Because, you see, when he came into enemy territory, he must have had a very
beautiful wife; and he was scared to death that they would kill him in order to
have his wife. So, what does he do? He says to tell them that you’re my
sister. Well, in reality, she was a half-sister. But see, he didn’t have that
concept that he was willing to die for his wife. But see, that’s where we’re
to be, simply because Christ loved the church and did what? He died for us!
That’s our whole plan of redemption. Okay, read on. Ephesians 5:23b-24 “…even as Christ is the head
of the church: and he is the savior of the body. (He is the reason that
we’re members with him as husband and wife) 24. Therefore as the church (or
the Body of Christ) is subject unto Christ, (He’s always above
us. We are always submissive to Him.) so let the wives be to their own
husbands in everything.” But see, here’s where we have
to be careful. If you’re going to keep the analogy intact, in which way will
the husband put his wife in subjection? Well, the same way Christ has us in
subjection. And is it ever for our disadvantage? Never! To be in subjection
to Christ is always for our own good. It’s the only place to be. Well, that’s
the way a wife should feel about her husband -- that she couldn’t find herself
under any better circumstances because of her respect and love for the one who
is over her. Not as a doormat. Not as a “go-for,” but in a relationship that
is as Christ loved the church. Now, verse 25: Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands, love your
wives, even (again) as Christ also loved the church, and
(Did what?) gave himself for it;” All right, now that is the
constant analogy of Scripture. All right, let’s go back to Hosea. This is
exactly the relationship that God is yearning to restore again with the
covenant people, the Nation of Israel. All right, back to verse 16 of Hosea
2. Hosea 2:16 “And is shall be at that
day, saith the LORD, that thou shalt call me Ishi; (or husband) and
shalt call me no more Baali.” Or in other words, just another god.
Now then verse 17. If Israel would respond and turn away from chasing after
all the idols of the Gentiles around them, then He says: Hosea 2:17 “For I will take away the
names of Baalim out of her mouth, and they shall no more be remembered by their
name.” In other words, He would remove even the memory of all these
pagan gods and goddesses. Hosea 2:18 “And in that day
(when Israel responds) will I make a covenant for them with the beasts of
the field, (Now, we’re getting right down where the rubber meets the
road! Even the wild beasts are going to be influenced by God’s relationship
with His beloved Israel.) and with the fowls of heaven, and with the
creeping things of the ground: and I will break the bow and the sword and the
battle out of the earth, and will make them to lie down safely.” All right, let’s go back real
quickly to Isaiah chapter 11 and get a glimpse of what the Lord is talking
about -- this glorious Kingdom Age when Christ would rule and reign over His
covenant people as well as the rest of the world. These are some of the
reactions or results of it. You’ve all seen these verses before. Isaiah
chapter 11 and we’ll start at verse 5. This is what’s coming. We can’t
imagine it today. But, Beloved, it’s coming! I’m always making that statement –
if prophecy says it, it’s going to happen! Now, it may be a few years, but
we’re getting close. My, when you see the world tonight, today, in all of its
perplexity and all of its unsolvable problems-- You know, I was reading an
editorial in our Daily Oklahoman the other day, and it was so good I read it to
Iris, the whole editorial. It was by a well known -- I think it was a
Washington Post writer -- Charles Krauthammer. I think most of you have
probably seen him on talk shows and so forth. Well, he was laying out the two
alternatives that the world is facing. Of course, the one that is
Number One and has to face it first is our own President. Well, the one
alternative was to go in and stop Iran in her tracks; and that, of course,
would bring about a horrendous war of some kind. It would be a complete
disruption of all the oil supply. It would probably send the whole world into
a horrible economic crash. But that’s what would have to happen if you’re
going to stop Iran. The other alternative is to do
nothing and let them go ahead and build their nuclear force, and then they in
turn will either blackmail the world or start blowing us to smithereens. Those
are the two alternatives. And he says, “Our President has got twelve months to
make up his mind.” How’d you like to be in his shoes? Either one is
disaster. Well, that’s the world we’re living in. That’s what Jesus meant
when He said it will be filled with perplexity. Now, you know what perplexity
is. Just as I’ve explained – how are you going to make a choice between two
horrible alternatives? It’s perplexing. But, you see, everything is
getting the world ready for the glorious kingdom that’s coming. Everything on
this planet is going to be destroyed. We know that. But out of it is going to
come what the Lord is telling Israel even back in Hosea, but we get a better
picture of it now in Isaiah. Isaiah 11:5-6a “And righteousness shall
be the girdle of his loins, (That is of the ruling king, which will be
Christ Himself.) and faithfulness the girdle of his reins. 6. The wolf also
shall dwell with the lamb,…” Remember what Hosea said? The wild
animals and everything that’s wild, the fowl, the birds of prey. Isaiah 11:6b “…and the leopard shall
lie down with the kid; (or the baby goat) and the calf and the
young lion and the fatling together; (all in perfect harmony, now) and
a little child shall lead them.” In other words, even children can play
amongst these that are, today, carnivorous wild animals -- Verse 7. Isaiah 11:7 “And the cow and the bear
shall feed; (In other words, they’ll graze in the same area.) their
young ones shall lie down together: (Whether it’s a baby sheep, a lamb,
or whether it’s a kid of the goats, or it’s the cub of the lions, they’ll all
be interacting peacefully.) and the lion shall eat straw like the ox.”
In other words, it won’t be a meat eater. It will be vegetarian. It’ll eat
things that grow naturally. And then verse 8: Isaiah 11:8-9 “A nursing child shall
play on the hole of an asp, (a poisonous snake in the Middle East.) and
the weaned child (a little toddler) shall put his hand on the
cockatrice’ den. 9. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all of my holy
mountain: (Why?) for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of
the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.” This isn’t some pie in the
sky. This is coming on the planet. That’s the analogy. It’s going to be
perfect harmony throughout all the planet’s existence, whether it’s humanity or
the birds and the fowl and so forth. All right, the other point is that the bow
will be broken. Come back to Hosea, back to chapter 2, where the bow and the
sword will be totally removed. You all know those verses, where they will turn
their swords into plowshares. It is going to be a total economy of peace and
prosperity and tremendous production beyond what you and I can ever imagine.
All right, now verse 19. Hosea 2:19 “And I will betroth
(Or, like we would say, bring into a place of engagement.) thee unto me
forever; yea, I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness, and in judgment,
and in lovingkindness and in mercies.” Oh, now that brings up another
verse. Go back to II Samuel, because this was all in prophecy all the way
back. How God would deal with His covenant people Israel. Here God is now
dealing with King David, but He’s speaking through the prophet Nathan. Look what He tells Nathan
concerning, not just David, but the whole Nation of Israel. II Samuel 7:14 & 15 -- now, He’s talking about the Nation, II Samuel 7:14 “I will be his father,
(Now, in this case, it’s a father and son relationship. In Hosea we’re talking
about husband and wife.) and he shall be my son. If (God knew it
was coming.) he commit iniquity, (Which at the time of Hosea was
primarily what? The idolatry. And the idolatry led to every other sin and
wickedness you could think of. All right, so here it is.) If he commit
iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, (Invading armies.
And they’re coming.) and with the stripes of the children of men:” In another place in Isaiah it
says, “and you’ll be hearing strange languages.” Well, what did
that imply? Occupying troops of the enemy. That was Israel’s constant warning. All right, now look at verse 15, what’s the first word? “But…”
The flipside! Even though God will permit nations to come in and invade them
and down trod them, steal their grain and enslave their children-- II Samuel 7:15-16 “But my mercy shall not
depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. (Now,
we’re coming back to the relationship of David and Saul, but the big picture is
God and Israel!) 16. And thine house (the house of David) and
thy kingdom (that’s still coming) shall be established forever
before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.” All right, now when we talk
about mercy up there in verse 15-- I can’t help it, I always have to come
back-- I hope it is Deuteronomy chapter 33. I’ve got 32, hopefully it’s 33.
No, it isn’t. But anyway, He says, I’m going to give mercy to whom I will give
mercy. Exodus 33:19, I thought it was Deuteronomy, but it’s the wrong book. Exodus 33:19 “And he said, I will make
all my goodness pass before thee, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD
before thee; and will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will shew
mercy on whom I will shew mercy.” That’s what He told Moses – I will
be merciful to whom I will be merciful. Well, what does that imply? His
Sovereignty! His Sovereignty and we sometimes think how can God do that?
Because He’s Sovereign. Now, I mentioned the Holocaust
in one of my classes the other night. We know the Holocaust was probably one
of the worst times in all of Israel’s history. Why did God let it happen?
Well, He had to. It had to happen. Here’s the point. Had Israel not gone into that horror of the Holocaust, do you think the Nation of Israel would be where
it is today? It would have never happened. It took the horrors and the
pressures of the Holocaust to get the Jew to go back to their homeland. And
they had to go back to their homeland. Because we’re going to see later this
afternoon that was all part of God’s program – that He would scatter them and
He would bring them back. All right, back for just a couple of minutes to
Hosea chapter 2 and verse 20, again. Hosea 2:20-22 “I will even betroth thee
unto me in faithfulness: (They’re no longer going to run after idols
and pagan gods.) and thou shalt know the LORD. 21. And it shall come to
pass in that day, (When Israel is back into complete fellowship with
her Jehovah God.) I will hear, saith the LORD, I will hear
the heavens, and they (the heavens) shall hear the earth; 22. And
the earth shall hear the corn, and the wine, and the oil; and they shall hear
Jezreel.” Well, what does that mean?
When Israel comes into the place of blessing, everything they plant will grow
and produce like you and I cannot imagine! You know, Amos, I think I’ve got
time. Let’s go quickly over to Amos. Just go ahead a little ways to Amos, I
think it’s the last chapter. This agrees completely with the time when Israel finally comes into this Kingdom Age and Jehovah is ruling and reigning from Jerusalem. Amos
chapter 9, drop all the way down to verse 13, and tie this in with what we just
read; that the earth will respond to being sowed, and it’s going to produce. Amos 9:13-15a “Behold, the days come,
saith the LORD, that the plowman (The one who’s tilling and preparing
the soil.) shall overtake the reaper, (The guy who’s harvesting
the previous crop. It’s going to be such continuous production.) and the
treader of grapes will over take him that soweth the seed; and the mountains
shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. 14. And I will bring
again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste
cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards and drink the wine
thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. (And
again, the same analogy) 15. And I will plant them upon their land, and they
shall no more be pulled up…” This is our 16th
anniversary of tapings. We started in October of 1990, so it’s been sixteen
full years of tremendous blessings. Who would have ever dreamed? I just
shared with my brother on the way up this morning; we can remember almost the
place on the Muskogee Turnpike when Iris and I said, well, surely this won’t
last more than six months. That’s what we really thought it would be, about
six months and it would die a natural death, and then our television experience
would be over. But here it is – sixteen years and the Lord just keeps on
blessing. Again, for all of you out in
television, we want to welcome you to a simple Bible study. We try to keep it
simple and yet hit some of the things that you normally don’t see and hear in
Sunday school. Now, back to our study in Hosea; we’ll start in verse 1. Hosea 3:1a “Then said the LORD unto
me,…” Now remember, when the word LORD is capitalized like this,
it’s really Jehovah. I read a good article again the other day by a gentleman
that I respect highly. He had all the reasons why the word LORD is Jehovah and
Jehovah is Jesus Christ. He’s God the Son. All right, back to the text. Hosea 3:1a “Then said the LORD unto
me, Go yet, love a woman beloved of her friend,…” Now you remember
back in chapter 1, He said to go and get a woman. So, what we
have here are two different attitudes. Instead of just simply claiming a girl
for his wife, now he’s going to go back and win the wife that had left him to
go back to her lovers. All right, so He says: Hosea 3:1b “…Go yet, love a woman
beloved of her friend, yet an adulteress, according to the love of the LORD
toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love flagons of
wine.” Now, I want you to go back to Jeremiah 44. You’ll see what I’m
talking about. I might come back here again even later, before we get through
Hosea. But Jeremiah 44 and let’s use verse 19, because I’m going to use some
of the other verses later on. Now, this again is the response of idolatrous Israel. Jeremiah 44:19a “And when we burned
incense to the queen of heaven, (Now, that’s the female goddess,
usually Astarte.) and poured out drink-offerings unto her, did we make
her (What?) cakes…” Now, the better translation for
flagons of wine would have been grape cakes. In other words, they actually
took a grape-flavored cake and offered it on their altars to this female
goddess. So, here’s where we get the comparison of Scripture, “did we
make her cakes to worship her, and pour out drink-offerings unto her,…” All right, back to Hosea once
again, chapter 3. These Israelites – now you’ve got to remember that when we
speak of Israel, it’s the Ten Tribes to the North, but the prophet also
includes Judah and Benjamin, so the whole Twelve Tribes come under these
prophecies. All right, back to chapter 3 verse 1, again. Hosea 3:1b “…according to the love
of the LORD toward the children of Israel, who look to other gods, and love
flagons of wine.” Grape cakes that were made of wine to be offered to
these goddesses - verse 2. Hosea 3:2-3 “So I bought her to me
for fifteen pieces of silver, and for an homer of barley, and an half homer of
barley: 3. And I said unto her, Thou shalt abide for me many days; (Now
remember, he’s talking to that who had once been his and had been lost, and
he’s bringing her back.) thou shalt not play the harlot, and thou shalt
not be for another man: so will I be also for thee.’” Now of course, I think what’s
implied here is that Israel was so steeped in idolatry all the way up until the
Babylonian captivity. That cured her. I don’t think there’s any evidence that
the Jews practiced idolatry after the Babylonian captivity. Now, they had a
lot of other wicked acts and so forth, but not idolatry. For some reason or other,
it cured them of idolatry! All right, this is what he’s
referring to. That she would come back for a time, and she’s going to
completely be removed from idolatry, because that’s her return after she’s been
out in that Babylonian captivity of 70 years. Now she comes back and is at
least cured of the adulterous, spiritual adultery. Now God says, “And I
will be also for thee.” All right, now here we come to verse 4, and
this is prophecy in a veiled form. Hosea 3:4 “For the children of Israel (the Nation) shall abide many days (Now watch this carefully
or you’re going to miss it.) the children of Israel shall abide many days
without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an
image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:” The casual reader
is going to miss all that. What are we talking about? They’re going to be
bereft of all their Temple worship. They’re going to be out of the land.
They’re going to have no formal ritual to keep them in touch with the God of Abraham. All right, when did that all
come about? In 70 AD, because what happened in 70 AD? The Romans came in and
again they destroyed the Temple, but so much differently than when
Nebuchadnezzar did it. When Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the Temple, 70 years later
the Jews came back and rebuilt the second Temple. And they went on again with
their Temple worship, with their Priesthood, and their sacrifices; all the way
up until the time of Christ’s first advent. But, when Titus came in and
destroyed the Temple and destroyed Jerusalem, and the Jews were scattered out
into every nation under heaven, it’s been that way now for 1,900 and some
years. They’re without a Temple. They’re without a priesthood. They’re
without a prince. They’re without a sacrifice. They are destitute of any kind
of a religious practice that will keep them in touch with the God of Abraham.
All right, that’s what that one verse is telling you. All right, now what’s
the first word of verse 5? Hosea 3:5 “Afterward…”
Okay, now I’ve got my timeline on the board, coming out of the call of Abraham
at 2000 BC, from Christ back to Abraham is about 2,000 years. All right, about
500 years after Abraham, we’ve got Moses, who brings the children of Israel out of Egypt down to Mount Sinai where they receive the Law. Then another 500 years between
Moses (and the appearance of the Priesthood and the Tabernacle) until we come
to King David. Now, when King David appears, the Kingdom begins to expand and
prosper. They start defeating all their enemies, and Israel reaches the glory
that they had never had before. And even though Solomon increased it a little
bit, that was the time of Israel’s glory. They still refer back to it. Now, this is the way I teach.
I can’t help it. Come back up with me to Acts. Then I’ll go back to my
timeline. Acts chapter 1, the Lord has just completed His forty days after His
resurrection. He’s been with the Eleven in that resurrected body. Now they
are meeting on the Mount of Olives, and in a short order He’ll be ascending
back to Glory. But now, in Acts chapter 1 verse 6--this is why I happened to
think of it when I spoke of Israel’s glory. Acts 1:6 “When they therefore were
come together, they asked of him, saying, (In other words, the Eleven
are asking the Lord Jesus a question up there on the Mount of Olives just
before He ascends.) Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the
(What?) the kingdom to Israel?” See, that’s Israel’s hope even today. If they have any knowledge of Scripture at all, they know the Messiah
will still come and bring in this glorious kingdom promised to Israel. Now, of course, the Eleven did
not have the view of it as we can construct from Scripture. They merely knew
that it would be a kingdom likened unto David’s and Solomon’s when Israel was the most glorious kingdom on earth. Now, have you got that? Okay, now when you come back
here to Hosea chapter 3, when we talk about “afterward” in verse
5, I want to come back to my timeline for a little bit. After King David and
Solomon--like I said, Hosea and Isaiah are prophesying at about 700 BC. By
600 BC Nebuchadnezzar comes in and destroys the city and the Temple. He takes
the Jews into exile for 70 years. All right, after that they come
back and once again restore Temple worship at about 400 BC. The Ezra Temple is rebuilt, and they continue on. I guess I’m jumping ahead of my timeline
here, but after the Minor Prophets are finished, which will be from Hosea to
Malachi; there are 400 years where Israel has not a word from God. Not through
a prophet. Through nothing – until the angel appears first to Elizabeth on the birth of John the Baptist and then to Mary regarding the appearance of
Christ. All right, we call that His
first advent, and the whole thrust of His ministry was what? To prove to Israel that He was that promised Messiah and King! My, I’m stressing it constantly.
That was the purpose of all His miracles, to prove that He was this promised
Messiah. All right, now let’s back up where, again, in Hosea chapter 3 verse
4, I’m going to read it again. “For the children of Israel…” The whole nation, not just the Two Tribes to the south, we’ve got all Twelve Tribes
involved. Hosea 3:4-5a “For the children of Israel shall abide many days (Which we now know is over 1900 years.) without
a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and
without an ephod, (Now see, that was all associated, I trust you know
the language here, with the priesthood.) and without a teraphim.
5. Afterward shall the children of Israel return,…” All right, now let’s go pick up
some prophecy. Go back to Deuteronomy chapter 30. In all my teachings around
the country for the last month in different cities, the first thing people were
asking was, well, you know what’s happening in the Middle East? Where are we
with regard to the end time? So, over and over, I would just say, “Well,
let’s go back and see what Jesus meant when He said you can discern the signs
of the weather--when the sky is red and so forth.” But what was the last part
of that statement? “But you cannot decipher the signs of the times.” All right, so what are our
signs of the times? Prophecy. All right, here is the clearest one. I think
it’s the one that is referred to back there in Hosea that we just read.
Deuteronomy chapter 30 verse 1: Deuteronomy 30:1 “And it shall come to
pass, (Now remember, this is Moses 1,500 years before Christ. That’s
3,500 years back from our day.) when all these things are come upon thee,
the blessing and the curse, which I have set before thee, and thou shalt call
them to mind (Now, here’s the key, when they are where?) among
all the nations, whither the LORD thy God hath driven thee,” This would
be when the Jews would find themselves scattered into every nation under
heaven, none excepted. Even the Arab world had Jews in their midst. It wasn’t
until about the turn of the century that they started getting forced out and
back to their homeland. But, at the time that verse 1
is speaking of, they were in every nation under heaven, none excepted. So,
this is fulfilled to the last jot and tittle. But now look at the next verse.
When Jews find themselves in every nation under heaven, then it wouldn’t be
long until: Deuteronomy 30:2a “And shalt return….”
You see that? That’s exactly what Hosea says. After they’ve gone that long
time without a Temple, without a priesthood, and without a sacrifice; afterward
they’re going to come back. That’s the beauty of prophecy. And that’s the
number one reason that we can rest that this is the Word of God, because Israel is back where prophecy intended them to be! No other book on earth can do that. I was dealing with a Muslim
young lady again the other day, and that was my number one point. I said,
“Don’t you realize that our Bible foretold the Jews would be scattered all
around the planet and then the day would come when they would be back in their
homeland?” Against all the odds. But there they are! The Koran can’t do
that. The book of Mormon can’t do that. Any other book of religion that you
know of on the face of the earth can’t do that. This is the only one! But
here it is. This was all in God’s providential design that that’s the way it
would happen. And now here they are. They’re back in the land. All right, let’s look at a few
other verses that we use quite often. Jump up to Ezekiel, chapter 36 and my
goodness it’s plain English. Even in the translation. It’s as plain as it can
get. Ezekiel 36 verse 24, and I’ve got to wait until you find it. Otherwise
my listeners will write and say, “Les you go to fast. I can’t find the
Scriptures, I can’t write my notes.” Ezekiel 36 verse 24, where God again, the
LORD God up in verse 23, The LORD God says: Ezekiel 36:24 “For I will take you
(That’s Israel. That’s why I’m always emphasizing – to whom is this written?
Well, it’s written to Israel, not to the Gentile world. So He says to Israel.) from among the heathen, and (Watch, the same language that Moses
used in Deuteronomy.) gather you out of all countries, and will bring
you into your own land.” My goodness, there were Jews in
Persia. There were Jews in Iran. There were Jews in Iraq. Not any more because they’ve all been pushed out. But before all this happened, there they
were. My, I read again the other day that they found a Jewish Synagogue clear
up in Northern Siberia where they had no idea a community of Jews had ever
existed. In fact, a few of them were still there. They were scattered to the
ends of the earth. Now, read on in verse 24. Ezekiel 36:24b “…and gather you out of
all countries, and will bring you into your own land.” Now, isn’t that
plain? Why can’t our government people see that? Why can’t the United Nations
see that? Instead of trying to oppose, they should be working with God. But,
you see, that would never happen. Things just wouldn’t work right, but
nevertheless, here it is. God has spoken it, and we’re seeing it happen right
before our very eyes. Now, I think I’ve got time
enough. I’m going to slip over into chapter 37. It’s been a long time since
we’ve done this. I think way back when we first taught Genesis or someplace
back there. We’ll just start at verse one. This is all prophetic; that we are
seeing happen right before our eyes. Ezekiel 37:1 “The hand of the LORD was
upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the LORD, and set me down in the
midst of the valley which was full of bones,” Now remember, this is
symbolism, just like we’ve been talking in Hosea. Ezekiel’s the same way.
This is not a literal valley full of bones. It’s a symbolic valley. Verse 2 Ezekiel 37:2 “And caused me to pass by
them round about: and, behold, there were very many (bones) in
the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry.” What does that mean?
They’d been there a long time. You know, if you drive across West Texas, and you look out over the prairie, you’ll see an old skull of a steer or
something laying there. It is chalk white, and you know it’s been out in that
old West Texas sun for years and years. The longer it lies there the whiter it
gets. Well, that’s the bones in this valley. They’ve been there a long time.
Now, in actuality, it has been over 1,900 years. The bones are representative
of Israel out in the Gentile world without any of her homeland advantages. Ezekiel 37:3-5a “And he said unto me, Son
of man, can these bones live? (They’re chalk dry. They’re white as
snow, because they’ve been out there for so long.) And I answered, O LORD
GOD, thou knowest. 4. Again he said unto me, Prophesy (or speak) upon
these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the LORD. 5. Thus
saith the Lord GOD unto these bones;…” Now remember, they are
representative of the Nation of Israel. Ezekiel 37:5b-8a “…Behold, I will cause
breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: 6. And I will lay sinews upon you,
(That is upon these dry bones.) and will bring up flesh
upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live;
and ye shall know (when they’ve been brought back to life) that I
am the LORD. 7. So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I
prophesied, there was a noise, (Now remember, this is all in
symbolism.) and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his
bone. 8. And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them,…”
In other words, it’s a slow
process, but the Nation is going to be reappearing, because that’s what we’re
talking about now -- the Nation of Israel coming back to life. Ezekiel 37:8-10 “And when I beheld, lo,
the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them
above: but there was no breath in them. (No spiritual life.) 9.
Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to
the wind, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Come from the four winds, (In other
words, from every corner of the planet.) O breath, and breathe upon these
slain, that they may live. 10. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the
breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, an
exceedingly great army.” Now, that’s all symbolism. Bones that have been out there,
symbolic of the Nation of Israel out amongst all the nations of the world, and
God’s going to bring them nationally back to life by returning to the
homeland. And we’ve seen it now for the last hundred years. Not that you’ve
lived a hundred years, some of us almost. But nevertheless, we’ve been seeing
it happen. Here they’re coming back home, and nothing can stop them. My, I had an interesting phone
call the other day. I said, “Man, I could talk to you for twenty-four hours.”
He had been designated--he was fairly high Navel officer. After World War II he
was given command to take his Navy cruiser and two troop ships. He was to go to
a port in Greece, I think Thessalonica, and he was to load those two troop
ships with escaping Jews and escort them back to Israel. And he was telling me
this on the phone. My, I’ve only got a minute left. So anyway, he got it all
done. Got those ships loaded with hundreds and hundreds of Jews on each one and
escorted them down the Aegean and across the Mediterranean. And as he was
approaching Israel from the West, the British Navy attempted to intercept him,
which of course they’d been doing. So, he fired a couple of shots
across their bow and radioed them that if they wanted a fight try and stop him,
because he’s going on. So, he sailed on into the Port of Haifa with his two
shiploads of Jews. He said, “That was the biggest thrill I ever had in my life,
to see those Jews embarking into their homeland.” But see, it was against all
odds that the Jews got back to their homeland. But they did! And you and I
know every day’s news is a guarantee that God kept His Word. They’re back
home. Oh, there are still two-thirds of them out in the rest of the world,
mostly in America and Canada and so forth, but the prophecy has been fulfilled;
that after being scattered into every nation under heaven, they’re back in
their homeland. So, don’t ever buy the propaganda that they don’t belong
there. They should never give up one foot of land. It’s theirs! Once again, it’s good to have
everybody back from the coffee break. We’re doing program number three this
afternoon. We’re going to go right back and pick up what I didn’t finish in the
last program. For those of you on television, if you’re just tuning in, we’ve
been talking about Israel being scattered into all the nations of the world. We
started with our references in Deuteronomy, and now we’re back up into
Ezekiel. That’s where we’re going to pick up – right where we left off in
Ezekiel 37, how the Nation of Israel is out there scattered into every nation
under heaven, but the time would come when they would start coming back to
their homeland. Now of course, it didn’t happen
over night. It really started in the late 1800’s, 1890-95, somewhere in that
neck of the woods when Jewish leaders started talking about a homeland. They
and Great Britain, of course, who had the empire that circled the globe, were
the major players. So, a politician in England by the name of Balfour (Arthur
James) and the Jews made the Balfour Declaration--that was that the Jews could
have a homeland in the Middle East. First they had it drawn clear
across the Jordan Valley and on into what is present-day Iraq and Jordan, but the Arab world put up such a howl that Great Britain backed off. Instead they
designated it from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean. So anyway, the Jews
back then were being forced by persecution and every other which way, that was
long before Hitler came on the scene. So, a lot of the Jews started making
their way back from North Africa, Morocco and in that area. Then the rest of
the Arab world started persecuting them unmercifully, so they finally left Syria. I don’t think there’s a Jew left in Syria, certainly not in Iran. As a result of all that, they gradually made their way back to the homeland. In 1948 they
declared themselves a Sovereign State. Okay, so all that has come in fulfillment
of this. Come back with me now at the
opening to Hosea chapter 3 verse 4, so that we can be where we want to start
every program in Hosea. Back to chapter 3 verse 4 where we’re talking about
the dispersion. How that for a long time they’ll be out there in all the
nations of the world, verse 4. Hosea 3:4-5a “For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice,
and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim:” In
other words, they had nothing of their religion, as much as I hate to use the
word. All right, then the key word in verse 5 is—“Afterward…”
All right, but we’re not going to look at the “afterward” yet, until we
go back and finish some of those verses with regard to all those 1900 and some
years that Israel was scattered into the nations of the world. All right, come back where you
were with the dry bones in Ezekiel 37 verse 11. Here’s where we have the
interpretation of this vision. Ezekiel 37:11 “Then he (the
LORD) said unto me, (the prophet) Son of man, these bones
are the whole house of Israel: (Now that tells you right up front that
ten tribes are not lost. All Twelve Tribes are still involved even at this
point in time.) behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is
lost: we are cut off for our parts.” In other words, that was when
they were out amongst the Gentile world--verse 12. Ezekiel 37:12a “Therefore, prophesy and
say unto them, (these scattered Jews) Thus saith the Lord GOD;
Behold, O my people, I will open your graves,…” Now, the best way I can
explain that in recent history was when the Soviet Union collapsed, and one of
the first results of that collapse was permission for the Jews to immigrate out
and down to Israel or wherever. It was a providential thing. As
soon as the Jews had the opportunity, I think in the first two years of the
90’s--1990, 91, 92, something like two million Jews left Russia to go to the
Nation of Israel. In fact, Iris and I ran into a family of them down on the Dead Sea. The parents couldn’t talk English but the kids could. So we could communicate
with the family through the kids. But it was typical of Russians who had left Russia because now the bars were lowered. All right, that’s exactly what
I think of when it says here “I will open your graves.” When the
Gentile world would finally give permission for Jews to leave their nation and
go wherever they wanted to go. Of course, a lot of them ended up there in
their homeland of Israel. All right, reading on. Ezekiel 37:12b “…O my people, I will
open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and
bring you into the land of Israel.” Now, do you see how providential
that is? You know, I’ve shared it on the program before, and I’ll do it
again. The first time Iris and I were in Israel, we came out of the hotel
restaurant that evening and a well-dressed businessman approached us. He said,
“You’re from America, aren’t you?” We said, “Yes.” He said, “What do you
think of our little country?” I said, “It’s fabulous what God has done!” He
said, “God didn’t have a thing to do with it. We did it!” “Well,” I said,
“I beg to differ. But I’m not going to argue with someone in his homeland.” But see, that was their idea,
that they did it. No, they didn’t! God did it! Against all the odds. My
goodness, Great Britain did everything in their power to keep any Jews from
coming to the land of Israel. But they got there. And then the Arab world
consorted to drive them into the sea, but it never happened. Even to this day,
they talk about it. It’s not going to happen, because God has sovereignly
designated that they are going to come to their homeland. Okay, so now they’re back
according to Ezekiel. Now, let’s just stop at one verse on our way to the Book
of Acts, so that you’ll see what James was referring to. Turn to the Book of
Amos, that’s right after Hosea--Joel then Amos. Amos the last chapter, chapter
9, this is an interesting verse. Yet, it was in such a veiled form that Israel’s prophets didn’t catch it. Jesus, of course, never alluded to it. But now as we
can read and look back, we know that this is what the prophet was talking
about. Amos chapter 9 and again, we’re talking about the dispersed Nation of
Israel in those first nine – ten verses. But now look at verse 11. Amos 9:11 “In that day (When
God will finally have His people back in their homeland.) will I raise
up the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and
I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it (Now remember, we’re
talking about King David’s day.) as in the days of old:” Now, you remember what I said
in one of the earlier programs this afternoon? When did Israel reach the pinnacle? During David’s and Solomon’s reign. The glorious Kingdom of David. What did the Queen of Sheba say? “The half has never yet been told.” Of what? The
glory of David’s kingdom. All right, so this is the analogy. It’s going to be
restored with the glory that it was in David’s day, only far, far greater. Amos 9:12 “That they (the
Nation of Israel) may possess the remnant of Edom, and of all the
heathen, (the Gentile world) which are called by my name, saith
the LORD that doeth this.” In other words, God is going to bring Israel back to the homeland at some point in time. He’s going to return and set up this
glorious kingdom promised to Israel. All right, now I made mention
of Acts chapter 15. Here we have the record of the Jerusalem Council. And I
think, according to some of the ancient writers, this was in A.D. 51. Now get
your numbers – Christ was crucified in A.D. 29. I feel that the Apostle Paul
was converted in A.D. 37. He began his ministry in A.D. 40. Now, he is being
confronted by the Judaizers from the Jerusalem Jewish church and told that his
converts had to be circumcised and keep the Law of Moses. That was the whole
purpose of the Jerusalem council. All right, now I’m not going to take the
time to take you through all that. As you come to the end of that council, the
leadership of the Jerusalem church recognized Paul’s Apostleship and that he
would be going to the Gentiles, come in at verse 12. Acts 15:12 “Then all the multitude
kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, (Who had been
ministering up in Antioch, remember, as well as in Turkey and so forth.) declaring
what miracles and wonders God had wrought among (What people?) the
Gentiles by them.” Now this is unheard of. God had done all kinds of
miracles in Israel, but amongst the Gentiles? Unheard of! All right, so they took this
all in as the argument is now being kind of put to rest, because they are
recognizing that Paul and Barnabas do now have a ministry with the Gentiles
that Israel was never permitted to do. All right, now verse 13. Acts 15:13 “And after they had held
their peace, (The tumult was quieting down.) James answered,
(We know from Galatians chapter 2 that James was the moderator of this Jerusalem council.) saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: 14. Simeon
(Peter) hath declared how God at the first did visit the (What?)
Gentiles, to take out of them…” Now keep your pronouns right.
Who are the “them” now? The Gentile world. Paul has been designated to
go to the Gentiles. Acts 15:14b “…to take out of them a
people for his name.” Now, Acts can’t tell us what it is, because it
really hasn’t been totally revealed. But you get to Paul’s letters and what do
we call it? The Body of Christ. The Body of Christ is that called-out group
of Gentile believers under Paul’s Gospel of Grace that has believed for
salvation that Jesus died for their sins, was buried, and rose again the third
day. The Body of Christ is totally insulated from all the promises of Israel. Now, let’s see my timeline
again. Here we come past the rejection now. All the promises concerning this
glorious kingdom over which God the Son, Jesus the Christ, would rule and
reign, but Israel rejected it. Then they hit the prime of their rejection when
they did what? Stoned Stephen. Stephen was still appealing to the Nation to
repent of having killed that promised Messiah. But they would not. So they
stoned Stephen. All right who were we introduced to at the stoning of
Stephen? Saul of Tarsus All right, now we get back to
our timeline. After Christ has ascended and Israel’s rejection, now God is
going to do exactly what Amos is referring to. That after a period of time,
which would include our Church Age and the Tribulation, the King and the
Kingdom would still come in and bring back the glories of David and Solomon. But here’s what we have to
realize. God’s time clock stopped. He sent Paul out into the Gentile world to
call out a people for His name, which like I said, we call the Body of Christ.
All right, come back with me a minute to Acts chapter 15 again, now verse 15. Acts 15:15 “And to this
(James says) agree the words of the prophets; as it is written,”
But you see, they didn’t have a clue what Amos was talking about. They didn’t
have a clue that after 1,900 years of being scattered into all the nations of
the world, they would come back and reappear as a Nation and yet have the
promised Kingdom become a reality. They didn’t know that. In fact, how many times have I
done this before, and I’m going to do it again. Keep your hand in Acts 15. Go
to I Peter, because I think this is so interesting that now, after the fact,
Peter can write just exactly what I’m saying. They couldn’t put it together.
Oh, it was back there, but in such veiled language they didn’t understand. And
they weren’t supposed to. All right, back in I Peter chapter 1, I usually like
to start at verse 9. Now remember, Peter, too, is addressing fellow Jews. He
says that up in verse 1. I Peter 1:1a “Peter, an apostle of
Jesus Christ, to the strangers scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia…” Well, Gentiles weren’t strangers in their own land, but Jews were.
So, this is who Peter’s writing to. He’s writing to Jews of his own day and who
were fellow believers that Jesus was the Christ. All right, now verse 9. I Peter 1:9a “Receiving the end of
your faith, even the salvation of your souls. 10. Of which salvation the
prophets (the Old Testament prophets) have inquired…”
They were just constantly questioning – what about this? How is this going to
happen? What is it? You can just about cook up as many questions as I can. I Peter 1:9b “…have inquired and
searched diligently, (What were they searching? The Scriptures! The
Old Testament Scriptures. Trying to put it all together. And they couldn’t.
They weren’t supposed to.) who prophesied of the grace that should come
unto you:” Well, when would it come for the Jew? When their Messiah
would return, see? But the Old Testament Prophets
didn’t speak of it as a second coming. They just spoke of it in veiled
language that He would come and suffer and die. But on the other hand, there
were prophecies that He would rule and reign. I’ve covered this before on the
program. My, they questioned--how is this going to happen? Are we going to
have two Messiahs? Will one suffer? Are we going to have a second Messiah
that will rule and reign? They certainly couldn’t put together that the same
One would be both! All right, that’s what Peter is talking about. All right,
reading on in verse 11. I Peter 1:11 “Searching (the
Scriptures) what, or what manner of time the
Spirit (the Holy Spirit) of Christ who was in them (the
writers of the Old Testament) did signify, when it (or He) testified
beforehand (Now here they are, the two aspects of the Messiah.) the
sufferings of Christ, (the Messiah) and the (What?)
glory that should follow.” Now, can you see their
dilemma? Here we’ve got to have a Messiah who suffers. But we have to have a
Messiah that’s going to rule and reign. How is He going to do that unless we have
two? They could not put it together that it would be one and the same. That’s
why the normal rank and file Jew of today, is he looking for the Messiah the
second time? No. The what? The first! They can’t reconcile the fact that
the Messiah that suffered is the Messiah that’s going to rule and reign. That
has been a dilemma for the Jew down through the centuries. All right, I
think that’s sufficient there. Back to Acts then a minute.
Now James and Peter and John, after the fact of the suffering, have now seen
Him ascend back to Glory. Now they’re beginning to get the picture that this
same Messiah who suffered would return and be the Messiah who would rule and
reign. But, now here’s my question. Did they have any idea it would be 1,900
and some years? No way! So Peter and James and John and Jude and Revelation
all speak in language as though it would be in their lifetime. They had no
idea it would be such a long extended period. But yet, you see, Hosea is
talking in the same language that the Nation would be out there for a long
time. Until the “bones were white with age.” And then they’d
come back. All right, verse 15: Acts 15:15 “And to this agree the
words of the prophets; as it is written,” Now they can
put it together. This is what Amos was talking about. After the calling out of
a people for His name up in verse 14, after that long period of dispersion,
they would be back in the land, but they would still have to wait for the
out-calling of that Body of Christ, the Gentiles. Acts 15:16 “After this I will
return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and
I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up:” Now, get
the “after.” After what? The calling out of the Gentile Body. That’s
why I maintain it has to be a pre-tribulation rapture, because God is not going
to be dealing with the Gentile Body and the Nation of Israel. No, He’s
going to be dealing with the earthly people, the Nation of Israel, first in the
horrors of the Tribulation and then in the glory of the Kingdom. But it won’t
happen until the church is complete and is taken out of the way. All right, now I’ve got a few
minutes left, yet? Well, let’s go to verse 17. Let’s not skip that. Let’s
stay here a minute. After the calling out of the Body of Christ, “he
would raise up again the tabernacle of David, which has fallen down;”
That’s why we read it in Amos before we came to Acts. “And I
(God says) will set it up.” Set what up? The Kingdom of David. Now verse 17. Acts 15:17 -18 “That the residue of men
might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom my name is called,
saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. 18. Known unto God are all his
works from the beginning of the world.” Well, He certainly worked only
with the Nation of Israel, but I had one writer say, “He must have been a
racist!” No, He’s not a racist!! What a stupid comment. But see, that’s the
mentality of the world. Just because He dealt with Jew only. I guess they
were commenting on that verse in Matthew 10:5-6 where the Lord told the
Twelve, “Go not into the way of a Gentile or house of a
Samaritan, but go only to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” That is when he wrote and said, “He must be a racist.” No! I’m going to write back.
The letter is still on my desk. I’m going to write back that Christ was on
Covenant ground! He could not condescend to Gentiles until the covenant
promises were fulfilled. But He’s going to set those covenant promises aside
for 1,900 years and turn to the Gentiles without Israel. Is He being racist by now
setting Israel aside? No! It’s in His Sovereign design. All right, now let’s
go to Romans chapter 11. We have the same concept in different language. It’s
the same thing. That after God has called out the Body of Christ, He’s going
to return and deal with His covenant people. Romans chapter 11 verse 25 and
then there are people, famous people, highly esteemed people, who say that
there’s nothing to do with Israel anymore. They say that the people who call
themselves Jews aren’t Jews at all. How ridiculous can people get? But here’s
another verse that shows that God is not through with Israel. Romans 11 verse 25. In fact, the whole chapter 11 is dealing with God coming back and
dealing with Israel. Romans 11:25a “I would not, brethren,
that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, (Or secret or something
that no one previous to Paul understood. And what is it?) lest ye should
be wise in your own conceits; (In other words, puffed up with your own
ignorant knowledge. And here it is.) that blindness in part (Not
forever, but for a period of time. And I suppose even Paul, after the Holy
Spirit inspired him to write that, was thinking in terms of 10 or 15 years,
instead of 1,900 and some. But nevertheless, here we are, and it still holds.)
that blindness in part (for a period of time) is
happened to Israel,…” It is a spiritual blindness
that the Jewish people, as a multitude, cannot understand. So they’re
spiritually blind. Oh, we get a few. I’ve got a fair amount of Jews in my
audience, and they’re interesting. I could sit here for another hour and tell
you about some of them, but whatever. Here we have it that the rank and file
of Israel are spiritually blind to this Age of Grace. Romans 11:25b “…that blindness
(Sovereignly) in part is happened to Israel, (Then what’s the
next word?) until (At some point in time that blindness is going
to end, and God is going to be able to deal once again with His covenant
people. When will that be?) until the fullness of the Gentiles has come
in.” All right, now you compare that with what we just read in Acts
15. When will the fullness of the Gentiles come about? When the Body of
Christ is complete. When the last person, I feel, has been saved and has
become a member of the Body of Christ, we are out of here! And God picks up
where he left off with Israel. Now, I can’t understand why
that’s so hard for people to see. I had one lady that saw it in just 15
minutes of a phone conversation. And she said, “Les, it’s all so logical!”
Yeah, that’s exactly what it is. It’s so logical. God has set Israel aside for 1,900 and some years. He has fulfilled the prophecy of bringing them
back, and He is filling up the Body of Christ. And one of these days it’s
going to be full. The trumpet will sound. We’re out of here, and God will
start dealing with Israel. Oh, it’s going to be horrible
for seven years. But He's still dealing primarily with Israel. As a result of all of their chastisement and the wrath and vexation of God, here comes the
Kingdom. And for the Jews who have survived and are believers, they’ll go into
that Kingdom. They’re going to enjoy all the promises of God that have been
spoken for the last 4,000 years. It’s just going to come rolling in on the
Nation like a flood. As the Old Testament puts it, “They’re going to
blossom like a rose in the desert.” So, don’t ever give up on the
Nation of Israel. Okay, here we are with lesson
number four for the afternoon. For those of you joining us on television
again, we’re just a simple Bible study. We are not connected with any group. I
don’t have a large church, so don’t write and ask me about being a pastor or anything
like that. I’m just a layman. But the Lord has seen fit to use us, whatever we
are. We just ask people to search the Scriptures. Don’t go by what I say.
Don’t go by what your denomination says. It might get you in trouble. You
search the Scriptures, because that’s where it’s at. Because men are prone to
get fouled up in their thinking. I’m amazed once in a while at the things that
great men of reputation can come up with. And I hope and pray it will never
happen to me, because it can. I can see that. All right, we’re going to
continue right on in our study of the book of Hosea. Remember in our last
closing moments, we were talking about that when the Church is completed then
God will come back and pick up His program with Israel. Now, before we go into
chapter 4, I want to jump back to verse 5 of chapter 3 for just a second.
Because here we have that same word--after--as we saw in Amos and in
Acts chapter 15. Hosea 3:5a “Afterward shall the
children of Israel return, (They’re going to come back from this time
out in the dispersion.) and seek the LORD their God, and David their king;…” Now here again, don’t get
confused with that, because Christ in Scripture is the Son of David. Although
some teach that David may rule and Christ over David--I’m not going to make a
big argument of it--but I don’t think so. I think Christ is going to rule from
David’s throne on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. Hosea 3:5b “…and shall fear the LORD
and his goodness in the latter days.” Well, that’s where we are. We’re
in the latter days, I think, of God’s program for Israel and for the world. All right, now let’s jump into
chapter 4. Again, God’s going to come right back and deal with Israel’s sin, and all their sin is associated with their idolatry. I’ll point that out as
we come to it. Verse 1 Hosea 4:1 “Hear the word of the
LORD, ye children of Israel:…” See, now this isn’t written to us. This
is written to Israel. But it’s for our learning, as Paul puts it. So, it’s
still Scripture. It’s the Word of God, but it’s not written to us. It’s
written to the Jew. Hosea 4:1-2 “Hear the word of the
LORD, ye children of Israel: for the LORD hath a controversy (He’s got
a point that He’s dissatisfied with the Nation.) with the inhabitants of
the land, because (Now look at their condition.) there is no
truth, nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land. 2. By swearing, and lying,
and killing, and stealing, and committing adultery, they break out, and blood
touching blood.” In other words, they are murdering so often that the
blood of one victim is almost mingling with the blood of the next one. All right, now let’s go and see
how close we are worldwide to this same situation. Go to Paul in II Timothy
chapter 3, and see if we aren’t in the same scenario that Israel was in back at the time of Hosea. This is Paul’s preview of the end of the Church Age--not
the Tribulation, but the Church Age. That’s what I maintain when people say,
“Well, the Church isn’t going to get raptured until we’re in the Tribulation.”
Then why doesn’t Paul make any reference to disaster and death and
destruction? He doesn’t. Not a word of that. But on the other hand, it’s a
complete moral breakdown, even as you saw in Hosea. All right, II Timothy
chapter 3 and this is the state of the world as the Church is approaching its
end on earth. II Timothy 3:1 “This know also, that in
the last days (That is the last days of the Church Age, now.) perilous
times shall come.” Well, if you don’t think we’re there, you’re not
living in the world that I’m living in. And I’m out here in the boondocks of Southeastern Oklahoma. So, if I can be aware of it, certainly anyone should be that this
is exactly where we are--now verse 2. II Timothy 3:2a “For men shall be lovers
of their own selves,…” What’s the fancy word for it? Narcissism? Is
that the word? Yes, all people live for is the “I.” I! I! I! Nuts to
you! It’s all about me! All right, that’s a sign of the end times. II Timothy 3:2a “For men shall be lovers
of their own selves, covetous,…” Now again, what does Scripture always
associate with coveting? What we’re dealing with in Israel. Idolatry! Now
granted, we’re not living in a society in America with wooden idols on every
hilltop. We aren’t associating with a society that is falling down and
worshipping the gods and goddesses. But we’ve got all this materialism that is
just as bad. So, you can equate idolatry with that. All right, reading on. II Timothy 3:2b-3a “…boasters, proud,
blasphemers, (What’s that…what did they call it back in Hosea?
Swearing! It is the same thing.) disobedient to parents, (My,
nobody can argue that, can they?) unthankful, (Are people
thankful today? You can hardly find it on Thanksgiving Day. They don’t thank
God for anything. They just take it all for granted. Well, it’s all a mark of
the end of the age.) unholy, 3. Without natural affection,…” What does that tell you? Why
do we find newborn infants in the garbage bin? Why do we find this murder of
these little two and three-year-old kids who are defenseless? No natural
affection. They have no love even for their own flesh and blood. Now, I
know--listen--whenever I talk about these I know that’s not the majority. I’m
not sitting here and telling people that 90% of Americans are like this. No.
It’s a minority, but unfortunately, it’s a large enough minority that it’s
affecting the whole. I know that. II Timothy 3:3b “…truce breakers,…”
Now, that’s another thing. My, when I first started farming, I could go to the
bank, and I could borrow money using a promissory note that had nothing on it
but my signature. Can you do it today? No way! Why? Because society has
gotten so corrupt that anytime somebody loans money, they’ve got to cross every
“T” and dot every “I,” or they’re going to get snookered. That’s the mentality
of the day. All right, reading on. II Timothy 3:3c “…false accusers,
incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,” Now, you know
what I had to think of the other day when I read this? The guy that went in
and shot those little Amish girls, can you imagine the mentality?! Those were
good little kids that wouldn’t hurt a mouse. Yet just go out in cold blood and
shoot a bunch of them. But see, it’s happening all the time. It’s a part of
the end time--reading on. II Timothy 3:4-5 “Traitors, (My
goodness, I don’t have to comment on that, do I? The New York Times
especially. Oh my goodness, when I read what they put out, they’re traitors.) heady,
high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; 5. Having a form of
godliness, but denying the power thereof: (I don’t have to comment on
that either, do I?) from such turn away.” Paul says have nothing
to do with it. Oh, they may be in church, they may be singing in the choir,
or whatever they’re doing; but, listen, if it isn’t biblical, then we’re to
have nothing to do with it. They are part of the devil’s crowd. Okay, back to Hosea, again.
God has a “controversy with the Nation of Israel” because of
their ungodliness and their wicked lifestyle. Now verse 3: Hosea 4:3 “Therefore
(because of their wickedness) shall the land mourn, and every one that
dwelleth therein shall languish,…” Now, here’s the point I have to
make. I’ve done it before as we’ve studied God’s controversy with the Nation of
Israel. I know that scripturally I can’t say--well, this is what it’s talking
about. But I think we can all draw an analogy between our beloved America and Israel. And I do that only because we have been in such a place of privilege as a
nation of people, like no other nation on earth. We were founded on biblical
principles. And godly men prayed. I don’t say they were necessarily born
again, but they were godly, good men. So, I think we have been put in a place
of special responsibility. We’ve had the Bible in every home in America, many copies of it. That makes us responsible. And the more responsibility God
lays on a nation, the more what? The more He expects in return. So, I feel
that as God was dealing with ungodly Israel, He is also going to deal with our
beloved America; because of our rejecting all of His overtures of goodness.
All right, reading on. Hosea 4:3a “Therefore shall the land
mourn, and every one that dwelleth therein shall languish,…” The
believing element right along with the rest. That’s the part that’s scary. If
God judges America because of their wickedness, are we as believers going to
escape it? Well, of course not, unless the rapture takes us out. No. We’re
going to suffer the horrendous responsibilities that have been laid upon us.
And we’re not going to escape. Neither did the believers in Israel. Now let me take you back a
minute to Isaiah. Keep your hand here. Come back to Isaiah. Every last Jew
wasn’t in this condemnation. They had a remnant of believers. This is what I
want you to see with your own eyes. Isaiah chapter 1 and verse 9--this was
typical of Israel all through their history. They had that little remnant of
believers. Isaiah 1:9a “Except (or
unless) the LORD (again Jehovah) had left unto us
(the Nation) a very small remnant,…” Now, what do you call a
very small remnant percentage-wise? Ten percent? Five percent? Four
percent? Three percent? I don’t know. But there was only a small
percentage of Jews in the Twelve Tribes of Israel that were still adhering to
the God of Abraham. The rest had fallen completely into idolatry. And the
gods and goddesses of antiquity that we’re going to see here (I don’t know if
it’s in this chapter or next taping), here they were falling prostrate to these
pagan gods and goddesses. Unbelievable! Yet don’t ever forget there was that
small remnant of believers. All right, back to Hosea chapter 4 verse 3, again. Hosea 4:3 “Therefore shall the land
mourn, every one that dwelleth therein shall languish, with the beasts of the
field, and with the fowls of heaven; yea, the fishes of the sea also shall be (What?)
taken away.” The land will have nothing left. Now the first thing I
have to think of is the economy, because even back in antiquity the nation had
to operate on an economy of trade and selling and buying. Well, how can you
buy and sell if you’ve got nothing to buy or nothing to sell? Well, the same
way in America. What if our economy should crash? What if? I hope it never
does, but what if? What’s going to happen? Hey, even the people that think
they’re pretty well set will have nothing. You know, I always remember Germany. If you know anything about history, Germany after World War I and the horrendous
inflation. Even the wealthiest of the German people had to almost beg to buy a
loaf of bread. So, don’t think it can’t happen. The same way in Israel, their whole economy of bartering or selling or whatever you want to call it, would
collapse. They’d have nothing to keep them going as a Nation--verse 4. Hosea 4:4 “Yet let no man strive,
nor reprove another: for thy people (the Nation of Israel) are as
they that strive with the priest (the religious leaders). 5.
Therefore shalt thou fall in the day, and the prophet also shall fall with thee
in the night, and I will destroy thy mother.” Now, what are we seeing
here? The religious leadership, the prophets and the priests of Israel, were just as wicked and sinful as the ordinary guy on the street. In fact, they
were leading the people into all this wickedness, as we’re going to see later
in Hosea. It was the leadership that took them down. I was thinking yet this
morning, sometime before we came up here, the old Southern Baptist preacher--I
think he was president of the Southern Baptist Convention way back in the 40’s
or 50’s. I’ve referred to him on the program before, Vance Havenor. He made
the comment that as he was a little boy walking through those huge pine forests
in the Carolinas, one day he noticed that when a tree died, where did it start
dying? At the top. That was the point of his sermon. That if a denomination
or a nation is going to die spiritually, it starts with the leadership! Every
nation that has ever fallen or every empire that has ever fallen started its
fall at the top. Look at our vast denominations
today. My, the people out in the pew write to me one after another, “Les, what
can we do?” Well, it’s not the guy in the pew that’s going down the tube, it’s
the leadership. And it’s the same with Israel. It was the priests who were
going into wickedness and ungodliness--verse 6. Hosea 4:6a “My people (Israel) are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I
will also reject thee,…” Well, what’s He talking about? They had no
understanding of God and His principles. They had no understanding of who God
really was! That’s why they could go and fall prostrate before some female
goddess. All right, but now I’ve got
another verse that comes to mind. Come back with me to I Corinthians chapter
2. These biblical principles go from cover to cover. From Adam to the end of
the Age and they never change. And what’s the warning? That’s why we teach.
Oh, I want people to come out of their ignorance of the Scriptures. When I use
that word ignorance, I’m always quick to follow up with what? Ignorance isn’t
lack of brain cells. When I say someone’s ignorant, I’m not putting them down
for being unable to learn. Someone who is ignorant is untaught. And they’re
untaught because someone else has failed in their duty to teach. Here Paul is
writing to Gentiles. I Corinthians 2:7 “But we speak the wisdom
of God in a mystery, (That which was wrapped up in secrets held in the
mind of God and now revealed through this apostle.) even the hidden wisdom,
which God ordained before the world (In other words, before eternity
past ever ended, God already knew about this apostle--) which God
ordained before the world to our glory.” Now, look at verse 8. This
is the verse I came for. I Corinthians 2:8a “Which none of the
princes (or the leaders) of this world knew:…” Now,
you’ve got to remember who were the leaders of the world at the time of Paul? Rome and the Temple leadership in Jerusalem, the Priests. All right, now what did the
leaders of Rome and the Priests of Israel do? They killed the Messiah. All
right, here it is. I Corinthians 2:8 “Which none of the
princes of this world knew: (In other words, who Jesus was.) for
had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.”
Now, isn’t that plain English? Had they known who He was, they would have
never attempted to put Him to death! They’d have known better than that. But
they didn’t know who He was. And whose fault was that? Leadership! Somebody
failed in teaching the principles. It’s the same way today. Why
is the very mass of Christendom so ignorant of the Scriptures? Teachers aren’t
teaching. That’s the only reason I carry on. Yes, I’d like to quit. I
sometimes get tired, and I’d like to just say, hey, let’s forget it. No, I
don’t dare! We have to keep teaching. We have to let people know what this
Book is all about. That yes, Jesus of Nazareth was the Creator God of the
universe! And had they known it, they would have never crucified Him. But
they didn’t know. All right, I’ve only got a few minutes left. Let’s go back
to Hosea chapter 4, once again, reading on in verse 6. Hosea 4:6 “My people are destroyed
for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject
thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of
thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Now remember, they’re
steeped in idolatry. What was the first commandment? Come on, you people, you
know your Ten Commandments. What was the first one? “Thou shalt have no
other gods before me, neither shalt thou bow down unto them.” The
first commandment! And what’s Israel doing? Breaking it. Nationally. Hosea 4:7-9a “As they were increased,
so they sinned against me: (In other words, the more they grew in
number, the deeper they went into sin and wickedness.) therefore, will I
change their glory into shame. 8. They eat up the sin of my people, and they
set their heart on their iniquity. (That’s all they lived for was their
sinful lifestyle.) 9. And there shall be, like people, like priest:…” What
does that do? There was no difference. The priesthood was just as guilty of
sin and wickedness as the ordinary Jew out there, as we say, on the street. I
guess I should say out there on the trail, or whatever. There was no
difference. Hosea 4:9b-10 “…and I will punish them
for their ways, and reward them for their doings. 10. For they
shall eat, and not have enough: (What does that speak of? Food
shortage. Famine. They’re not going to have a full day’s food supply.) they
shall commit whoredom, and shall not increase: (In other words, in
spite of all their sexual activity, it’s not going to result in more citizens
for Israel.) because they have left off to take heed to the LORD.” Now
verse 11, this could almost come out of Proverbs, couldn’t it? Hosea 4:11-12 “Whoredom and wine and
new wine take away the heart. (In other words, a wicked lifestyle takes
away all recognition of the God of Scripture.) 12. My people (Israel) ask counsel at their stocks, and their staff declareth unto them: for the
spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from
under their God.” Now, this is not sexual whoring. We’re talking about
spiritual. Chasing after idols. Don’t get the two confused. The Nation is
chasing after the worship of the pagan idols. All right, now the next verse
makes it plain. Hosea 4:13a “They sacrifice upon the
tops of the mountains, and burn incense upon the hills,…” I’ve got to
stop again. Why did, in antiquity, they always set their idols up on the
hilltop? They thought they were getting closer to the real God who was above
the idols. So they would set them up on the mountaintops. All right, then
there was another favorite place for putting their idol or their place of
worship, under a shade tree. Why? Because the Middle East gets hot! It gets
hot, and they didn’t want to be worshipping out there in that hot Middle
Eastern sun. Hosea 4:13b “…under oaks and poplars
and elms, (under the shade tree) because the shadow thereof is
good: (It feels good on a hot summer day to get in the shade.) therefore
(Because Israel’s mentality is steeped in idol worship.) your daughters shall
commit whoredom, and your spouses shall commit adultery. 14. I will not punish
your daughters when they commit whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit
adultery: for themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with
harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall.” What’s He talking about? Well,
you have to know history. At the heart of all pagan idolatrous worship were
the what? The female priestesses. What were the female priestesses?
Prostitutes brought in as part of temple worship. Well, now you see, when the
powers that be would come out and actually confiscate the Jewish daughters and
take them into the temples, God didn’t hold them responsible. That’s why He
said, He would not punish these daughters of Israel who ended up in these
temples as temple prostitutes. They had no control over that as they were
victims. This is the whole picture of Israel. They are so steeped in idolatry that it is even bringing in their daughters and
their sons and their young husbands to the whole temple environment. And the
temple environment in antiquity was rotten to the core. I can’t emphasize it
enough, that, yes, Israel was finally broken of all this; but what becomes the
idols of today? Materialism--with all of its temptations and all of its
tempting, especially of our young people, to go into those things that are
contrary to the Word of God. Okay, good to see everybody in
again this afternoon and a beautiful, beautiful day in Oklahoma. We hope the
rest of you out there in the countryside are experiencing the same thing.
Again, we always like to welcome our television audience to a simple Bible
study. Yet, we don’t want to just stay simple; we want to get into the deeper
things. I usually like to cover things that I’m sure you don’t get in your
Sunday school quarterlies. But, nevertheless, we don’t want to get beyond what
folks can understand and learn to study and use your own Bible at home. We are getting response to that
affect, that, oh, they’re enjoying their Bible. So, hopefully the Lord is
accomplishing what He wants to accomplish. Again, we have to always thank you
for your prayers, your kind letters, and your financial help. After all, we do
have to pay the bills. And the Lord has always provided. I don’t have to have
anybody make appeals. I don’t have to. The Lord takes care of it every
month. So we thank you all from the depths of our heart. All right, now we are going to
continue our study in the Book of Hosea. For those of you out in television, you
can be turning to Hosea chapter 5. We’re going to start at verse 1. But
again, we always like to make a little review update. Hosea, of course, is one
of the Minor Prophets, which are minor only because they’re shorter in length
than the Major Prophets. They say much the same thing. In fact, you compare
the Major Prophets to the Minor Prophets, and it’s almost the same thing. As I was preparing this, I
couldn’t help but think, you know, I so often apologize for repeating, and yet
people constantly tell me – keep repeating! You know, that’s what the Book
does. Do you realize how much it repeats and it repeats and it repeats?
Because see, we’ve all got thick skulls. Israel had a thick skull. That’s what
it takes before it finally soaks in. So anyway, in these first four chapters
that we covered in our last taping time, the theme was that Israel as a
whole--the divided Kingdom, remember the two tribes to the South were Judah and
Benjamin and the ten tribes to the North, are called Ephraim or Israel-- yet
their dilemma was the same. They had all fallen into idolatry. Now, we’ve got to be reminded
that when God first brought the Children of Israel into the Promised Land, what
did He instruct the Israelites to do with the Canaanites? Now, we think it’s
awful. We think it’s cruel. But what did He instruct them? Don’t leave a
one of them alive. Put them all to death. Why? Because God knew that if
as much as one of them lived, it would be like leaven. We’re going to be
looking at that later this afternoon. And little by little Israel would fall to the Canaanite gods and goddesses of paganism. The only way God could guarantee
that it wouldn’t happen was not to have any around. Well, that was impossible you
might say. So, a lot of the Canaanites stayed with them. And as Israel came up through history, they went deeper and deeper and deeper into idolatry. Even
though the Temple was still operating down there at Jerusalem, the priests were
just as rotten as the average Jew on the road. So consequently, this is what
the prophets are dealing with – Israel’s abject unbelief and idolatry and how
God is going to punish them for it. The purposes, of course, filter down and
become applicable, I think, to at least three areas even for us today: Nations,
Hierarchy of Denominations and Local Churches, and the Individual. Now think
of that, as we look at all these things, that all these warnings deal at those
levels. First of all for a nation and
I’m constantly keeping our own beloved America in the back of my mind as I read
this. We are a perfect parallel with the Nation of Israel. Oh, of course, we
haven’t got a Temple. We haven’t got the prophets. But nevertheless, we’ve got
the Word of God in every home. Our government has been saturated with it. You know, when we were in
Washington a few years ago, I knew it from my old high school history, but it
still doesn’t sink in like when you see it – that in every monument: the
Jefferson Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Memorial -- everything
is surrounded with Scripture! That’s what those men rested on; it was the Word
of God. What a heritage! Israel was the same way. They came in as the chosen
people, the Covenant People. They had all the promises of God. Yet when they
began to turn against it, they asked for their own judgment. We’re in the same place as a
nation today. We are asking for judgment to come. Because always remember,
just because you and I sit here as believers and maybe most of our circle of
friends and relatives, yet we are such a small minority anymore that we’re not
going to stop the judgment from coming. When it does come, we’re going to
suffer right along with the rest, because that’s exactly what happened to Israel. It was only a small minority that was still true to Jehovah, but when judgment
came, they suffered right along with the rank unbelievers. So, the whole scope of
especially these little Minor Prophets, but also, of course, the Majors –
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and so forth – was to castigate, to scold, to warn
Israel to turn from their idolatry. You remember in our last taping how we
pointed out that this is what’s really meant when God accuses Israel of adultery, of chasing after whores and so forth. It wasn’t physical sexuality, it was
spiritual idolatry. When Israel embraced the idols and the gods of the pagan
world, it was spiritual adultery. Never forget that. Well, you say, we’re not living
in an idolatrous culture. No, but you know what took the place of idolatry? Materialism.
All our materialism is the idolatry. It’s the purpose for all of our
ungodliness. All you have to do is just close your eyes and think about Hollywood since the 30’s on up. What has Hollywood been? Hollywood has been the epitome
of materialism, and they have funneled their rot to the whole world. Well,
we’re no different than Israel. So, as we read these things,
don’t just say, what’s he doing way back here in Hosea and Israel 700 years BC? It has nothing to do with me. It is so apropos for today. We’ll bring it up
to the New Testament in short order. All right, so the warning is, all the way
through, that if Israel doesn’t turn from their idolatry, God is going to judge
them with invading armies. They’re going to suffer at the hands of the Gentile
world. All right, chapter 5, let’s just drop in at verse 1. Hosea 5:1a “Here ye this, O priests;…”
Now stop right there. Where are we starting? At the religious leadership!
You remember I said in the last taping, that one old theologian who was well
known, Vance Havenor, made the statement that whenever he was a little boy
walking in the forests of Carolina, he’d see that those big beautiful pine
trees would start dying where? At the top! That’s exactly what we’ve got
here. He’s addressing the priesthood of Israel. Why? They were just as
rotten as the rest of them. Hosea 5:1a “Hear ye this, O priests;
and hearken, ye house of Israel; and give ye ear, O house of (Who?) the
king;…” Now, am I making my point? It was the religious leadership.
It was the political leadership. They led the nation, rank and file, down into
this horrible state of idolatry. Hosea 5:1b “…O house of the king;
for judgment (God’s wrath) is toward you, (the
leadership) because ye have been a snare on Mizpah, and a net spread upon
Tabor.” Now, the casual reader probably
would never catch it. What’s he talking about? Well, those were two mountains
in Israel where evidently there was a pretty good population of edible birds.
Now, they didn’t have shotguns in those days. They didn’t go quail hunting and
so forth. So, how did they catch the edible birds? Well, with nets. As the
birds would fly, they could encircle them with the nets. All right, that’s
exactly the correlation that the writer is putting with the leadership of Israel. They are netting the rank and file of Israel to follow them in their wickedness
just like a fowler would do it to catch edible birds--verse 2. Hosea 5:2 “And the revolters are
profound to make slaughter, though I have been a rebuker of them all.”
Now, what does the word slaughter imply compared to slay or kill?
Well, it’s more ruthless, isn’t it? Killing is one thing, but slaughter is
something else. Slaughter is what we do to animals. Israel had gotten so far down the tube that it wasn’t just a matter of killing any more, it was like
slaughtering. Hosea 5:3 “I know Ephraim,
(That’s the other name for the ten northern tribes.) and Israel (That’s the other name, also.) is not hid from me: for now, O Ephraim, thou
committest whoredom, and Israel is defiled.” Now, I’ve already told
you, but what is he talking about? Embracing idols! We’re not talking about
sexuality here. We’re talking about spiritual idolatry--verse 4. Hosea 5:4 “They will not frame
their doings to turn unto their God: for the spirit of whoredoms is in the
midst of them, and they have not known the LORD.” Why? Because they
were wrapped up in idols. But now, just to stretch the point as we get further
on this afternoon, along with their idolatry, they will still make some kind of
worship toward the Temple and refer to the Lord. Ridiculous, isn’t it? Yet
you know what? We’re seeing it today. Oh, they are so far a-field biblically,
and yet they speak of the Lord. They speak of Christ. Totally ridiculous, but
let’s get the lesson straight from Israel--verse 5. Hosea 5:5 “And the pride of Israel doth testify to his face: therefore shall Israel and Ephraim fall in their iniquity; Judah also shall fall with them.” Judah, the southern Kingdom, they’re just as
bad. Not quite as bad, I shouldn’t say just as. They weren’t quite as bad.
They’re not going to really fall under God’s judgment until about 75 years
later, but they’re well on their way. They can’t sit down there and think,
“Boy, I’m glad we’re not like Israel. I’m glad we’re not idolatrous like the
northern Kingdom.” Yes, they were. The only thing was, they hadn’t come
quite as far. Hosea 5:6-7 “They shall go with their
flocks and with their herds to seek the LORD; (Oh, they’ve got the Lord
on their mind.) but they shall not find him; (Why? Because
they’re too steeped in their idolatry. They’ve got all the other gods and
goddesses that are filling their real thinking.) he hath withdrawn
himself from them. 7. They have dealt treacherously against the LORD: for they
have begotten strange children: now shall a month devour them with their
portions.” Now, the month is just simply a short period of time
compared to their overall history. So it amounted to nothing time-wise. Now
then verse 8. Hosea 5:8 “Blow ye the cornet in
Gibeah, and the trumpet in Ramah: cry aloud at Beth-aven, after thee, O
Benjamin.” Now, Benjamin was one of the tribes of the southern
Kingdom. So, what you really have here are cities that were really spiritually
good cities in Israel’s origins, but now they’ve become cities of wickedness
and idolatry. All right, verse 9. Hosea 5:9-10a “Ephraim shall be
desolate in the day of rebuke: among the tribes of Israel have I made known
that which shall surely be. 10. The princes of Judah (That’s your
southern Kingdom, now.) were like them that remove the bound:…” Now, what do you suppose he’s
talking about? Well, let me show you from Scripture. Turn with me to
Deuteronomy chapter 19 verse 14. Now, this is all part of the law. And they
were totally ignoring it, breaking it. In fact, I think we come to one
portion, before the day is over, where they had broken every one of the Ten
Commandments, routinely. That’s how far down the tube they were. Now, you see, all of us can be
guilty of breaking one of them now and then. We’re all lawbreakers. But to
break all Ten every day? That was Israel. All right, here’s one of them, not
in the actual Ten, but it was associated with the Civil Law. Deuteronomy 19:14a “Thou shall not remove
thy neighbor’s landmark, which they of old time have set in thine
inheritance,…” What’s he talking about? Well, your property lines.
The cheater and the wicked, the ungodly, would do what? Go over and reset them
to his benefit. All right, now come back to Hosea. That’s exactly what they
were doing, along with all of their other stuff. There was nothing that these
Israelites couldn’t do to break God’s law. They were guilty of everything in
the Book. All right, verse 10 again. Hosea 5:10 “The princes of Judah were like them that moved the bound (property lines): therefore I will
pour out my wrath upon them like water.” Now listen, we’ve got to stop
and think. I know we’ve all heard the expression “sin is sin.” Yet we are so
prone to think, “Well, a sin like moving my neighbor’s property line isn’t as
bad as committing adultery.” Oh no? In God’s mind it is. Sin is sin, and
it’s breaking His Law. Hosea 5:11-12 “Ephraim is oppressed and
broken in judgment (In other words, God’s wrath that’s coming about.) because
he willingly walked after the commandment. 12. Therefore will I be unto
Ephraim as a moth, (Now, you know what he’s talking about? A moth that
simply chews holes in the wool.) and to the house of Judah as rottenness.” Now, this isn’t pretty language. Why not? God is trying to get
their attention. Now, you’ve got to remember,
these prophets didn’t just minister for a week or two or for a year or two.
Hosea probably ministered for almost 40-50 years, maybe more than that. It was
over this period of time, at the same time Hosea is prophesying, that you also
have Isaiah. Isaiah and Hosea. All these prophets were on the same page, we’d
say, trying to convict Israel of their gross iniquity, their idolatry. But
they wouldn’t listen. They’re being warned that judgment is coming, and it’s
going to come in the form of invading armies--pagan, invading armies whose
soldiers have no moral boundaries. What’s that going to do for the women and
girls? Well, your imagination is as good as anybody’s. But see, this was
their prospect. All right, read on, verse 13. Hosea 5:13a “When Ephraim saw his
sickness, and Judah saw his wound,…” In other words, when they saw
what was possibly happening, and that God was going to chastise them. Instead
of repenting, I guess is the word we can use here, and falling on their knees
prostrate before their Jehovah and asking God to forgive them and to restore
them, what do they do instead? Well, read on. Hosea 5:13b “…then went Ephraim went
to the Assyrian, and sent to king Jareb: yet he could not heal you, nor cure
you of your wound.” So, what did they do? They went to a pagan
neighboring country asking them to take league with them in defeating their
enemies. That was the last thing God
wanted them to do! Now we have another instance where one group went to the
Assyrians, Israel--the northern Kingdom. The southern Kingdom went to Egypt, saying, oh, help us! The Babylonians are coming. They tried to make league with
foreign countries. That isn’t what God wanted. God wanted them to just depend
on Him. But they couldn’t do that. It’s a sad commentary. And then verse
14. Hosea 5:14 “For I will be unto
Ephraim as a lion, (Like that beast that will take its prey and drag it
off.) and as a young lion to the house of Judah: (The two
Kingdoms.) I, even I, will tear and go away: I will take away, and none
shall rescue him.” Now, as we go into the next
verse--I may not be able to finish all this in this program. If not, we’ll
just carry it on into the next one. Hosea 5:15a “I will go and return to
my place, (I feel that here God is speaking through the prophet.) until
they acknowledge their offence, and seek my face:…” Now, they hadn’t
gotten to that place. They still haven’t. I think this is a reference now to
Christ’s first advent when He came, and He came to His own, but His own what
received Him not. Here is the prophecy. Hosea 5:15a “I will go (He’s
going to appear to the Nation of Israel. They’re going to reject Him. The
Father is going to call him back to His place in Heaven.) I will go and
return to my place, (What’s the next word?) until (Another
point in time) they acknowledge their offence,…” Now, when we speak of a
singular offence with regard to the Nation of Israel, what one horrible sin would
it have to be? Well, the crucifixion. The rejection of their Messiah. That’s
their offence. Hosea 5:15b “…they acknowledge their
offence, and (then they will in some other future day) seek my
face: in their affliction they will seek me early.” In other words,
even sooner than what God had maybe intended. All right, so get the picture
now. Here we have God speaking that He would go to the Nation of Israel, and
He would be rejected. He would return to His place at the Father’s right hand,
and He would remain there until they would acknowledge their offence. All
right, now let’s see something else that has to happen. Come back with me to
Psalms chapter 110 verse 1. This all fits together. Psalms 110:1 “The LORD said unto my
Lord, (In other words, God the Father said to God the Son, after He’d
been rejected.) Sit thou at my right hand, (What’s the next word?
It is a time word.) until (Now, it doesn’t give the month and the
day and the year, but it gives a point in time when something is going to
happen.) I make thine enemies thy footstool.” In other words,
when God will have the whole planet earth utterly destroyed and ready for His
return, then He will arise from that seated position, and He will return and
set up His Kingdom. All right, now we have another
reference to that. Let’s jump all the way up to Hebrews chapter 1. A little
different circumstance, of course, but it’s still the same act of Christ
ascending back to Glory and sitting at the Father’s right hand. He will stay
there, positionally speaking, until His Second Coming. All right, Hebrews
chapter 1 and we’ll start at verse 1. Hebrews 1:1-2 “God, (the Triune
God) who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto
the fathers by the prophets, (That’s why we’re studying Hosea. This
was God speaking to the Nation of Israel, but we can still draw application.) 2.
Hath in these last days (That is His first advent.) spoken unto
us by his Son, (The Second Person, as we speak of Him, of the Triune
God.) whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made (or
created) the worlds;” Here’s another reference to God the Son
being the Creator of everything. But here’s the verse, verse 3. Hebrews 1:3a “Who being the brightness
of his glory, (He was really and truly God.) and the express
image of his person,…” Now, I think I’ve got time enough. We’ve got
three minutes. All right, keep your hand in Hebrews. This is the way we
teach. Come back to Colossians chapter 1, so that we qualify the express image
of His person. What does that mean? Let’s start in verse 14 so that we make
sure we know who we’re talking about. We covered this I think not too long
ago. Verse 14: Colossians 1:14-16 “In whom (That is
the Son of verse 13.) we have redemption through his blood, even the
forgiveness of sins: 15. Who (So, we know who we’re talking about, the
One who shed His blood, God the Son.) who is the image (or the
visible appearance) of the invisible God, the firstborn of
every (or is before every) creature; 16. For by him
(God the Son) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are
in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities,
or powers: all things (everything) were created by him, and for
him:” All right, now come back to
Hebrews. This is the same one we’re talking about as being “the
brightness of His glory, the express image of his person.” He was the
visible manifestation of that invisible God. Now, that’s what we have to keep
hammering home! You know, I’ve said over the years (fifteen of them now or
more), why don’t more people ask: “Who is Jesus Christ?” Most don’t really
know. That’s who He is. He’s the creator of everything! He’s from eternity
past, and He’ll go into eternity future. Hebrews 1:3 “Who being the brightness
of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding
all things by the word of his power, (Now, what does that mean? He
spoke the word and the universe appeared. He speaks the word to the dirt and
Adam comes up. He speaks the word to the waves roaring on Galilee and
everything calms down. That’s what it means.) when he had by himself
purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high;” Just like Psalms 110 verse 1
says, “Come sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies thy
footstool.” Then what? Oh, He arises from that seated position, and
He will return and yet fulfill the prophecies. Okay, good to see everybody back.
You’ve had your coffee. My, you folks out in television don’t know how these
gals supply all of the goodies for the whole afternoon. It’s about like a
banquet table back there, isn’t it? Anyhow, we always thank all the ladies
here. Now, you know, way, way, way back when we first started, Iris did supply
the cookies and stuff for it, but it got way beyond her. So, now she’s
scot-free, and the rest of the gals have picked it up. But anyway, if you’re
ever in the Mid-west and you can hit Tulsa on a first Wednesday afternoon of
the month, stop in and spend the afternoon with us. It’s so interesting to meet
people from out of state. Okay, let us get right back
where we left off. We’re going to start where we finished; then I’m going to
jump right back up to the New Testament. So, if you’ll come back with me to
Hosea chapter 5, the last verse and going on into chapter 6. Then we’ll have to
jump up to Matthew 24. Hosea chapter 5 where we left in the last
program--verse 15, and as I said, this is the Lord speaking through the
prophet. He says: Hosea 5:15 “I will go (to
planet earth) and return to my place, (As we showed, to the
Father’s right hand.) until they (the Nation of Israel) acknowledge
their offence, and seek my face: (Which now, of course,
we know was the crucifixion, the rejection of His offer to be their King.) in
their affliction (In other words, they are still suffering because of
it.) they will seek me early.” Well, you know it’s been 2,000
years, but they certainly had no idea that it would be that long. Now, as we
jump right down into chapter 6, you want to remember that in the original
writings there were no chapter breaks, so this is still dealing with His having
come and returned to Glory, now verse 1 of chapter 6. Hosea 6:1 “Come, (The
Nation of Israel is responding.) let us (the Nation) return
unto the LORD: for he hath torn, (See, this is the coming chastisement
that’s constantly prophesied.) and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and
he will bind us up.” Now verse 2, this is interesting, and I’m
surprised that hardly anybody ever makes reference to it. Hosea 6:2a “After two days…”
Now we know that Peter says so plainly “with the Lord a thousand years is
but (What?) a day, and a day is like a thousand years.”
Well, I think we can legitimately use that here. Hosea 6:2a “After two days,
(two thousand years) will he revive us:…” My, and isn’t that
exactly what we’ve seen in the last hundred years now? They started coming
back around the turn of the century. And like the bones in Ezekiel 37, they
came together. It wasn’t long until the land became productive. The Nation
began to prosper. In 1948 they declared to the world that they were now an
independent state. Since 1948, it’s been nothing but an increase in their
population and in their prosperity. God has blessed them materially. But, the
future chastisement and judgment is still going to come because of all their
unbelief and their idolatry back here. It’s all accumulating. But
nevertheless, back to the text in verse 2. Hosea 6:2 “After two days, he will
revive us: (He will bring us back to a spiritual entity.) in the
third day (or in the third thousand years) he will raise us up,
and we shall live in his sight.” Well, I think that’s a reference to
the Kingdom, when finally they will see all the promises come to fruition. But
before that happens, they’re going to go through 2,000 years of sorrow and
heartache and oppression. That will culminate with the Great Tribulation.
That’s what we’re going to look at next – what faces the Nation of Israel
because of God’s wrath on their unbelief and their rejection. We’ll pick it up
now in Matthew 24. Now, we feel that Matthew 24 is
all Tribulation ground. It’s the final seven years of Daniel’s 490 year
prophecy in Daniel 9. In the middle of which Daniel wrote that this man
anti-Christ will go into the then rebuilt temple and will defile it and will
usher in those last three and one-half years, which are going to be as much
hell on earth as the kingdom will be heaven on earth. It’s going to be beyond
human description. But let’s take the whole
picture. We’ve got time. Start in verse 1 of Matthew 24. This, of course, is
toward the end of His earthly ministry. Matthew 24:1-2 “And Jesus went out, and
departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to show him the
buildings (or the complex) of the temple. 2. And
Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? Verily I say unto you,
There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown
down.” Of course, that was fulfilled with the Roman invasion of A.D.
70. That’s when that happened. All right, now move on to verse 3. Matthew 24:3-4a “And as he sat upon the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to him privately, (Without a press of any multitudes,
just Jesus and the Twelve, and they said--) Tell us, when shall these
things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the
world? (Or the end of the Ages--next verse) 4. And Jesus answered
and said unto them,…” Now, this is all appropriate for us, because I
think we’re seeing the beginnings of all this even though we’re not in the
Tribulation. Once in a while I get a phone
call or a letter, “Are we in the Tribulation?” Oh, heavens no! We’re not in
the Kingdom either. Some people think that. No, Satan is out there alive and
well, and the world is getting more wicked by the day. This cannot be the
Kingdom, but it’s nothing like the horrors of the Tribulation that’s coming. I read an article last night.
I don’t even want to repeat it to anybody. It was by somebody who has
supposedly been in the middle of a lot of this government in the last five to
ten years. When he prognosticates--I think that’s a word--when he
prognosticates what is coming, I tell you what, it’s enough to give you goose
bumps and shake you to your toe nails. I keep hoping the Lord will come before
it gets that bad. But listen, it’s going to get awful. The world is getting
set for it. You know, I’m an optimist. I’m
not a pessimist. I’m an optimist. I have been ever since I was a kid. But on
the other hand, I have to recognize that our American economy is the proverbial
house of cards. It could collapse in twenty-four hours. And if it collapses,
I don’t even want to think of what it’s going to be like. You don’t even have
to try. You know what it’s going to be like. All you have to have is a power
outage for twelve hours, and it is pandemonium. But what if it’s nationwide?
What if it gets worldwide? That’s what the world is getting ready for. But as
an optimist, I say it’s not going to happen until after we’re gone. But, whatever--here is a
description of the Tribulation. The Lord is speaking of it in terms and all we
can do is say, well, if that’s what it’s going to be after it starts, hey,
we’re already seeing a lot of it being laid out as previews of it. In fact, in
some of my seminars lately I’ve started out with the question that the
Pharisees asked Him, and He said, “O you hypocrites, you can look at the
sky and predict tomorrow’s weather (you know the verses) but you
can’t discern the signs of the times.” Well, this is what I’m trying
to get people to realize. We are now at a point where we should be able to
read the signs of the times that the end is near. Now, we don’t set dates, but
we’re getting close. Of course the number one sign of the end time is the Nation
of Israel. After being disbursed for 2,000 years, they’re back in the
homeland. They’re in the news everyday. Well, it’s screaming at the world
that that’s the sign that the end of this Age is near. All right, so now back
into Matthew 24 verse 4. Matthew 24:4 “And Jesus answered and
said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.” Well, that should
immediately stop you in your tracks. What does that mean? There’s going to be
tons of deception. And, oh, we’re seeing it. The TV and the internet is full
of it. Most of it is total deception. There is very little truth anymore. Matthew 24:5 “For many shall come in
my name, saying, I am Christ; (I’m the Messiah) and shall deceive
many.” Well, now I read here a while back that there is something like
a thousand men--a thousand men around the world that are claiming to be
Christ. And the Tribulation hasn’t even started yet. So, you can imagine what
it’s going to be like. All right, verse 6. Matthew 24:6-7 “And ye shall hear of
wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must
come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7. For nation shall rise against nation, and
kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes,
in divers places.” Now, we’re just seeing the beginnings of it. But,
once the Tribulation starts, they’re going to be compounding day by day. Matthew 24:8-9 “All these are the
beginning of sorrows. (Or travail, the horror that’s still coming.)
9. Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye
shall be hated of all nations for my name’s sake.” Now, that’s Israel’s future. The day is coming when they aren’t going to just have anti-Semitism pop
up here and there. It’s going to be worldwide. It’s going to devastate the
Jewish people. Matthew 24:10-12a “And then shall many be
offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another. 11. And
many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. (That’s just a
repetition of up there in verse 4.) 12. And because iniquity shall
abound,…” We have no idea how gross it’s going to get. Because you
have to realize that even in other areas of the world there are still decent,
moral people that are keeping the brakes on the outflow of wickedness. Even
though they may not be believers, they’ve got enough good sense of morality
that they still act as a brake to it. But once the Tribulation starts, that’s
all going to collapse, and wickedness is going to come in like a flood. Matthew 24:12-13 “And because iniquity
shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. 13. But he that shall endure unto
the end, the same shall be saved.” Now, I feel that that’s physical,
not spiritual. If someone has the wherewithal to survive all these horrors,
and they’re fortunate enough, they can come to the end of the Tribulation and
still be living physically. We know there will be some. There will be a third
of Israel and there will be a smattering of Gentiles. So, we know that there
are going to be survivors. “And this gospel
of the kingdom (The very Gospel that Jesus and the Twelve were
preaching to Israel--that He was the promised Messiah and King.) shall be
preached in all the world...” Now, I maintain that this is when the
Great Commission will be fulfilled. This is when the 144,000 young Jews will
literally circumvent the planet. They’re going to preach the same thing that
Jesus and the Twelve preached, and that is that Jesus is the King and He’s
coming to set up His Kingdom. And indeed He will be, and so that’s what will
be preached. Matthew 24:14b “…shall be preached in
all the world for a witness unto all nations: and then shall the end come.”
They’re going to succeed in penetrating every nation, tribe, and tongue with
their gospel of the Kingdom, before the Tribulation ends. All right, now in
verse 15 we jump up to the mid-point. He qualifies it with the word back in
Daniel. Matthew 24:15 “When ye therefore shall
see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in
the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)” Let’s know what
he’s talking about. Now, I think for benefit of our
newer listeners, let’s go back to Daniel. Let’s show folks what Jesus is
confirming and what He’s talking about. After all, if the Creator of the
universe says it, we should be able to believe it. Daniel chapter 9 and let’s
see, that’s verse 27. Daniel has delineated the first 483 years, which would
take place up until Christ’s first advent or His crucifixion, when He satisfies
and makes the end of sin and so forth. But now comes the final seven years of
that 490 year prophecy. Here is where we get our teaching of the Tribulation’s
final seven years. And Jesus confirmed it. Daniel 9:27a “And he (The
anti-Christ, this prince that shall come) shall confirm (or make)
the covenant with many for one week:…” Or seven
years. Now, logic tells us today that this is going to be a peace treaty
between Israel and the Arab world. Finally the Middle East will have a
semblance of peace. All right, it’s going to be a miraculous thing. No human
element could ever bring it about, because the hatred runs too deep. But when
God moves in, even the Arabs are going to be willing to make peace with the
little Nation of Israel. All right, it’s going to be a seven-year peace
treaty. Now, here it comes. Daniel 9:27b “…and in the midst of the
week (or the middle of the seven years) he (the
anti-Christ) will cause the sacrifice and the oblation (That is,
the ritual of Temple worship. He’s going to cause it--) to cease,...”
Now, I always stop there and I ask the question--before something can stop,
what does it have do? It has to start. And we know there hasn’t been
any Temple worship for 2,000 years, which means, that this peace treaty will
allow Israel to rebuild a Temple. Now, it won’t be gold and silver and cedar
like Solomon’s. I think, personally, and this is my own idea, I think it’s
already pre-fabbed and standing in a warehouse in Israel. They’ll set that
thing up in two or three days time and it’ll be functional. It won’t be
beautiful, but it will be functional. Israel will suddenly be back under the
Law and Temple worship. Three and a half years later, the anti-Christ goes in
and defiles it. Daniel 9:27c “…he shall cause the
sacrifice and the oblations to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations
(Just to make it so horrible that the Jews can’t stand it.) he shall make
it (the Temple) desolate, even until the consummation,
(that is the end of the seven-years) and that determined shall be poured
upon the desolate. (or the desolator.)” In other words, all the
prophecies concerning that final three and a half years will be fulfilled. All
right, so there’s what Jesus is referring to. Now, come back to Matthew 24,
again. Now He’s giving a little indication of what these last three and a half
years are going to be like. The first three and half are certainly no Sunday
school picnic. Don’t ever think that for a minute, because Revelation tells us
that by the end of the first three and a half years, one fourth of the world’s
population will die. And that’s a bunch of people. That’s almost two billion
people who will lose their life in three and a half years. But, it’s nothing
like the second half. All right, reading back in Matthew 24, drop down to
verse 16. Matthew 24:16 “Then let them which be
in Judaea flee into the mountains:” Now remember, Jesus is speaking
prophetically to the Nation. When you see this event, when you hear it, when
you see it on television that the anti-Christ has gone into the Temple and has defiled it--I think he’ll be copying what Antiochus-Epiphanies, the Greek
General, did back in 300 and so BC. He went into the Temple of Israel and poured hog’s blood on the altar, which is a good indication of what this guy will
probably do. But whatever, he’s going to defile it somehow, and it’s going to
infuriate the Jews. But Jesus said, don’t try to fight him, don’t try to do
anything but flee. Run for you life. All right, verse 16 again. Matthew 24:16-18 “Then let them which be
in Judea flee into the mountains: 17. Let him which is on the housetop not
come down to take anything out of his house: (Time is of the essence,
so don’t try to take along some heirloom or some beautiful piece of furniture.
Get out of town. Run for your life.) 18. Neither let him which is in the
field return back to take his clothes.” Now again, we always have to
bring Scripture up to date. At the time that Jesus is speaking, Israel is what? It’s an agricultural country. They’re sheepherders. They’re orchard
keepers. They’re farmers. Very few were metropolitan. But now, of course,
the working class isn’t out there in the countryside. It’s in the city. But
it’s still the wage earning area. That’s what he’s addressing here. As field
workers are now the scientists, the Silicon Valley in Israel, all the electronic engineers and all your manufacturing and all of the things that are
associated with an economy today, they are instructed – leave your work place.
Run for the mountains. Don’t go back home to your condo and pick up an extra
set of clothes. You haven’t got time. So, time is of the essence. All right,
reading on: Matthew 24:18-20 “Neither let him which is
in the field return back to take his clothes. 19. And woe unto them that are
with child, (Young pregnant women.) and to them that are nursing
in those days. (It’s going to be a hard go for those gals.) 20.
But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on the sabbath
day:” Now remember, at the beginning
of the Tribulation they went back under the Law and Temple Worship. What did the Law include? Well, they couldn’t walk over what? The couldn’t walk over
¾ of a mile on the Sabbath day? So, the Lord takes that into consideration. He
says pray that this won’t happen on a Sabbath day or your
religion won’t let you leave town. Interesting, isn’t it? Matthew 24:21-22a “For then
(Beginning with that mid-point of the seven years) shall be great
tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world (All the
way back to Adam, there’s never been three and a half years like this.) no,
nor ever shall be. 22. And except those days should be shortened,…” Now, I can take that word shortened
and find enough Greek to mean that it’s not going to go beyond twenty-four
hours. It’s going to end at the end of the seven years with the return of
Christ. It’s not going to go a week over. It won’t be a week short, because
God is meticulous in His timing. I’ve always made that statement. Same way
when Galatians says, “in the fullness of time, God sent forth His Son,
made of a woman, made under the law.” Was it a week late? No. Was He
a week early? No. He came on the exact day that God specified. Well, the
same way here. All right, so verse 23. Matthew 24:23-24a “Then if any man shall
say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not. 24. For there shall
arise false Christs, and false prophets,…” That’s again repetition.
But this is the setting for Israel in the seven years Tribulation. The first
three and a half they’ll go back under Temple Worship. They’re going to be
invaded, of course. Now, I don’t know if I’ve got time to go into all that or
not. Only three minutes left? Hardly! In that case, let me take you
back to Revelation chapter 12. Now we pick up John’s account of this escaping
remnant, as I refer to them. In Revelation chapter 12 and the woman, of
course, in this chapter and all the way through is a reference to the Nation of
Israel. I’m going to bring you all the way down, because of our time to verse
5. Revelation 12:5-6a “And she brought forth a
man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: (That’s
looking forward to His Kingship. Now we come back to the time of His first
advent.) and her child was caught up unto God, and his throne.
(That is when God said sit at my right hand until…) 6. And the
woman fled into the wilderness,…” That’s the group of Jews we
talked about in Matthew 24. So, the woman flees into the wilderness. We
don’t know where it’s at. Some thinks it’s Petra. I don’t argue the point.
But it’s going to be someplace where God is going to put them under an umbrella
of safety. She’s going to go to the wilderness. Revelation 12:6b “…where she hath a place
prepared of God,” Now you want to remember, we’re into the realm of the
supernatural again. This is beyond the human element. God is going to take
care of this fleeing remnant of Israel. The ones we just read about in Matthew
24. Revelation 12:6c “…that they should feed
her there (God is going to feed her there) a thousand two hundred
and sixty days.” That’s three and a half years. All right, now you
come on down, or over, to verse 13. Revelation 12:13-14 “And when the dragon
(That’s the anti-Christ, indwelt now by Satan.) saw that he was cast unto
the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. 14. And
to the woman (again this remnant of Israel) were given two wings
of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into
her place, where she is nourished (God will take care of her.) for
a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.” For
three and a half years He’s going to protect this remnant of Israel. All right, then I’ve got to bring you all the way down to verse, well, I guess verses 15
and 16. Revelation 12:15 “And the serpent cast out
of his mouth waters as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be
carried away of the flood.” Now, I feel that that’s just simply a
command from the anti-Christ, who’s headquartered in Jerusalem, to send a
military contingency after this escaping remnant of Israel to destroy them.
And then the earth opens up and swallows the anti-Christ’s army and protects Israel. And then verse 17: Revelation 12:17 “And the dragon was angry
with the woman, (This escaping remnant.) and went to make war
with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ.” I feel that’s the 144,000. So, the remnant
will go into a place of safety. The 144,000 will preach the Gospel of the
Kingdom to every nation. For those of you joining us on
television, I think I mentioned in the last program, if you’re ever in the
Mid-west and you can get into Tulsa for a Wednesday afternoon come in and do an
afternoon of taping with us. We always appreciate especially out-of-staters,
because, well, there’s just something about it to know that we’re reaching
beyond Oklahoma’s borders. All right, we’re just a Bible
Study. Again, we like to always thank our listening audience for everything
that you make possible. We thank you for your letters and for your prayers.
Keep praying for us and even our daughter. How she appreciates the fact that so
many people are praying for her. It does make a difference. All right, we’re going to go
right back in and keep working at this Book of Hosea. I kind of wanted to
finish it today in the next program, but we’ll have to wait and see. But now
chapter 7, I’m going to skip over a few verses in chapter 6 and go on into
chapter 7. It’s still God’s controversy with the Nation as a whole, but the Northern Kingdom in particular. When we speak of Ephraim, or Israel, we’re talking about the northern Ten Tribes. Judah and Benjamin, of course, are
down at the south where they still have the Temple worship. Don’t ever forget
that. That all the while we’re dealing with all this idolatry, they’ve still
got the Temple worship. The capital of Israel (Northern Kingdom) was Samaria. Don’t lose sight of that. You know, it just comes to mind
when I maintain that Jesus never had a ministry among anyone but Jews. He had
nothing to do with Gentiles except the two mentioned. Then I get letters that
say, well, what do you do with the woman at the well? She was a Gentile. No,
she wasn’t a Gentile. She was a Samaritan. Samaritans were these tribes of
the north. After they had been taken captive, some either came back or remained
and they are intermarried. So, the Samaritans of Christ’s day were half-breed
Jews. That’s why they were detested by the rank and file Jew. But they were
Jews. They weren’t Gentile. And Samaria was the capital of the Northern Kingdom. All right, I just had to get that in. Hosea 7:1 “When I would have healed
Israel, (the Northern Kingdom) then the iniquity of Ephraim
(That’s the other name for the Northern Kingdom.) was discovered, (In
other words, God couldn’t heal them because they still were not turning from
their idolatry.) and the wickedness of Samaria: (Now, Samaria was Jews.) for they commit falsehood; and the thief cometh in, and the troops
of robbers spoileth without.” Do you see what a society they had
become? It was rotten to the core. That’s what the Scripture calls them. Hosea 7:2-4 “And they consider not in
their hearts that I remember all their wickedness: now their own doings have
beset them about; they are before my face. 3. They make the king
(Here we come again, we go right to the top of the political spectrum.) glad
with their wickedness, (He saw nothing wrong with all the rot that they
were doing.) and the princes (That is the next echelon below the
king.) with their lies. 4. They are all adulterers, (They
were all mixing their Judaism with idolatry.) as an oven heated by the
baker, who ceaseth from raising (that is the dough) after he hath
kneaded the dough, until it be leavened.” Now, whenever I read something
like this in the Old Testament, I’m reminded of when Iris and I were at Pompeii. There were big, outdoor brick-made ovens. Of course the baker would come in the
night before and get the dough kneaded and ready. Then early in the morning,
as the guide would explain it to us, they would put the bread into the ovens so
the citizens of Pompeii would be ready to come down and buy fresh bread in the
morning. Well, you have it here. Israel, or the Northern Kingdom, is going to be likened now to a baker and his ovens. I’m going to
come back here in a little bit, but I want to continue on with this thought, so
come on down to verse 6. Here is an analogy of how Israel was spiritually.
They are like an oven. Hosea 7:6 “For they have made ready
their heart like an oven, whiles they lie in wait: (In other words,
they’re waiting for the bread to be baked, and so forth, so they can take it
back home.) their baker sleepeth all the night; (He’s not paying
attention to anything. And while he’s sleeping all the night, the fire that is
heating the oven is not controlled, but it’s what?) in the morning it
burneth as a flaming fire.” He hasn’t been minding his business. All
right, now you’ve got an overheated oven. This is interesting. At least I
think it is. Here we have an overheated oven, verse 7. Hosea 7:7 “They are all hot as an
oven, and have devoured their judges; (In other words, they just
simply ruined anything that smacked of goodness.) all their kings are
fallen: there is none among them that calleth unto me. 8. (God says.) Ephraim,
(again, the Northern Kingdom) he hath mixed himself among the people; Ephraim
is a cake not turned.” Now, we’ve got to come back to
the oven concept. Here you’ve got this red-hot oven, and you’ve got a sluggard
baker. He puts the dough in, and it’s likened to a pancake, now. It hits that
hot oven, and he doesn’t turn it. So, what happened? Well, the bottom side is
black as coal and the topside is still raw. Can you eat the stuff? Now, my
wife has never done that! But you get the picture? That was Israel--like a cake not turned. That’s bad enough. But it was a cake that was put in an
uncontrolled, heated oven. It was worthless. You got the picture? That was Israel. All right, now let’s jump back up and pick up verse 4. Hosea 7:4 “They are all adulterers,
(Spiritually--they are all worshipping pagan gods.) as an oven heated by
the baker, who ceaseth from raising (who does not take care of his
business) after he hath kneaded the dough, until it be leavened.” Now,
I have to stop at that word leavened. In Scripture, what is leaven
always likened to? Sin! And it’s always with that impression that when leaven
enters it doesn’t stop until when? It consumes the whole. That’s the whole
idea of leaven. It’s always pictured as evil in Scripture. So, when we go back to Israel going into the land of Canaan, as I referred to it in the last program, why did God instruct
them to kill all the Canaanites? Because if one of them was left alive with
his idols, he would be like what? Leaven. And that’s exactly what it was.
Now, it took a few hundred years, but the leaven did its work until it
permeated the whole Nation of Israel. All right, let’s not leave it with Israel. Let’s bring it up to our own day and time. Come up with me to I
Corinthians where Paul uses the same analogy. I Corinthians chapter 5 and this
is where you can compare Scripture with Scripture. Don’t just write the Old
Testament off as inappropriate. I was going to use the verse when I started
this afternoon and I forgot, but it’s in Romans 15 verse 4. What is it? Yes,
you’re nodding your heads. You all know it. Now all these things were
written aforetime for our learning. Well, I hope you’re learning.
I hope you’re getting the picture of how ungodliness and rebelliousness
destroyed the Nation of Israel. Hate hasn’t quit, and Satan hasn’t quit. All
right, I Corinthians chapter 5, drop in at verse 6. Now, this is just after
the church at Corinth has found gross immorality in their midst. And, just like
today, instead of weeping over this sinful act and situation, what were they
doing? Well, they were making light of it. They were glorying in it – well,
at least I’m not like that guy. So, here’s the admonition. I Corinthians 5:6 “Your glorying is
not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth (How much?) the
whole lump? Now, what’s the warning? We’re dealing with the local
church here, of course. If you don’t deal with this, it won’t be long and
somebody else can say, well, if he’s doing it, why shouldn’t I? And it just
keeps coming and coming until finally the whole congregation finds nothing
wrong with some of these gross misdeeds. And that’s always the danger. If sin
isn’t dealt with, it just continues to work like leaven. Now again, like I said at the
beginning of our first program this afternoon, what did I tell you? All of
these warnings of Israel have a multi-layered application. First, whether it’s
a nation and it works with nations – as their leadership goes – the next level
goes. It goes right down to the population. All right, we can bring it into
the Spiritual realm. A denomination--where does a denomination start to get
rotten? At the top. And then comes the next layer. Then it gets into the
seminaries. From the seminaries it goes out to the congregations and the whole
is leavened. Then bring it down to the
individual. No individual is all of a sudden going to go clear out into a life
of carnality overnight. Rather, it’s a gradual thing. And unless the Lord convicts
us and brings us back, we are prone to just keep slipping and slipping and
slipping. Of course, we call it backsliding. But nevertheless, it’s the
constant warning that once sin makes an entrance, it’s going to be just like
leaven. It’s going to continue to work until it is totally excluded. All right, now let’s jump back
to Galatians chapter 5, and, oh my, I almost have to start at verse 1. This is
too good to skip! Paul has just come out of chapter 4 using the allegory of
Ishmael and Isaac, who were pictures of Law and Grace. Ishmael was of the
flesh. God didn’t tell Abraham to go have a child with the slave girl. That
was of the flesh. It was Sarah and Abraham. All right, but God told Abraham
that he would have a son that was promised. That was Isaac. All right, now in
chapter 4 God, through the Holy Spirit, causes Paul to write that Ishmael was a
picture of the flesh (it was the Law, Judaism, it was fleshly) as over against
Paul’s Gospel of Grace, which is spiritual. It’s heavenly and all the rest.
So, he makes that analogy. In fact, go back to chapter 4,
verse 25. Galatians 4:25a “For this Hagar
(the mother of Ishmael) is Mount Sinai in Arabia,…” Well, good
heavens, what happened at Mount Sinai in Arabia? Moses got the Law! All right,
so that was a picture of Ishmael, of the flesh. The Law was fleshly. It had
no real power. Now on the other hand, up in verse 26 of chapter 4. Galatians 4:26 “But Jerusalem which is
above (that’s our connection) is free, (liberty, total
freedom) and is the mother of us all.” As believers. That’s
Grace. Okay, but come all the way down
to chapter 5 verse 1. I wasn’t intending to do this. This is all coming off
the top. I can’t help it. Galatians 5:1a “Stand fast therefore…”
Now, that’s positionally. Don’t be wishy-washy. Don’t listen to this preacher
and say, well, he must be right. Then don’t listen to me and say, well, Les
Feldick must be right. Then tomorrow you listen to somebody else, well, now
that doesn’t agree with Les, but he must be right. No. Don’t be swayed with
every wind of doctrine. Stand fast. You know, I usually use the term – set in
concrete. That’s still the best. Just set yourself in concrete and stay in
the Word, especially in Paul’s Grace that he teaches. Galatians 5:1 “Stand fast therefore in
the liberty (the freedom) wherewith Christ hath made us free, (How?
By taking our sin in that work of the cross.) and be not entangled again
with the yoke of bondage.” The Law. Legalism. Now verse 2. Galatians 5:2 “Behold, I Paul say unto
you, that if ye be circumcised, (as part of salvation) Christ
shall profit you nothing.” You know when I teach this I always say you
can put anything in there that you can do in the flesh. I don’t care what it
is. Church membership. Baptism. Repentance of sin. Tongues. Giving. You
name it. If you’re going to put that in as part of your salvation, you’ve
canceled the cross. You’ve just literally put an “X” through it, because God
will not have it, because He finished the work of salvation. It and it alone
is going to get us to Glory. All right, so he says, “I
say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing.”
Verse 3. Galatians 5:3 “For I testify again to
every man that is circumcised, (Now be careful. Are you using this as
your salvation?) that he is a debtor to do the whole law.” If
you’re going to use one part of legalism, you’ve got to carry the whole thing
through. And no man can do it. Galatians 5:4 “Christ is become of no
effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; (or by
works) ye are fallen (or you have turned your back) from
grace.” It doesn’t mean you are saved and lost. Don’t ever buy that.
It just simply means that if you’re depending on something other than the
Gospel, the finished work of Christ, then you are rejecting God’s Grace. All
right, now I’m getting down to the word I want down in verse 9. Galatians 5:5-7 “For, we through the
Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith. 6. For in Jesus Christ
neither circumcision availeth anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith
(and faith alone) which worketh by love. 7. Ye did run
well; who did hinder you that ye should not obey the truth?” Now, you remember the problem
with the Galatians was that false teachers were coming in and telling them that
they had to do this and they had to do that and that Paul’s Gospel alone wasn’t
sufficient. So Paul says, what’s happened to you? Who fried your brain?
That’s what I asked somebody the other day. I said, “Who fried your brain?
How in the world do you get so goofed up?” But, oh, they do. Oh, you can’t
believe what people come up with. All right, here Paul is saying the same
thing. Verse 7 again. Galatians 5:7-9 “Ye did run well;
(You were off to a good start.) who did hinder you that ye should not
obey the truth? 8. This persuasion cometh not of him that
calleth you. (This isn’t God’s doing. Now, here comes the verse.) 9.
A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.” Now, what was it saying?
If you’re going to bring in just a little bit of legalism, it’s going to ruin
everything. You’ve just got to keep it out of the picture. And it’s not
easy. Oh, they want to always put you
in a place where you’ve got to do something, and God won’t have it. And so a “little
leaven leaveneth the whole lump,” and that’s always been the case. I
guess I can go back to Adam, can’t I? Adam dumped in the first bunch of yeast,
and it’s been working ever since. It’ll never stop, until time stops. It’s
the same way, like I said before. It can happen in a government. It can happen
to a denomination. It can happen in an individual. Where just a little bit of
sin comes in, and if we don’t deal with it, it just keeps working, working,
working, and working. It’s insidious. Really. Okay, well enough of that, I
hope. Let’s come back to Hosea, once again, chapter 7 and we’ll move on. A
different concept is going to come up now. Now we move away from the baker and
his over-hot oven and the blackened cake. Now, we come to verse 9. Hosea 7:9 “Strangers have devoured
his strength, (That is Israel’s, Ephraim’s.) and he knoweth it
not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not.”
In other words, maturity should have been showing some sense of knowledge and
understanding, but they couldn’t get it. All right, verse 10. Hosea 7:10-11a “And the pride of Israel testifieth to his face: and they do not return to the LORD their God, nor seek him
for all this. 11. Ephraim also is like a silly dove…” Now, you know birds haven’t got
a lot of brains, do they? That’s why we call them “bird brains.” They flip,
flop, flop, flop and all that. All right, that’s the analogy now. They’ve
been just as short of brainpower spiritually as a little bird. And
you’re just like a silly dove. Hosea 7:11b “…without a heart: they
call to Egypt, they go to Assyria.” Well, for what? Come and defend
us! You get the picture. They knew they were about to be invaded by the
Babylonians. Old Nebuchadnezzar down there is raising a rumpus in Babylon. They knew he was coming. So, instead of getting on their knees prostrate before
God, they forget about God and go down to Egypt. Help us! We’re going to be
invaded! And another bunch went to Assyria, who was up there a little bit
north of Babylon. Come and help us. Now, you see, that’s the last
thing God wanted Israel to do. It goes all the way back to when they wanted a
king. Why did they want a king? Well, all the rest of the world has got
kings. God says, but you’re not like the rest of the world. I don’t want
you to have a king. I think it’s the same way today. Israel wants to be accepted by the nations of the world, and God won’t have it. They never
will. God has set them apart. Now, you know, I have a hard
time agreeing with the ultra-orthodox over in Israel. If you know anything
about the Judaism in Israel, there are several categories. But, the
ultra-orthodox, the guys with the big, long beards and the black hats and the
black coat, they won’t let their sons serve in the Israeli army. They don’t
want Israel to fight any wars. What’s their concept? God will do it. Well,
like I say, on one hand I think, yes, they’re right. Israel should just let God do it. But on the other hand, in the real world, will it work? I don’t
know. But that’s their concept. We don’t have to raise an army. We don’t
have to fight. God will do it. Well, whatever. Down here in this verse, they
didn’t depend on God. They ran down to Egypt. Help us. The Babylonians are coming.
Others went up to Assyria. Help us. The Babylonians are coming. All right,
now verse 12. Hosea 7:12a “When they shall go, I
will spread my net upon them; I will bring them down as the fowls (or
the birds) of the heaven;…” Here we’ve got the net again--the
bird net. How they would catch the birds. The silly birds didn’t have brains
enough to get past the net. Hosea 7:12b-13a “…I will bring them down
as fowls of the heaven; I will chastise them, as their congregation hath heard.
13. Woe unto them! for they have fled from me:” Oh,
they can run up to Assyria. They can run down to Egypt. But they can’t give
Me a minute of time. Hosea 7:13b “…for they have fled from
me: destruction unto them! because they have transgressed against me: though I
have redeemed them, yet they have spoken lies against me.” Now, don’t
let that word redeemed throw a curve at you. You want to remember that in this
case what is God speaking of? They’re His Covenant People. They’re not like
the rest of the world. He has set them apart. But they’ve rejected the role
that God has given them. Hosea 7:14a “And they have not cried
unto me with their heart,…” They aren’t in contrition asking God to
spare them. God take away our enemies. No. They’re trying to do everything
in their own power. And what do you suppose is the main reason? They didn’t
want God in their life. They’re having too much good time in their
wickedness. They didn’t want any spiritual life. Hosea 7:14-16a “And they have not cried unto
me with their heart, when they howled upon their beds: they assemble themselves
for corn and wine, (in other words, banqueting) and they rebel
against me. 15. Though I have bound and strengthened their arms, yet do they
imagine mischief against me. 16. They return, but not to the most High: They
are like a deceitful bow:…” Now, what does that mean? Well, the bow
is a reference to the bow and arrow. So, what’s a deceitful bow? One that’s
crooked and can’t shoot straight. See how these little tidbits come up?
They’re just like a bow that can’t shoot straight. It’s just simply
constructed to shoot crooked. That was Israel. Hosea 7:16b “…they are like a deceitful
bow: their princes shall fall by the sword for the rage of their tongue: this
shall be their derision in the land of Egypt.” Even the pagan Egyptians
will scorn these idolatrous, wicked Jews. All right, now we’ve got a
couple of minutes left. Let’s go on into chapter 8. Maybe I can skip a few
places here, and we can wind it up in the next half hour. All right, chapter
8: Hosea 8:1-3 “Set the trumpet to thy
mouth. He shall come as an eagle against the house of the LORD, because they
have transgressed my covenant, and transgressed against my law. 2. Israel shall
cry unto me, My God, we know thee. 3. Israel hath cast off the thing that is
good: the enemy shall pursue him.” In other words, God is going to let
it happen. Hosea 8:4 “They have set up kings,
but not by me: (They didn’t consult with God about anything.) they
have made princes and I knew it not: of their silver and their gold they have
made them idols, that they may be cut off.” You see that? That’s how
steeped in idolatry the Nation of Israel was. They used their silver and gold
to make idols, just like the Ephesians did in Paul’s day. Hosea 8:5-6 “Thy calf, O Samaria, (Now, that again was an idol likened unto the golden calf, which was like
idols they had in Egypt.) hath cast thee off; mine anger is kindled
against them: how long with it be err they attain to innocency? 6. For from Israel was it also: the workman made it; therefore it is not God: but the calf (this idol) of
Samaria shall be broken in pieces.” Now, here comes a verse that
you’ve all heard sometime in your life. Hosea 8:7 “For they have sown the
wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind: it hath no stalk: the bud shall yield
no meal: (In other words, whatever they plant won’t amount to
anything.) if so be it yield, the strangers shall swallow it up.” If
anything does grow, the invading armies will get it. Hosea 8:8-9a “Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure. 9. For
they are gone up to Assyria, a wild ass alone by himself:…” Now, what
is that a picture of? Well, one little donkey out on the desert wouldn’t last
long, would it? Why, it would be taken by a wild animal in less than twelve
hours. And that was Israel. They were hopeless and helpless. Yet they
couldn’t recognize their need. Hosea 8:9b “…Ephraim hath hired
lovers.” Well, again, who were their lovers? Idols. Everything they
did was under the influence of idols. They rejected all the overtures of the
God of Israel. It’s a sad story, and yet it’s a lesson for us today. Okay, glad to have everybody
back, once again. This is program number four this afternoon, and then we can
be heading home. For those of you joining us on television, we trust that
you’re learning, and that you’re learning to study on your own. Don’t go by
what I say, but search the Scriptures and see that these things are really so,
because it’s an interesting Book. I had a fellow call me the
other day. He’d never had any interest. Never went to church. Caught my
program and now he says, “I can’t get enough of it.” And I said, “Interesting
Book, isn’t it?” He said, “There’s nothing like it!” Well, that’s the way it
is, if you’ll once get into it. It is so interesting that – well, that’s why I
like to bring out the little tidbits, you know. I like to bring out the little
things that the casual reader just goes right over. But, they’re there for a
purpose. Okay, I want to mention once
again that we’ve got a good supply of the one and only book we’ve ever
published. It’s eighty some questions with the answers taken from our
television material. We send them out postage paid for $11.00, if you are
interested in them. They make good Christmas presents. Young people like
them. We find that college age people really go for these question and answer
books. If you’re wondering what to give that grandson or that granddaughter, it
might not be such a bad idea. Okay, I think that’s all we’ve
got for announcements. We’ll go right back and keep going in Hosea. I don’t
know whether I’ll finish it this afternoon or not, but I always have high
hopes. I’d like to get Hosea all in Book 70. Hosea chapter 9 and we’ll start
right there at verse 1. Hosea 9 verse 1. Remember, the whole setting is still
the same--God’s controversy with Israel because of their idolatry. He just
can’t break them of it. I guess I should do this again. I haven’t done it in
a long time. Just to show you how ridiculously they hooked up with idolatry,
come back to Jeremiah. Keep your hand in Hosea, we’ll right back. But Jeremiah
44 says it all! Yet, it’s the Word of God. It’s inspired by the Spirit, so
it’s the way it was. This was the religious or the spiritual climate in Israel at the time of these prophets. Jeremiah 44, you’ll recognize it. We’ve looked at it
time and again. I always like to start at verse 15. This is exactly the way
it was. Jeremiah 44:15-16 “Then all the men who
knew that their wives had burned incense unto other gods, and all the women
that stood by, a great multitude, even all the people that dwelt in the land of
Egypt, in Pathros, answered Jeremiah, saying, 16. As for the word that thou
hast spoken unto us in the name of the LORD, we will not hearken unto you.”
See that rebelliousness? Jeremiah, we don’t care what you’ve got to say. We
don’t believe it! Jeremiah 44:17a “But we will certainly do
whatsoever thing goeth forth out of our own mouth, to burn incense unto the
queen of heaven,…” Who was the queen of heaven? The female goddess
Astarte, or Isis in Egypt, I think it was, Venus in Greece. They all had
different names, but it was the same corrupt, immoral female goddess around
whom all the sexual impurity that you could think of would revolve. Everything
you could think of in the realm of immoral sex was wrapped up in this queen of
heaven. Jeremiah 44:17b “…and (we’re
going) to pour out drink offerings unto her, as we have done, we, and our
fathers, our kings, and our princes, (Remember what we just saw in
Hosea? From the top to the bottom.) in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem: for then we had plenty of victuals, (or food)
and were well, and saw no evil.” Was that the truth? Well, it was a
lie! They were already feeling God’s chastising. They were already having
crop failures. They were already being threatened by invading armies. It
wasn’t all that good. All right, verse 18. Jeremiah 44:18a “But since we left off to
burn incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto her,
we have wanted all things,…” You see that? That wasn’t their problem.
Their problem was they were rejecting Jehovah. How could God bless the Nation
when they turned their back on him and went to a female goddess? Now listen, they were just as
human as we are. There was no difference. The human race hasn’t changed. My
goodness, our materialism today isn’t much different. My, they go to these
mega churches and they get entertained. You know, I don’t like to criticize,
and I’ve told people I’m not going to name names, but I had one of our
listeners go as a guest to one of these humongous places and she said, “Les,
for a solid hour I never once heard the name of Jesus Christ.” Never heard
the name. But, oh, it was church. Well, that’s what I have to
think of in the back of my mind when I look at Israel. They were no
different. Not one whit. All right, verse 18 again. Jeremiah 44:18 “But since we left off
burning incense to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto
her, we have wanted all things, and have been consumed by the sword and by the famine.”
But they weren’t putting it where it belonged. They were suffering because
they’d turned their back on Jehovah. Not because they’d quite offering
sacrifices to the queen of heaven, for goodness sakes! Verse 20 Jeremiah 44:20-21 “Then Jeremiah said unto
all the people, to the men, and to the women, and to all the people which had
given him that answer, saying, 21. The incense that ye burned in the cities of
Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, ye, and your fathers, your kings, and your
princes, and the people of the land, did not the LORD remember them, and came
it not into his mind?” You think God didn’t know what you were doing?
Now, have you got the picture? Okay, come back to Hosea chapter 9. Hosea 9:1-3 “Rejoice not, O Israel, for joy, as other people: for thou hast gone a whoring from thy God, (Now
remember, I’ve been stressing for the last eight programs that we’re not
talking about physical immorality. We’re talking about spiritual. They are
adulterating their relationship with God by going whole-hog over to idolatry.) thou
hast loved a reward upon every corn floor. 2. The floor and the winepress
shall not feed them, and the new wine shall fail in her. 3. They shall not
dwell in the LORD’S land; but Ephraim shall return to Egypt, and they shall eat
unclean things in Assyria.” Now, that’s another reference
to what we saw in the last program. Instead of going to God for their help,
instead of going back in repentance and asking God to restore them to a place
of blessing, what did they do? They go to Gentile nations. They went up north
to Assyria. They went down south to Egypt. Hey, we need help! But they
didn’t take God into their thinking. Now look, is America any different today? We’ve kicked God out of everything. You know, I think there’s a sign
in Muskogee, if I’m not mistaken. I think it’s still there that says, “How can
we expect God to bless when we’ve kicked Him out of everything?” That’s
so true. God isn’t in our national life anymore. We’re no different than
these Israelites. Materialism has become our idolatry. Hosea 9:4 “They shall not offer
wine offerings to the LORD, neither shall they be pleasing unto him: their
sacrifices shall be unto them as the bread of mourners; all that eat thereof
shall be polluted: for their bread for their soul shall not come into the house
of the LORD.” I’m looking for a place when we can come down to one of
these references now to the grapevine. I had it all picked out last night,
when I was ready for this, but come down to verse 16. We have Ephraim, again
that nation of the Ten Tribes. Hosea 9:16-17a “Ephraim is smitten,
(with idolatry) their root is dried up, (so far as their worship
of Jehovah) they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet
will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb. (even their
children) 17. My God will cast them away,…” Well, as I was looking at this
last night, I have to bring you up to the New Testament, because I want to use
it as much as possible. That’s what I try to do when I prepare all of this. I
don’t want to just stay back here. Now we’ve got to come up and get the New
Testament approach, as well. Come up with me to John’s Gospel chapter 15,
which is a portion that you all know. Yet I think it fits so appropriately with
what we’re seeing back in Hosea and all the prophets, as far as that goes. The vine and the branches, you
all know it. I haven’t taught it, I don’t think, ever on television. I teach
it other places, but I don’t think I’ve ever done it on television. So, this
is probably a good time to do it. During the Lord’s earthly ministry and He’s
speaking. Remember, whatever Jesus spoke, it was to what people? It was to Israel--under their Judaistic system and with reference to all these Old Testament things. John 15:1-2 “I am the true vine, and
my Father is the husbandman. 2. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he
taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit he purgeth it, (Or
prunes it, we call it today.) that it may bring forth more fruit.”
In other words, we’re speaking in terms of a grape vineyard. John 15:3-4 “Now ye are clean through
the word which I have spoken unto you. (Now of course, He’s talking to
the Twelve in particular, but the Nation of Israel in general. Now verse 4,
here comes the promise.) 4. Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch
(on which the fruit will appear) cannot bear fruit of itself, except it
abide in the vine; no more can ye except ye abide in me.” Now of
course, it’s no different for us as a believer in Paul’s teachings. We are
members of the Body of Christ and as such we feed on the Head. And as soon as
we lose that relationship, we’re worthless. All right, verse 5 and He repeats
it. John 15:5 “I am the vine, ye are
the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much
fruit:…” Now, here we come from one level of bearing to another. We go
from bearing fruit to much fruit. Then I think we’re going to come to more
fruit. John 15:5b-6 “…for without me ye can
do nothing. 6. If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a
branch, and is withered; (And a withered branch doesn’t produce
grapes.) and men gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are
burned.” All right, now this is not
speaking of someone saved and lost and needs to be resaved. This is totally a
reference to the Twelve as members of the Nation of Israel, and they’re placing
their trust in Him as their Redeemer, their Messiah, the Son of God, and all
the rest of it. And without a relationship with Him, they were as nothing. Of
course, that was again the vast majority of the Jews in Christ’s day. It was
only a small percentage that truly believed who He was. A small percentage.
The vast majority of Israel just continued on in their religion, but in
unbelief. But for those few, this was their relationship. Like the vine and
the branch and the fruit. John 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and
my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto
you.” Now, of course, that’s a promise that was intrinsic to Israel, and I always maintain in view of the coming Kingdom. When they would come into the
Kingdom, there would be no such thing as unanswered prayer. I’ll repeat what I
said earlier. Don’t tell me it works today. Because you do not pray and get
everything you pray for. If you do, I’ve never heard of it. But these people
had that, because they were in view of the earthly Kingdom over which Christ
would rule and reign. Satan would be off the scene. That’s a whole different
scenario than what we’re in today. But nevertheless, we can, just like the Old
Testament, glean from this. Now verse 8: John 15:8-9 “Herein is my Father
glorified, that ye bear much fruit; (not just more, not just the
average, but much fruit) so shall ye be my disciples. 9. As the Father
hath loved me, as have I loved you: continue ye in my love.” Then
here comes the legalist part. John 15:10 “If ye keep my
commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father’s
commandments, and abide in his love.” But the point I wanted to show
was Israel was like a grapevine whose branches had what? Withered. There was
no fruit bearing. They were steeped in idolatry and unbelief and consequently
the Nation was facing nothing but judgment. But always remember, as we’re
going to see, even, I think, before we get to the end of the Book of Hosea, no
matter how much punishment and judgment God was promising Israel, what lay
beyond it? Blessings! Blessings! And all of it is pointing to that earthly
Kingdom which will come after the horrors of the Tribulation, as we saw a
couple of programs back. So, never think for a minute
that God’s going to give up on the Nation of Israel. Never! He’s still going
to fulfill the promises that were made to the Fathers. Now, back to Hosea, and
let’s come on down to, oh, we’re still in chapter 9. Let’s come back a minute
for some of the area that I skipped over. Verse 6 Hosea 9:6-7a “For, lo, they are gone
because of destruction: Egypt shall gather them up, (They’re going to
run to Egypt for help, but Egypt will become their adversary rather than a
blessing.) Memphis shall bury them: (That’s a city
in Egypt) the pleasant places for their silver, nettles shall possess
them: thorns shall be in their tabernacles. (In other words again,
it’s not blessing. It’s what Deuteronomy calls curses.) 7. The days of
visitation are come, the days of recompence are come; Israel shall know it: the
prophet is a fool, the spiritual man is mad,…” Now don’t forget, remember when
we studied Isaiah? My goodness, how long ago has that been already? I was
constantly showing that in the Book of Isaiah there were three distinct times
of judgment and blessing in Israel’s future. When Isaiah was writing, the
first one was the coming. It was the Babylonian invasion and they would be
taken out into seventy years of captivity. When the seventy years are over,
then they would come back and rebuild the Temple, and the Nation would get
ready for the coming of Christ in His first advent. That was the first one. All right, the second great
judgment was A.D. 70 when Rome came in and destroyed the city and the Temple and the Jews were scattered into every nation of the world. All right, now we’ve
seen them coming back the last hundred years. They’re back in the land and
everything is getting ready for the next great judgment – the seven years of
Tribulation, which we looked at a little while ago. But following the
Tribulation – what? The Glory of the Kingdom, it’s finally going to come to
fruition, where Israel is going to enjoy all the blessings of the Kingdom. Now, I’m going to cover that
before we quit this afternoon. Maybe we should start taking a look at them
before we run out of time. The glories of the Kingdom – well, we really have
to go back to Isaiah. I’m going to start with Isaiah chapter 2. That’s really
the first instance that the prophecy is starting to look up, that there’s light
at the end of the tunnel. Isaiah chapter 2 and here comes the beginning of the
promise. Of course, Israel is going to still go through a lot of chastisement,
but this will be end result. Isaiah 2:2 “And it shall come to
pass in the last days, (in other words, just before the onset of
eternity) that the mountain (or the Kingdom) of the LORD’S
house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted
above the hills; and (Now here’s the key statement.) all nations shall
flow unto it.” Israel is going to be the apple of God’s eye. It’s
going to be the greatest nation on earth. Deuteronomy says -- They’re
not going to be the tail. They’re going to be the head. They’re not
going to be beneath. They’re going to be above. They’re not going to borrow. They’re
going to loan. They’re going to be the top, top nation of the nations.
That’s their prospect. All right, let’s jump ahead a
little ways to chapter 9. These are all promises that are going to follow the
final chastisement, which is the Tribulation. Then their Messiah will return
in power and glory and set up a kingdom like this world has never seen before.
That, of course, will usher on into eternity. Isaiah 9:6 “For unto us a child is
born, unto us a son is given: and the government (the righteous rule) shall
be upon His shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The
Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Those are
all terms associated with God the Son. Isaiah 9:7 “Of the increase of his
government and peace there shall be no end, (It’s just going to be
getting better and better on into eternity.) upon the throne of David, (Which
was in Jerusalem, remember.) and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to
establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The
zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.” It’s going to happen,
Beloved, in spite of all of Israel’s failures. God hasn’t forgotten these
promises. All right, let’s move on to
chapter 11. Oh, I have ball. I can do this in my own sleep! My, all this is
coming! Isaiah chapter 11 verse 1 Isaiah 11:1 “And there shall come
forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, (who was the father of David) and
a Branch (Capital B, it’s one of the terms of God the Son in the
Old Testament.) shall grow out of his roots:” So, out of King
David’s reign will come this glorious monarch of the King of Kings. All right,
verses 2 and 3. Isaiah 11:2-4a “And the spirit of the
LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of
counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD: 3. And shall
make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD: and he shall not
judge (or rule) after the sight of his eyes, neither reprove
after the hearing of his ears: 4. But with righteousness…” With all the
knowledge of the Godhead, He’ll know every person in His Kingdom. He will know
every detail. Nobody’s going to have to report to Him what needs to be done.
He’s going to have all the omniscience of the Godhead. Isaiah 11:4a “But with righteousness shall
he judge (rule) the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of
the earth:…” In other words, nobody will be downtrodden and left
without. Isaiah 11:5a “And righteousness shall
be the girdle of his loins,...” And then verse 6 -- you’ve seen me do
this over and over. Here we come into the physical attributes of this glorious
earthly kingdom, where – Isaiah 11:6-7 “The wolf also shall
dwell with the lamb, and the leopard with the kid; and the calf and the young
lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them. (My,
can you picture this? Use a little imagination. Here we have these little
kids out playing amongst the lions and the leopards and what have you. They’re
no longer carnivorous. They’re no longer mean and wild.) 7. And the cow
and the bear shall feed; their young ones shall lie down together: and the lion
shall eat straw like an ox.” Isaiah 11:8-9a “And the nursing child shall
play on the hole of the asp, (what used to be the poisonous snake) and
the weaned child (a little older kid) shall put his hand on the
cockatrice’s den. 9. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain:…”
In all my kingdom there will never be as much as a bruised finger. No child
will come running to Momma because they’re hurt. Nothing is going to go
amiss. It’s going to be heaven on earth. Isaiah 11:9-10 “They shall not hurt nor
destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth (The earth! This
planet!) shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover
the sea. 10. And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse, (Jesus the
Christ) who shall stand for an ensign of the people; to it shall the
Gentiles seek: and his rest shall be glorious.” Oh, we can’t even
begin to describe it. All right, let’s come all the
way up through the prophets, now. I’m going to bring you, with the time we
have left, to the little Book of Amos. That’s right after Hosea, Joel then
Amos. The last chapter, chapter 9 verse 13, this is going to be beyond
comprehension. No weeds. No insects. No drought. No flood. Everything is
going to be perfect! Verse 13 Amos 9:13-14 “Behold, the days come,
(It’s going to. God said it!) saith the LORD, that the plowman shall
overtake the reaper, (In other words, the guy getting the soil ready
will be waiting for them to harvest the previous crop. And it’ll be without
the sweat of the face. It’s going to be pleasant.) and the treader of
grapes him that soweth seed (He will be catching up with one who is
sowing the seed); and the mountain shall drop sweet wine,
and all the hills shall melt. 14. And I will bring again the captivity of my
people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and
they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make
gardens, and eat the fruitof them.” Boy, isn’t that a contrast from
Hosea? After all the chastisement,
after all the judgment, is going to come the glory of the blessings. But you
know, what we can’t understand is that it’s going to take 2,000 years. It is
actually 2,700 from the time that Hosea wrote this. But nevertheless, God’s
wheel grinds slowly. It’s coming! Verse 15 Amos 9:15a “And I will plant them
upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up…” That’s why I’m
convinced that we are close to the end time. Israel is back in the land and
nothing is going to chase them out! Nothing! Now, we have to take everything
into consideration. Do you think God will let a hydrogen bomb explode over Jerusalem? I don’t think so. It’s not going to happen, because Jerusalem is going to be
there when Christ returns. Israel’s remnant is going to be ready to come up to
the city and start enjoying the kingdom. So, I cannot see a nuclear explosion
happening over Israel. Now, the rest of the world? Very likely, but I don’t
think it’s going to happen to God’s city. Now, it’s going to come under
all the heavy boots of the invading armies. But to be flattened and turned to
ashes by a nuclear explosion? I just can’t see it happening. Israel’s glory, in spite of all of her wickedness, is still ahead of her.LESSON ONE * PART I
Hosea 1:1–2:18
Hosea 1:1–2:18
Hosea 1:1–2:18
Hosea 1:1–2:18
Hosea 2:14 – 4:14
Hosea 2:14 – 4:14
Hosea 2:14 – 4:14
Hosea 2:14 – 4:14
Hosea 5:1 – 9:7
Hosea 5:1 – 9:7
Hosea 5:1 – 9:7
Hosea 5:1 – 9:7
Copyright © 2006 Les Feldick Ministries. All rights reserved.